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S.A.S Clan Recruitment

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The S.A.S (Secret Air Service) is looking for new active members to join. We have our own server that runs 24/7, and we have 6 members at this moment in time.


  • Be an active player
  • Speak English
  • Have a Skype account
  • Have moderate knowledge about the game. e.g. Vehicle spawns, loot roots, etc.
  • Have a sense of humour, but also know when to play seriously

Reply with answers to these questions:

  1. What is your role in a squad:
  2. Skype name:
  3. Tell us a bit about yourself:

That's all, hope to speak to you soon! :)

MiNiCoCo11 (S.A.S Clan Leader)

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I like to be sort of a medic/assault type of squad member but I also sometimes go spotter for my mates when the snipe

Skype Name


About Me

An average gamer who like playing stuff like battlefield, DayZ, and other shooters been gaming most my life and love zombie games more then anything favorite T.V show has to be the walking dead. Thanks hope to get in Also Im Welsh :)


Edited by CryoHD

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  1. What is your role in a squad: im a assult gunman and a stealth player.
  2. Skype name:joeyohara1
  3. Tell us a bit about yourself:im 16 but very mature, i am part of a big succesful xbox clan and would like to be in a pc one as well

please add me on skype

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My role: I can snipe and i'm good at close combat. I'm also a very good flyer.

Skype name: ciaran.downes23

Me: Used to play COD, once I grew up I moved into pc gaming gaming. Played DayZ for almost a year now, not bored a bit. I also play BF3 which helps with my aim. I'm definitely getting standalone. My old group separated, need a new one. I'm from London


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1. I prefer sniping when PVP'ing and in my old clan I was the pilot, so if you need a pilot and sniper, I'd enjoy playing with you guys, and if not, I'd probably still have fun :3

2. Goose364

3. My friends stopped playing dayz, and the game got very boring, I think a huge part of Dayz is the teamwork so that's why I'm trying to find a clan to play with :) I like to pvp, if I do it with someone :)

Hope to hear from you! :)

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1. I am primarily a Rifleman, but i can take many other roles like Pilot, Spotter and Driver.

2. benleeglasgow

3. I'm am 14 years old, i like to think i'm fairly mature and i have a moderate knowledge of the maps, loot spawns etc.

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Role:I'm mostly a Rifleman but I'm good at driving, not planes or helicopters

Skype Name: JDskates15

About myself: I'm a 12 year old from Australia and I've been playing for about a year now and I have a fare bit of experience of DayZ and I can't wait to hear from you :D c ya

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Love Snipers and silent weapons.

Stealth , always trying to stay hidden.

Does not shoot on sight unless feels threathened.

Very helpful.

Would help if asked.

Skype name:

Suicide (crazy_tucker)

About me:

Gamer since day 1.

Weird sense of humor.

Acts of insanity sometimes.

Weird and Bizzare behaviour.

Doesn't talk much.

Edited by Silentine

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I prefer to play as a stealty ghillie sniper with a sniper and also like to have an M4A1 CCO SD as a backup, I also like playing as a ordinary rifle man. :beans:

my name is Daniel im 16 years old and i go to boarding school, so im not on that often, I have been looking for a british military clan for a while, i hope i get in :ph34r: :D

Skype Name danimooruk96

P.S how will I know if im In????

Edited by mrblitza

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  1. What is your role in a squad: Assault or rifle man.
  2. Skype name: bz.raper1 (cRIT.)
  3. Tell us a bit about yourself:Hi, I'm 16 years old I play DayZ for 1 year .i decided to search for a clan because i got tired of being a lone wolf,i hope i will be in.

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1. What is your role in a squad: i like to use assault rifles and snipes i also like to play stealthy.

2 skype name: IIsilentjokerII

3: tell us a bit about yourself: Im 16 i have played dayz for a year now. i live on the east coast and im a very cool person to get to know!

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