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Forming a clan - Check it out!

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Hello everyone!

As the title says, I'm trying to form a clan, I have some info for you, some requirements and a few questions. I would appreciate if you read it all through and answered the questions, thank you! :)

Well, the reason I'm trying to form this clan, is because I think dayz is a lot more fun when you're playing with other people. I like to do PVP and just go around the map scavenging, building a camp and getting vehicles, or even just do some good old trolling with someone :)

I'm looking for players who wants to play mainly Chernarus, and people who are up for PVP on servers with around 10-20 players online. (I think that's a good balance between PVP and PVE, 40-50 people are in my opinion extreme).

I would appreciate if you would answer the questions bellow :) there are only a few requirements, but if you can't fulfill it all, please just tell which one(s) you can't fulfill in a comment :)


Have a good mic, so we all can leave a conversation with our hearing

be respectful

be mature

need people who knows something about the game (not saying that you have to be Frankie 2.0)

have skype

Questions: (just copy and paste the questions in your comment)

How old are you?

What is your timezone (GMT)?

What is your role in this clan?

What is your skype name?

How long have you been playing dayz?

How many hours do you play a week?

Any specialties?

Do you like to PVP?

That's all :) thanks for reading! see you in chernarus :D

Edited by Goose_TFA

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Hi my name is colin In game Buzz. I am 15 years old (but have a voice of a 30 year old guy). My role is good scavenge and knowing what to do if you see a enemy. My skype name is colin.pleiter . I play dayz for a really long time i dont remember, My specialty is good at protecting my team. I like pvp but i do most of time sneaking around people. And 1 thing i only can play around the weekend so i cant play much (Im from netherlands)

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How old are you? 15

What is your role in this clan? Combat expert, Good at Gun Fights, Looting

What is your skype name? ContaEmoz

How long have you been playing dayz? Have had the Game since it came out, When Unoffical DayZ Mod came out i Didnt play it much, just started playing again recently when it came out for steam.

Any specialties? Traveling, Stalking, Gun fights. I Can do anything u ask.

Do you like to PVP? Yes, it gives me a Rush

Steam Name: DirkxDiggler , Skype : ContaEmOz, Hotmail: [email protected]

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Questions: (just copy and paste the questions in your comment)

How old are you? I am 19

What is your role in this clan? Anything you need done

What is your skype name? savage0199

How long have you been playing dayz? a little over a year

Any specialties? sniping

Do you like to PVP? always

i live in central America (Missouri) and have played DayZ as a lone wolf forever. i never have been on a teem or have had much interaction with other players for that matter. But i always wanted to be in a group because it increases your chances of survival.

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Hi my name is colin In game Buzz. I am 15 years old (but have a voice of a 30 year old guy). My role is good scavenge and knowing what to do if you see a enemy. My skype name is colin.pleiter . I play dayz for a really long time i dont remember, My specialty is good at protecting my team. I like pvp but i do most of time sneaking around people. And 1 thing i only can play around the weekend so i cant play much (Im from netherlands)

Accepted :)

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How old are you? 15

What is your role in this clan? Combat expert, Good at Gun Fights, Looting

What is your skype name? ContaEmoz

How long have you been playing dayz? Have had the Game since it came out, When Unoffical DayZ Mod came out i Didnt play it much, just started playing again recently when it came out for steam.

Any specialties? Traveling, Stalking, Gun fights. I Can do anything u ask.

Do you like to PVP? Yes, it gives me a Rush

Steam Name: DirkxDiggler , Skype : ContaEmOz, Hotmail: [email protected]


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Questions: (just copy and paste the questions in your comment)

How old are you? I am 19

What is your role in this clan? Anything you need done

What is your skype name? savage0199

How long have you been playing dayz? a little over a year

Any specialties? sniping

Do you like to PVP? always

i live in central America (Missouri) and have played DayZ as a lone wolf forever. i never have been on a teem or have had much interaction with other players for that matter. But i always wanted to be in a group because it increases your chances of survival.

accepted :)

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Hey guys,

If your clan would be interested in taking part in a King of the Hill Competition on our private hive server on 7th April please email me at [email protected]. We will have loads of players fighting for a strategic position and the winner is the last one on the position at the end of the time. ***There will be a prize for the winner***. We would love to have you guys take part as it sounds like real fun!

As I said, if you are interested please email me back and I can give you guys more details.(Our server is GMT as I see you are on that time also so dnw about that :))


Michael [Admin]

Phoenix Gaming Community

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