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Siggy (DayZ)

How to play this game

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How do you expect newcomers to play this game? We start with a flashlight, bandage and painkillers, none of us even know the map, we cannot find items if our life depends on it, i might find a barn here and there, i sneak inside 2 find nothing but empty soda cans then on my way out get chased by a shitload of zombies and die.

So what are we suppose to do? we are still learning the game yet we can't find a gun and where just walking around until we die because we can't do anything.

Anyone out there kind enough to give us noobies some tips on what to do.


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Welcome to DayZ.

All smug joking aside about how harsh and unforgiving this game is, this is why I see the need for a tutorial and a slightly increased weapon spawning rate. For you, guy, I'd suggest researching the game a little more. Look up a map and how to use it, and check out this video for everything else you need to know:

It teaches you not only the basics but some nasty little glitches to look out for and some tips to help you along. As far as not being able to find things/map... As much as I hate the excuse, this IS an alpha, so calm down a smidgen. Things like that are going to be rocky for a while because the devs aren't exactly focused on polishing a product in an extensive testing phase by making it extrememly user-friendly. As popular as this game seems to be now, they may look into it to keep in new players, but until then, you'll just have to grin and bear it.

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This mod is very demanding and so is the ArmA engine that it is based on. I understand how frustrating it can be for a newbie, but also I hope you appreciate the difficulty adds to the immersion factor of the mod.

I will give you some essential suggested tips for gearing up as a newbie.

1. Here is a map; http://teamfackin.com/moocow/dayz/map/ this will be invaluable to you. When you spawn in look at the bottom right to check your approximate location. In order to navigate effectively without a compass, look for land marks on the horizon and cross reference them with the maps to further pin point your location or your destination. The only reason we know the maps is by doing this, over and over. This map shows you loot spawn points. Your spawn point will be somewhere along the south coast.

2. You need to Head to Cherno or Elektro, whichever is closest to you. This is where you will find the most loot, but also you will find the most players and zombies there, be careful when you get there, search every building.

3. In towns, docks are safe zones, zombies will not follow you there. Run there if you get trouble and then figure out your next move.

4. Don't play at night as a newbie, as you gain more experience player, night time will become a viable time to conduct the majority of your activities for benefits of stealth, but for a newbie, it's a highly frustrating path that usually always leads to death.

5. Get a guide if you can. Meeting someone in game who speaks your language, has a mic and is willing to team up and show you the ropes can be difficult and most people recommend that you trust no-one. This is true, so the forums have become a great source to meet survival partners, groups and friends to play with. If you really need it, I will be your guide.

I hope that this helps you for now. Remember, this is difficult, not just for you, but for everyone. It never ends and it does not matter if you are a noob with no weapon or a pro with a ghillie suit and military weapons. We are all doomed to die, very soon. You will die, a lot, just like I have and everyone else, the aim is to hold it off as long as possible.

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This mod is very demanding and so is the ArmA engine that it is based on. I understand how frustrating it can be for a newbie' date=' but also I hope you appreciate the difficulty adds to the immersion factor of the mod.

I will give you some essential tips for gearing up as a newbie.

2. You need to Head to Cherno or Elektro, whichever is closest to you. This is where you will find the most loot, but also you will find the most players and zombies there, be careful when you get there, search every building.


Essential tips? You can't be serious?

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Essential tips? You can't be serious?

Please elaborate. Perhaps add something of value.

This worked for me and still does.

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Essential tips? You can't be serious?

Please elaborate. Perhaps add something of value.

This worked for me and still does.

Players who have recently spawned should never head to Cherno/Electro. Instead, they should head to inland or Berezino. Kamenka-Kamyshovo area is a warzone.

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Essential tips? You can't be serious?

Please elaborate. Perhaps add something of value.

This worked for me and still does.

I could see how someone could take issue with it. Maybe that bit isn't essential, because whether or not you decide to risk going to a big city for good supplies is dependent on your playing style. High risk, high reward and whatnot. Many players tend to scavenge around the map and stay away from the towns.

Of course, there isn't a defense for the useless, uninformative nature of the one criticizing your post for no discernible reason.

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Oh right, the part about heading to the large towns. Well I included a brief warning of the dangers associated with that venture, however, I believe that towns are the fastest way to gear up, everything that is required for survival can be found there. Not only that but they also contain medical supplies.

Aside from the issue of difficulties arising from moving around a town, I believe a town is where a new player will have the most immersive game experience, whether this ends in his death is irrelevant as it most likely will. But it is where he can feel the tensions of avoiding zombie hordes and make decisions on how to interact with other players, which, for me at least, is what the experience is all about.

Going to a town will accelerate your learning curve. Nothing in this mod is easy for a new guy. So you could perhaps be given advice to move north through the wilderness, looking for deer stands and barns and die a lot. Or move to the large towns which are closer and die a lot.

As always, finding someone to trust is difficult, most players will kill on sight if they can, zombies will be difficult if you have no weapon or very limited ammunition. So for now there is no comfort in the fact that you are on your own and you are going to die.

But now you have a mission to aim for, check the map I gave you and loot the areas that are plotted on it.

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I think that towns are where everything reaches a fevered pitch, but there's something to be said for skulking around small towns for ammo, trying to figure out how the zombies are moving, how to sneak in without being aggro'd, and how to get around the world without being shot.

It's unnerving and has this atmosphere that is still tense and frightening without having to be fast-paced. I DO think that everyone should visit the city every now and again to vary things up, but in my opinion, it's a deathtrap that usually should be avoided for anyone who wants to prolong their gameplay experience.

Plus I have more fondness for stealthy gameplay than the more COD stuff that can happen in towns (although I could never seriously compare the two, you must admit, it can seem that way at times).

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Just learn from each mistake as you die, just like the rest of us.

Took me forever to actually learn this game, In my opinion not much has changed in the new patches, it is still a harsh mistress.

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Thanks guys, i like how the game is hard to play but noobies do need a tutorial or some help.

Another question, once something has been looted does new items respawn there a certain time later or is that it, once it's looted nothing will respawn back there?

Can you find items out in the wilderness like on the ground or only in towns etc?

Any other info you would like to tell me please do so, im having difficulty playing this, still havent found a weapon.

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Bump can anyone answer that last question?

I ended up getting a weapon, made some zombies mad, climbed a 100 meter ladder while bleeding out, get to the top bandage myself, to find out they all followed me up the ladder.

Whats the go, since when can zombies climb ladders? i climbed a few yesterday while i had them chasing me and none of them followed me up, why did i get followed up that ladder?

Another question, once something has been looted does new items respawn there a certain time later or is that it, once it's looted nothing will respawn back there?

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