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No loot and no zombies

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Hello everyone! :)

I've got some serious problem with no spawning loot and zombies.

I'm not spawning any of that. Nothing. :(

Alerady I tested this on a few servers and it's the same everywhere...

Even I reinstalled the game. Installed Arma, Arma OA, 2 patches (1.60 and 1.62), installed DayZ Comander and downloaded DayZ and updated Arma on the top of the update list.

Still no loot and even a one zombie... :(

Anyone had the same problem?

Oh... I play DayZ on 2core CPU, 4Gb of DDR2 and ATI HD 4600 series and it looks quite good...

Thank for your help. :)

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Try joining an official server :)

No loot or zombies happens when private server admins add scripts badly, usually it's the debug monitor or AI/NPC

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im getting the same problem even on official servers, also trying to eat/drink will take 5-10 mins and if u move before the action is done the food/drink goes from invent but no change to hunger, and is a pain when your running along and he just stops to eat in the middle of town, when loot like tents,wheels,windscreens,jerry cans etc appear try to pick up takes for ages and even when only 1 wheel there and only enough room for 1 in invent get message invent full and i have 10-20 wheels in invent lol.

its almost making the game unplayable and only fix i know is relog every 5 min's..F-that.

Edited by dkangel

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I've also encountered the "delay" while performing many actions, i.e harvesting wood, eating, drinking, adding items to toolbar, picking up tents, etc. It seems to happen every time I try to pick up a tent and quit often when I'm trying to put either my hatchet or flashlight back into the toolbelt. Sometimes my character will go on hush mode and won't make any sounds to alert the zombies, even after firing at them-they react to the sound of the gun but not my character. I've also encountered the no zombie or loot spawn as well, but a simple game restart will fix it and the other weird quirks too. Of course they keep coming back after some time playing.

I was told it's a client side issue. I'm assuming it has something to do with my steam install because every time I try to validate my local files it keeps saying one file failed to validate and redownloads a 816k file, for both ARMA 2 and OA. I've just finished uninstalling everything arma. did a CCleaner registry wipe restarted computer and am currently installing arma through steam again.

AMD Phenom II X4 995 3.2GHZ



In game setting: VERY HIGH / VERY LOW

Steam install with Play six dayz install

Win 7

Will update

Edited by Mr. Hyde

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