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vehicle parts vanish when starting repair process

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Hey together,

This is my second thread on this forum so please be kind to me ;)

I've searched a bit through this forum and also through google but couldn't find any match regarding this problem.

The problem:

When me and my mates finally find a vehicle, no matter if car, vehicle or boat and we start to repair it with the vehicle parts in our inventory, the vehicle parts just vanish after the repair process without repairing the vehicle. I don't know what to do, because it seems a client based problem (it occurs on every freakin' server). Some of us are able to repair the car and some are not. This is completley random and varies from server to server. The fact, that this bug is now happening to us for like 2 weeks, is really annoying.

My question:

Is this just a terrible bug, which can be avoided by using some kind of trick or is this just client based, like a bad internet connection or some failing game data.

Thank you for your time !

Greetings xray_proudly

Edited by xray_proudly

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Thanks for the fast and precise answer!

Edit: Yep worked!

Edited by xray_proudly

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