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dual weild pistols?

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Anyone else reckon they should add this, i reckon it would be a really good idea

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Obvious troll is obvious.

No dual-wielding. Movies =/= Real Life/Simulators

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If the OP isn't trolling; no one in his right mind would ever dual wield. Even if you had to do something like suppressive fire, you would be better off putting one pistol on target, emptying the mag, and then switching to the other pistol to do it again.

Firing two pistols at once, it would be impossible to keep more than one of them on target.

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Dual-wielding javelins!

So bulky you wouldn't even be able to see.

Or walk, probably.

Still, would look funny.

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Impossible with the arma engine any way

All you have to do is create a first person weapon skin with two hands. The third person animations wouldn't have to be anything special, even if the second pistol didn't shoot in third person, I doubt many would notice.

I still think its a terrible idea, but it wouldn't be that hard to put in.

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I think it's a good idea.maybe later they can also add lightsabers!

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well lot of you talk trash and such, but have you ever shot with real guns? lets say classical glock G17 if you are shooting at 2 targets at the same time its actually more effective that using one gun and reloading(providing you have shot before) but things like that would be hard to implement in fps games. Only reasonable implementation would be two guns pointing forward at one taget and thats uneffective so yes dual guns would be bad, but if it was made like real life, its not so bad (reloading is another issue, but shooting itself is not so bad with two guns pointed at two targets )

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Omg this is not Hollywood.

I fired a real G17 and you are busy enough hitting one aim with one gun.

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We should also be able to dual-wield the Winchester' date=' just like in Call of Duty!



lmao, some hilarious days back in 2009

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Omg this is not Hollywood.

I fired a real G17 and you are busy enough hitting one aim with one gun.

i didn't say its easy but it's doable, anyways im out enjoy rest of your day. May it be warm and sunny and full of zombies ;)

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-1 absolutely not. Anyone who's suggesting this has never fired a weapon.

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...classical glock G17 if you are shooting at 2 targets at the same time its actually more effective that using one gun and reloading(providing you have shot before)...

That's only ever gonna be remotely effective at point-blank range, and then you're still gonna be better off using one pistol, unless maybe if your targets are 180 degrees apart.

You might be able to muscle through the recoil of two Glock 17s, but you'll never get proper posture and position.

Recoil control will be horrendous.

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well lot of you talk trash and such' date=' but have you ever shot with real guns? lets say classical glock G17 if you are shooting at 2 targets at the same time its actually more effective that using one gun and reloading(providing you have shot before) but things like that would be hard to implement in fps games. Only reasonable implementation would be two guns pointing forward at one taget and thats uneffective so yes dual guns would be bad, but if it was made like real life, its not so bad (reloading is another issue, but shooting itself is not so bad with two guns pointed at two targets )


I have fired a real gun. I can tell you this much: There is a reason behind why people don't dual wield. You don't hit shit. It's uncontrollable and silly. This is what CoD does to people.

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"With modern shooting techniques, there is very little value to shooting with a weapon in each hand. Using modern full capacity firearms, a shooter can fire more shots with greater accuracy using a single gun in a two-handed grip than two guns with one-handed grips. Also, modern semi-automatic pistols take only a few seconds to reload. At best, the technique is only effective at extremely close ranges of five to ten feet, since the recoil would make it hard to keep both weapons straight, and using the sights on the guns is next to impossible. Among the majority of professional firearms instructors,this practice is dismissed as extremely ineffective.This has also been tested and proven by the MythBusters."

Quote Wikipedia.

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yes guys i was being sarcastic making fun of cod people

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My goodness people, why must you be so focused on realism? i do hope you remember this game is about ZOMBIES. Why can zombies break the law of realism but when it comes to dual wielding pistols, you guys get all butt hurt about it?

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