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Small things

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Just had an idea of some little things.

1. Lee Enfield with a sniper scope - but spawns only at small villages, it could be as a hunting rifle ( I'd love to hear your opinions about this ).

2. Players can get in back of pickup trucks - so they are not 2 seaters. ( I guess the idea has been posted before )

3. Destroyed humvees could have pistols near the passangers door - but also should reduce amount of these wrecks.

4. A Bow and Quiver - the quiver could replace the backpack and have like 20 slots witch can be filled with arrows, bow and arrows could be craftable ( I think it was suggested before )

5. Molotov cocktails - the empty whiskey bottles and toilet paper could be the required ingrideants to make one. ( matches could be used to light them ( this must've been suggested before )).

I hope you like these ideas, I'd love to hear your opinions about all of them.

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3. Destroyed humvees could have pistols near the passangers door - but also should reduce amount of these wrecks.

Car wrecks in the standalone will spawn with gear inside of them.

Although these ideas have been suggested many times prior to this thread, they would still be a very neat addition to the game.

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i think all of these have been suggested before, they are good ideas, scoped enfields would by op as fuck a ten shot bolt action one shot knockout, im happy with CZ's

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