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Recruiting people for a war ASAP

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|IMP| Clan

: History of the clan:

Hey guys, so recently me and my friend started playing DayZ again. We were heading to cherno to get some medical supplies. The strat was simple, he would cover me and I would run up there. No big surprise, I got sniped with an AS50 from 100m.. That was pretty dumb, but I was a fresh spawn. My friend scouted the area and killed the bastard. Later, the dude went on Side chat: "Hey (my friend name) you got my as50?". After a long talk he said he was fully loaded, 4 SVD cammo, 3 AS50 , 7 DMR and a car. We though: we need a war and justice back to this server. He's out there slaying bambies. We then proceeded to declare war. He then said "good luck vs us".

This is the story of our clan, from now on, a legend was created, a legacy, the Immortal Players Clan.

:What we are looking for:

To be honest, we are looking for any kind of help, but rifle man and snipers are strongly needed. We look for medics aswell.


We are a noble Clan, NOT A BANDIT CLAN. Here is a couple of rules you need to follow:

  • Dont shoot on sight
  • Help out clan members
  • Respect your fellow clan members, beeing that, not stealing, killing or disrespect any clan members
  • Follow orders
  • Have fun C:


Leave a request down there with your age, if you have skype/teamspeak3, experience, when you are avaliable and why you want do join our clan.

We will PM any accepted member with our TeamSpeak/Skype and DayZ server.

For justice, for compassion, for |IMC|.

Edited by shpootnick
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hi im 21, have teamspeak and skype,have around 4 years of xp on arma series, available on the afternoon and night,

Why i want to join your clan??

well i am always frendly and im searshing for someone to play with.

Im a sniper/pilot (best shoot i did vas at 1096m with an as50 it was a running target hs and not day z but wastelands )

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If you really need a server to be friendly check out ours then at least you won't get sniped or killed with any of those OP weapons XD

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If you really need a server to be friendly check out ours then at least you won't get sniped or killed with any of those OP weapons XD

Not looking for that, looking for people to join our clan

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I am 13 years of age, this might put you down however I can be serious when playing with a larger group of people especially using teamspeak 3 because of the push to talk feature I only talk when needed. I have both skype and teamspeak 3, I have been playing for nearly a year, and have been through many, many things so I have good patience. I am available on weekends from 2:50 to 8:40 and I can be on whenever during the weekends. I would like to join your clan because I am looking for a serious group to play with and am getting bored of being a lone wolf. I also hate bandits after playing with some for a few months and would like a playstyle change.

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Age: 16

Skype: Yes (Samdo1234) TS3 (Yes)

I am available 7 days a week. Week days 3pm to 10pm PST and weekends 1pm to 2am

I want to join the clan because I have played for almost two years and started playing ArmA back in 2010 I have been in a clan for Dayz before (=Commi=) and an ArmA: II clan (42nd AAR) if I am accepted in to this clan I would perfer to be a Medic or a pilot (I had spent time as a pilot when I was with the 42nd AAR) but if both those slots are full I would take any other slot you need filled. I am good with Iron Sights on guns.

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