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timskijwalker (DayZ)

Random bann DE 888

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Hey guys,

Today I was waiting for the server restart and people were talking in group chat.. I was talking back.

1 second before the timeout was over someone made a random noice so i did as well.

next I know i get banned?? I never talk on side channel... and at least 6 people were just talking in group channel

I apologies and I was not aware of the issue.

Character name is either: Tim Skijwalker


I hope this problem can be resolved.

apologies once again for talking in group, in the future I will avoid voice chat in this channel as well.

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You deserve to be banned with a name like 'YOLO SWAGGINGS'


that would be a ban i could understand!

That's not me lol :b

well sucks for the dude in the video then

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Its sore loser's mostly that ban. If they lose something they want or die to another person (even though they have been killing plenty of newbs themselves) they tend to blame whoever that is and ban them. This just happened to me on another server. Killed a admin he whined called me a hacker and banned me. When in fact had nothing to do with hacking just pure luck and perhaps a map bug im not sure. But either way ive been banned from a server before that for just killing a admin. What happens is when 12 yo's get their parents to buy them a server and take control of it they abuse it. And there seems to be no fix for this at all. Its just the luck of the draw when your joining servers and pray you either get a cool admin or a inactive one.

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WTF....... Just got ban for killing admin and friend, all i can say is stay away from this server if this is the way they play the game get a focking life MAN

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