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Is there a sprinting glitch?

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Hi. Thanks for reading :)

So I've noticed lately while playing DayZ that most players use run (shift) instead of sprint (double tap "W" or forward move key), and I understand why: It makes less noise and you're less visible to zombies. Makes perfect sense.

But what if I told you that you could have the best of both worlds: Crouched run stealth + sprint speed?

I don't know if this is a bug, or something that is supposed to be part of Arma 2 as a short, quiet dash, but this is how the bug happens to me:

1: Double tap W

2: Hit X (or crouch button)

The hearing icon on the HUD goes from max bars to about half, or less than half in the forest, whereas the sight icon is 1-2 bars. I don't lose my running speed (I'm still sprinting), but I guess the game considers me crouched; I can literally sprint past a zombie and not be seen. It's quite amusing, but also concerning.

My other question is:

Does the combat role bug out for other people, too?

Running + V causes the combat role, right? Well 1/10 I try it, I can roll just fine, and then I can't get another role to work for at least an hour. Can you get too exhausted to be able to role? Do you have to hold V, or do you just tap it? It seems like it works more often when I hold it, but I could just be imagining it. I've been in too many gunfights/zombie fights where I try to look like a bad ass and instead vault while I'm 5 feet away from the target instead. So far not being able to combat role hasn't killed me, and combat rolling into objects hasn't killed me, which is nice.

Third glitch question:

When I go into the minor city part of Elektrovodsk (away from the industrial bloc + hospital) I like to go into the buildings near the edge where there's a staircase to get to the second floor, 2 ladders to get to the roof, and a 3rd ladder that goes to what looks like a rectangle on top of the roof that serves no function. On the top of said rectangle, there's a raised square at the center that can't be walked on, but if you vault, you can step into it; your legs clip through it without killing you. If you then lay prone, you go inside of the square. You're invincible/invisible. I don't want to put up a video example, because people that aren't already aware of this shouldn't be made aware of it, but if anyone else has done this, can you tell me? Or am I the first person to discover it...?

Thanks for the help. As my friends from across the Atlantic like to say:


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And another glitch:

Has anyone else used the sticky flare grenades?

That's the best name I have for them.

Basically, what I've discovered, is this:

1/10 times I throw a flare at a person or vehicle, it stick to them. At a player, I have to hit them above the waist or in the foot, and wherever they go, there will be a flare stuck to them. On a vehicle, it has to hit the windshield/front hood without bouncing off, and wherever the car drives, a giant ball of red light is with it (which makes it almost impossible to drive at night; I've made a lot of cars wreck this way).

I like to call it "Pegging," such as, "I pegged a bandit with a flare in Chernogorsk yesterday."

I'm trying to get a recording to show what I'm talking about, but so far I've got about 23.46 minutes worth of throwing flares, missing, and getting eaten by zombies >.>

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Is this accusation serious, or...? It would take a LOT of scripting to make a flare stick to someone. I barely know how to do this execVM camera.sqf

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About combat-roll/V:

I can do it several times in a row, just press it lightly, even after short interval (e.g. 5 seconds) from the previous one.

What I have seen however is that (depending on the server, so I guess it is ping-related) I can do a combat roll very easily on some servers whereas on others the player 99% of the times stops and vaults.

Maybe it is lag.


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Thanks, Anubis.

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