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Zombies.nu needs more clans/ squads and folk !

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All the 4 servers were fully populated before, but now people have left and gotten bored.. Servers have become more empty.

That's why i'm asking that any squad, clan , or lonewolf looking for a server, checkout zombies.nu

www.zombies.nu, Whitelist, Custom Mod "Dayzero". Loads of tweaks to counter lag, servers dont lag or delay when 50 folk on. ENJOY! For quality Dayz!

A PvP server, not 1 of those servers with 500+ vehicles.. Since that's bs. The playerbase is quite skilled so don't be amazed if you die a lot.

Edited by FishyDayz

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played on one of their servers yesterday. There were 26 people on the server when i logged in. Played DayZ for the first time in weeks and propably had one of the best DayZ experiences in my humble Dayz career:

stable server, high FPS for me (Berezino without FPS drop) which seems to be a problem for me on almost every other server.

At one point I was watching through my binoculars a player quite skillfully avoiding to aggro zombies. He was really trying hard and he managed to get into the barn without being noticed (by zombies). Then I looked a little bit to the right of the barn and immediately realized why he was so stealthy: outside the barn were probably 35 zombies roaming about.

I don´t know if they tweaked zombie counts or if it was just some sort of glitch but it was awesome. The first zombie horde I´ve ever witnessed in Dayz.

And they have a 30 second waiting period for your character in which he stays in the game before you actually can abort (you can cancel the waiting period at any time if your character gets in danger to renew the countdown back to 30) to avoid combat logging. I liked it very much to have to get to some sort of saveplace clearing out the area of the zombies before i could abort.


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