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11 Ideas

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Just thought of these things.

I guess some of the could've been mentioned before but what does it change? Only gives more reason to add them to the mod.

1. This one could be hard to make, Players could form groups, ( like walking up to someone and scrolling mouse and there could be an potion invite to group, other player gets accept and deny option on side with number 1 - accept and 2- deny) and if walking with a group together the loot drops are better depending on the size of group.

2. Destroyed Humvees could have a radio communication sounds that break down time to time so it feels more spooky.

3. Sweet drinks loose their effect faster than water, that is the need for drink.

4. New car parts - Engne oil, Headlights and car battery ( the battery was included in one of my previous posts )

5. Paradropped crates with mainly food supplies and extremly rarely with weapons ( these could be found on rooftops of high buildings )

6. Vehicle cover nets, these would give players chance to hide their cars from choppers. ( they are already in game just need to add them to the loot table, could look simlar to tents and found at military loot places )

7. Jet crashes, they could have no loot but work as ambient objects.

8. Backpack seen on Bandit skin, otherwise they are harder to see from distance than survivors.

9. Placeable ghillie suit look on weapons, could be made by cutting the Ghillie suit with razors and glued to the weapon.

10. Fireplaces should be harder to light when it's raining to add some more realism.

11. Instead of just "car wheel" findable make it more difficult to repair car by separating the wheel from tire, so there are two iteams, the wheel and the tire. both could take 3 spaces in inventory.

Edited by edzus234

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