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No loot/zombies spawning

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Hey, I logged off at the NW airfield last night and when I logged in today at the SW barracks I noticed no zombies spawned. So when I investigated the barracks I saw that ther was no loot present. I figured I might have logged off a bit to close to the barracks so I backed off a good 200 meteres and waited in a bush for about 10 minutes. When I came back to the SW barracks there were still no walkers or any loot present. I then decided to cross the completely abandoned airstrip towards the northern barracks and ofcourse the same issue. 0 zombies in the entire airfield and 0 loot (except in the indudstrial building. Stuff like engines or fuel tanks did spawn though.

I'm just wondering if there's anything I'm doing wrong, or is it more of a server side problem?

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It's probably a server issue, hadn't restarted in awhile and spawns are lagging behind.

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