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My first survivor kill??

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So I was playing on one of the AVAgaming tavarna maps and was about 20 clicks north of the castle ( I presume there is only one ) I was looking for a vehicle as I am fully looted up with survival gear and a vehicle would have made a nice addition.

Anyhow I climbed this massive tower thinking I could get a better view from the top... I spotted one of those big jumbo planes, so I must have been close to an air port??

The server was going to restart so I didn't bother making my way down the tower to the plane.... Once the server restarted I rejoined and it logged me in at the castle??? Instead of my last known location, any who soon as I spawned I also noticed a fellow survivor spawn on the out walls of the castle, I was on the roof? Of the castle

I lost view of the survivor pretty quick so I decided to slowly make my way down the stairs, I then spotted the survivor before he spotted me and I was talking in direct chat to tell him to stop moving and do not look up, sooo he did stop moving and did not look up... But I now realise that was because he was looting a loot pile... He then continued to move up the stairs I told him to dnt come up the stairs I fired a warning shot but then he turned, looked at me fired a shot, and I killed him on the spot.

So I went down to loot his body but then for some reason my ping went crazy and I was kicked from the game:(

I do think the guy was friendly but he must not have herd me.

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dem feels brah.

dem feels.



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