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Need: M4A1 CCO SD or MP5SD6 (With Mags) Offer Me!

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I am new to the dayz forums but I hope I can build up a friendly name!

Am I looking for a M4A1 CCO SD WITHOUT MAGS or and MP5SD6 WITH MAGS!

I am currently a hero in dayz.

Offer me!


Edited by GrannyJoana2

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I have an M4A1 CCO SD with no mags that I will be willing to trade for any AK variant with a mag or 2, that sound okay to you? I lost the gun in a glitch, earlier :(

Edited by Srarokz

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what have you got to offer? I have a M4A1CC0SD plus 5/6 stanag SD. I'm after a decent (24 slot) backpack and RF Ive got loads more stuff to trade also.

I could find you a decent weapon. Im currently using an M4A1 CCO. I could find you a DMR with some mags. Please get back to me.

EDIT: I could also find you a ghillie suit with no probs or camo clothing,

Edited by GrannyJoana2

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I could find you a decent weapon. Im currently using an M4A1 CCO. I could find you a DMR with some mags. Please get back to me.

EDIT: I could also find you a ghillie suit with no probs or camo clothing,

To be honest Ive got multiple DMRs and M107s all i'm after is here http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/129977-need-ghillie-24-slot-backpack/ hope you find what you are after let me know if I can hellp in aany way ;)

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m4 cco sd 2 mags for ghillie

Sounds good. Can you send me a PM with the server name and location?

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thank for response but already got a trade so i dont need ghillie at the moment, maybe later.

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Could give you a MP5SD6 with two mags would take a Assault or Sniper rifle also a Rangefinder or Ghillie would be ok.

Pm me if you are interested, need answer asap.

Can meet me close to the NW Airfield.

Send you time and server if you reply to this.

Edited by Mr. cal. 50

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