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Prone to sprint controls are daft.

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A) Prone to fast forward transition is clunky. too clunky.

B ) why does "optics" + " zoom" prevent you from getting up and sprinting??? (put the gun down and run like hell)

C) Why when proning over an object do I stand up????

The whole point of proning is to NOT stand up.

The controls are not rational. (well some of them)

They do work but not in a fluid way. ( I have tested this a lot)

The crouch to sprint and back is annoying when you are left standing after the sprint. (get down you twit!)

A clear and concise method for the movment and targeting would be a great asset. one that takes into account what type of combinations of moves a player prefers in certain situations. ie. Crouching past a window, Proning to sprint to prone. crouch to sprint to crouch etc.

I do a lot of proning. Proning past zombies really gets my blood pumping and the game play is in the zone.

But the amount of times I have been "stuck" in the controls and needlessly gettting hit because I can't get up and evade a zombie has started to grate.

Getting stuck with your eye zoomed into the sights is evem more frustrating. (put the gun down and run!)

So yeah.

Any ideas? Or do I just suck it up?

Any positive feed back welcome. Spam comments are not welcome.


Mr Amway.

Edited by Mr Amway

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I say suck it up (No offense). These are Arma II controlls. Wait till the DayZ standalone, I'm sure Rocket and the team will have a better control scheme with polished mechanics to provide less clunkiness.

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OK, thanks, not offended.

So it's not just me then. phew. I thought I was just being picky.

"polished mechanics" sounds tantalising!

I wish I could be a controls tester. Bring me in!

Hey a Q for you. What the heck is "evasive forward" for???

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