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Stuck character in flat open area

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Date/Time:06/18/2012 10:00pm Pacific

What happened: When I log in my character is just in an open green area. Grass doesn't load (I see a green floor just nothing on top of it is loading) or anything else. My character cannot move or even bring up inventory. Trying to respawn does nothing either.

Where you were: I logged off in Stary Sobor last night but I don't thiis matters much because my roommate logged off in a different town and is experiencing the exact same problem I am.

What you were doing: Just logged in this way. I logged off fine last night.

*Current installed version: 1.7.1 I just ran Worrom's Day Z updater as well to make sure I am up to date. I do have the latest Arama 2 beta patch installed as well.

*Server(s) you were on: Any server I log into is this way

*Your system specs:

*Timeline of events before/after error:

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