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Looking for Partner age 13-16(x-post from Survivor HQ)

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Original Post: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/129387-looking-for-partner-age-13-16/

Clans go away I don't want to join a clan(or social group, or community, or whatever the fuck you want to calll your group) QQ

Hey, I'm 14 but I have a slightly higher pitched voice than most. I still sound ~14 but higher pitched than most. I am only going to use Skype for right now, no TS just because it's too much of a hassle for playing with one guy. I'm also in the EU but I can only speak English. Also I'm on a laptop that runs DayZ on all low settings with all the optimizations I could find at 8-20 FPS depending on the area. I've been playing DayZ since shortly after you spawned with revolvers so I know just about everything about the game that there is to know. My playstyle is pretty complicated. Basically as soon as I spawn I'm friendly until I find my first non-civilian tiered weapon. Once that happens anybody that has a bandit skin dies and anybody that looks suspicous dies. Then when I get a vehicle it tends to just be KoS anybody that is near me/in my way. Also people in vehicles are KoS because I really need dat shit. I can fly helicopters pretty fast as well. My server preferences tend to lie towards more 'hardcore' servers that at maximum have 100 vehicles and 2 helis. I don't care at all wether it's private or public hives. I was thinking maybe BMRF #2 would be fun or AWA. I'd prefer 30-50 players on a server. Maps that I will play are Chernarus or Taviana. Also be prepared to use terms like cardinal directions since I like to play a bit tactical. I'm pretty mature in general but I'm not going to be very formal. Also if you're a bit younger or older I don't really mind unless you're an 8 year old squeaker or a 40 year old man.

Skype name: banzayjump

EDIT: I also used to be a whitelisted medic and attempted to join TMW but nobody ever got back to me about training because their servers were down at the time.

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Hey, I'm also 14. I could consider joining your escapade, but I might get bad ping because I'm here in the states. I don't get to play with people my age that often, so it'd be nice to hang with people I might be able to relate to. I'll forward a message to you if I want to join.

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you can always join my clan

we are all under 18 so you might have alot incommon with most of the members

we are named "Operation black mesa"

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Damnit man first thing I write is no clans please and then you want me to join a clan :(

And Cap'n add me on skype or tell me your name if you've already added me. I've had lots of people add me and I'll probably end up playing with everyone.

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