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Getting one over a hacker! :)

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Well I had quite an experience today, I spawned in near Cherno and grabbed the usual gear, headed out toward Elektro before my trip inland.

Following the power cables from Pirigodki to the power station I came across a body of a survivor, he had a few odds and bits but in particular, in his backpack he had a ghillie suit and a truck load of bandages! I thought that this was a bit unusual but pressed on.

When I got to the power station I found a nice M14 AIM and a few clips, what a start this was turning out to be!

I then headed inland, and after finding a bicycle, I quickly made it to Stary. when raiding the tents, I noticed I was getting peppered by someone from the hill to the NW! Whilst I found this quite annoying, I wasn't worried, who ever it as appeared to be an awful shot! Eventually the rounds stopped falling and I made my way up the NW hill, all of a sudden I here footsteps behind me, so I panic and dropped to the ground. Looking around I couldn't see anyone, so I stood up and continued, a voice came over direct and asked 'how do you like my as50?'. Of course, I still couldn't see the git so I ignored him, this angered the fellow so he proceeded to break my legs with what I reckon was an M9SD.

...so, an invisible guy breaks my legs and leaves me fairly low on blood and bleeding, but then he makes a fatal mistake! While he was going through my backpack, he was prone right infront of me! I was able to go into his backpack and take out a few more clips for my DMR, some morphine (crucially!) and even some NVG's! RESULT!

He told me he had 'dropped me a bandage' somewhere nearby, which I didn't even bother looking for, I started crawling for Stary until I felt safe to use the morphine and run off.

Not a bad start to my day! ...about 15 minutes later I got shot up when investigating a Heli-Crash site! but no matter, I will always remember this as the day I got one over a hacker!

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I thought you said you had an M14 Aim not a DMR x3

M14 & DMR share the same type of ammo.

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I thought you said you had an M14 Aim not a DMR x3

They have the same ammo bro...

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