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Looking for bandits to team up with

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just looking for a group to play with, i have been playing dayz since April last year and have been in 2 decent clans. im just looking for a group that play in evening (uk time) and the weekends im 18 and am looking for a organised squad/group or just some people with experience who want to play :). my policyis shoot on sight within reason (no unarmed player killing) i am a keen sniper but can play well with whatever i have. can play on all maps so give me a bell if interested

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Hi dude there is me and an other dude that are bandits that play on Taviana we are both 14 and would like to play with some more guys! out-Bandit Sempaz


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Feel free to check out our server, makes being a bandit harder but fair since we removed the OP weapons, no longer a complete 1 sided blood bath.

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