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Looking for a new taviana map to play on.

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I'm looking for a new Taviana map to play on and start a new camp and many new players.

I would like the server to have.

150+ vehicles.

Crashed Helis +5~7 of them.

Barracks that spawn loot etc weapons.

No overpowerd weapons like AS50, m107 or thermo.

Not spawning at the far beach far away from anything.

No overpowerd spawn gear.

Active admins.

side chat

friendly people and some bandits to make it more interesting.

If the server is whitelisted it's okey as long as you can accept a request fast.

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Check us out mate, we have all of the above, details in my signature. Furtehr details available on our website:- http://www.bsbnetwork.com

- 240 vehicles

- Starting gear 1 makarov, beans bandages and coke

- 2 in-house "factions" that go head to head as well as several PMC's and loads of Lone Wolves.

- Weekly events as part of our faction wars season that is open to anyone on the server to get invovled in (events such as assault/defend, death rally, the fugatives etc)

- Crashed choppers, car wrecks and plane wrecks

- loads of admins (i think we actually have 20+ from all over the world) inclduing the chance for regulars to become admins

- daily restarts and respawns

- we normally run a whitelist (although this is presently down so we can induct new players)

We will be adding custom buildings and more types of vehicles soon too. We will be looking to add base building and vehicle tow/airlift scripts too.

Edited by Box

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Well our map is not Taviana but my bf has made tons of changes to the chernarus map, you should come and check it out info is in my sig :) we are mostly friendly and also have a mumble server you can join as well :)

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