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alpha is ruthless

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lost my 5-day worth of shit due to walking in water today :D

nights so darn black couldn't see where i was going and walked into water off the pierce :D

lost my first GPS, biggest bag and some kool weaponry :D

people don't walk into water it'll fuk ur shit up :D

gota kill this fuking character tomorrow and start from scratch with new fuking char, alpha is fuking ruthless man :D

can i add one more fuking fuk fuk here please ? thanks :D i feel better now

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Enjoy the rare opportunity to participate in an "open" alpha.

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Walking in water and losing items is so brutal dude!!

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Walking in water and losing items is so brutal dude!!

well after killing over 900 zomboes and shit tons of bandits and surviving multiple gunshots and cuts with only <1k blood i say water was more dangerous that any of that fuking shit combined :D

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lol, months from how when this is released as a standalone game in the Arma 3 engine you can go up to ppl and be all like "dude, i remember back in alpha when . . ." xD

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if you walk in the water in Lingor you get eaten by aligators so loosing gear isnt that bad in reality LOL

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Walking in water and losing items is so brutal dude!!

well after killing over 900 zomboes and shit tons of bandits and surviving multiple gunshots and cuts with only <1k blood i say water was more dangerous that any of that fuking shit combined :D

hahaha isnt DayZ just the greatest.

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