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kumiiyo is...LESS GOOD THAN BEFORE !

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I seriously think this update broke the game. I will stop playing if this is what this game becomes.

too dark.

Really now? It went from pitch black to this.

with default settings:


gammawarrior settings:


Too dark you say? I say it's free nvgs for everyone.

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-Should have limited starting equipment, not removed it imo. makes the game too hard to retain new players.

Read: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=15274

-Line of sight is pretty broken as well, making it ridiculously easy to get away from zombies. It seems that the rectangle surrounding a structure is what is being used to detect LOS and not the walls/windows. I can literally aggro all the zed's in a city, walk into a doorway and they just freak out. I can just sit there shooting them all day as they just stand in the doorway.

How do you expect this to be FIXED if they don't IMPLEMENT it first?

Alpha alpha alpha... Everyone freaking sing the alpha song 'cause this is freaking ALPHA

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The hotfix is decent. You might want to buy some cheese before you whine so much. At least we would have a snack. are both pretty bad imo

The hotfix ( has made as many' date=' if not more bugs than fixes. We need a hotfix to the hotfix, most of the 1.2 servers that haven't rolled back already are in a state of perpetual crashing.

Also, 1.1 made the game harder in all the wrong areas, and easier in all the wrong areas.

-Should have limited starting equipment, not removed it imo. makes the game too hard to retain new players.

-Line of sight is pretty broken as well, making it ridiculously easy to get away from zombies. It seems that the rectangle surrounding a structure is what is being used to detect LOS and not the walls/windows. I can literally aggro all the zed's in a city, walk into a doorway and they just freak out. I can just sit there shooting them all day as they just stand in the doorway.


Once again.. it's Alpha. Mentioning OVER AND OVER AND OVER again the different bugs from every hotfix.. like they're completely unexpected is pointless. They put out hotfixes, we test them. Our job is to find problems and report back. Reporting back the "fact" you found bugs and can't believe they're there defeats the whole testing process of an Alpha.

AGAIN... STOP PLAYING this game like it's an end product. IF YOU don't want to be a tester and want to play the end product NOW.. then stop playing.. wait for the game to finish. You might be waiting awhile.. but that's how all games are made. It just so happens that the devs here are nice enough to let us be a part of it.

MAN how can so many people read the forums and not come to this conclusion on their own.

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also, did anyone notice that zombies cant run down hills anymore? I've gotten several packs of zombies to chase me down a hill, and watched as they all tripped or something and died.

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no shit its an alpha' date=' that's why im giving my OPINION, man!

playing at night is fun if it's balanced and awesome, and how are the devs gonna know what the public likes if we don't tell them?

all of you 15 yr old jackasses can go back to sucking yourselves off thinking ur "sewper l337 gamerz," but for those of us who are adults who have jobs, wasting hours runnign around like a bitch in the dark is not a good allocation of time.


if you're an adult, wouldn't you know that crying like a little baby isn't the way to get your feedback to the devs? an adult would have handled his frustration better, you are no adult

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no shit its an alpha' date=' that's why im giving my OPINION, man!

playing at night is fun if it's balanced and awesome, and how are the devs gonna know what the public likes if we don't tell them?

all of you 15 yr old jackasses can go back to sucking yourselves off thinking ur "sewper l337 gamerz," but for those of us who are adults who have jobs, wasting hours runnign around like a bitch in the dark is not a good allocation of time.


Giving your opinion??

"I'm not gonnaz play anymore!!" that's not constructive critisism from someone who recognizes it's an Alpha. That's someone bitching about their personal gameplay. Don't pretend like you understand it's Alpha because you clearly don't. If you did, you'd be posting bugs with much detail in the bugs forum instead of making whiny threads that only have negative feedback with no solutions. Opinion's are one thing, but yours is completely unconstructive.

Tell me something.. how is your opinions going to help future gameplay if you're playing on a reverted version of the game? Clearly you only care about your own gameplay. That's why you don't understand Alpha.

it's ok, let your mad out. i havent seen so much meta-whining in years! what a bunch of dipshits to whine so much about someone else "whining!" LOLOLOLOOLOLOLOL

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I seriously think this update broke the game. I will stop playing if this is what this game becomes.

too dark.

no gun.

million years to find flares.

zombies jump easy

run into cherno' date=' see flares

get shot.

all this does is empower trolls. thank god i saved the 1.7 files!



^ read that before you wanna complain like this.

Its alpha kumiiyo not release date. You know be thankful this is a open alpha phase instead of a closed one. Rocket could of just selected a few players to do the features and left everyone else in 1.5.7. Instead hes sharing his project with us. If you dont wanna test the project then fine.

Wanna give feedback, cool.. make in constructive; Not this.

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I seriously think this update broke the game. I will stop playing if this is what this game becomes.

too dark.

Really now? It went from pitch black to this.

with default settings:


gammawarrior settings:


Too dark you say? I say it's free nvgs for everyone.

i'm pretty sure that is just more justification as to why this patch is bad lol

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I seriously think this update broke the game. I will stop playing if this is what this game becomes.

too dark.

no gun.

million years to find flares.

zombies jump easy

run into cherno' date=' see flares

get shot.

all this does is empower trolls. thank god i saved the 1.7 files!


What the hell are you talking about? The game is not broken. It works just fine.

Run into cherno and get shot? So you are complaining because you CAN'T play this mod? You really should uninstall DayZ.

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it's ok' date=' let your mad out. i havent seen so much meta-whining in years! what a bunch of dipshits to whine so much about someone else "whining!" LOLOLOLOOLOLOLOL



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i'm pretty sure that is just more justification as to why this patch is bad lol

My point exactly.

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no shit its an alpha' date=' that's why im giving my OPINION, man!

playing at night is fun if it's balanced and awesome, and how are the devs gonna know what the public likes if we don't tell them?

all of you 15 yr old jackasses can go back to sucking yourselves off thinking ur "sewper l337 gamerz," but for those of us who are adults who have jobs, wasting hours runnign around like a bitch in the dark is not a good allocation of time.


Giving your opinion??

"I'm not gonnaz play anymore!!" that's not constructive critisism from someone who recognizes it's an Alpha. That's someone bitching about their personal gameplay. Don't pretend like you understand it's Alpha because you clearly don't. If you did, you'd be posting bugs with much detail in the bugs forum instead of making whiny threads that only have negative feedback with no solutions. Opinion's are one thing, but yours is completely unconstructive.

Tell me something.. how is your opinions going to help future gameplay if you're playing on a reverted version of the game? Clearly you only care about your own gameplay. That's why you don't understand Alpha.

it's ok, let your mad out. i havent seen so much meta-whining in years! what a bunch of dipshits to whine so much about someone else "whining!" LOLOLOLOOLOLOLOL

It's normal to get frustrated when people can't get simple concepts in their head. Are you like the defender of the ignorant? Listen, their complaints AREN'T valid because they do not assist development at all. There's a proper way to report issues.. pointless whining about gameplay just demonstrates their ignorance towards the current phase the game is in. People DO know better.. but frankly, they just don't care. They're greedy and simply WANT and they'll make sure everyone knows about it.

Ya that bothers me and I have no problems admitting it. If at least 1 person reads this and stops doing it, then my job is done. Anyway.. I'm going to back to actually assisting game development like everyone else.. like we all should be doing.

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too dark.




-set HDR to very high

no gun.

-guns laying around all over the island' date=' just go pick 1 up

million years to find flares.

-exaggeration is something all complainers have in common

zombies jump easy

-no they don't

run into cherno, see flares

-do a 180 and continue running

get shot.

-duck and cover next time

There I solved all your problems for you

Gl Hf DD



OP seems to be complaining about his own stupidity more than the game.

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I love all the people crying "alpha is alpha! stop playing! dont complain!"

derpy derpity derp derp

No derp it is alpha. If the point is for ppl to voice their oppinions and find bugs. The devs can determine what to listen to. People complaining about the patches are giving feedback, how else do you suppose the devs are going to figure out what is good and bad about their game?

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no shit its an alpha' date=' that's why im giving my OPINION, man!

playing at night is fun if it's balanced and awesome, and how are the devs gonna know what the public likes if we don't tell them?

all of you 15 yr old jackasses can go back to sucking yourselves off thinking ur "sewper l337 gamerz," but for those of us who are adults who have jobs, wasting hours runnign around like a bitch in the dark is not a good allocation of time.


go to a day server. your own ignorance, stubbornness, or a combination of the two is the problem.

and btw, there isn't a video game that i can think of that is a good allocation of time. That again, is something you need to be self policing. I generally only play games i enjoy, rather than choosing something i can't handle and demanding changes like its whole existence revolves around your preferences.

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yeah i changed the wording to something less hurtful for all these WHINY BITCHZ that are probly fuckin MITT ROMNEY supporters anyway lawl/

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Bitch, bitch, bitch. Whine, whine, whine.

Is that all you guys can do?

Try looking up Alpha, then come back here, post some constructive feedback, then maybe someone might pay attention to your opinion.

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I love all the people crying "alpha is alpha! stop playing! dont complain!"

derpy derpity derp derp

No derp it is alpha. If the point is for ppl to voice their oppinions and find bugs. The devs can determine what to listen to. People complaining about the patches are giving feedback' date=' how else do you suppose the devs are going to figure out what is good and bad about their game?


feedback is great when it shows replicated bugs and game breaking problems.

OP however shows none of that

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I love all the people crying "alpha is alpha! stop playing! dont complain!"

derpy derpity derp derp

No derp it is alpha. If the point is for ppl to voice their oppinions and find bugs. The devs can determine what to listen to. People complaining about the patches are giving feedback' date=' how else do you suppose the devs are going to figure out what is good and bad about their game?


Criticism and negative feedback is fine, as long as it's presented in a constructive and mature way.

Moaning about how something is terrible and how you're going to stop playing the game if it doesn't change isn't the most constructive way to present criticism.

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I love all the people crying "alpha is alpha! stop playing! dont complain!"

derpy derpity derp derp

No derp it is alpha. If the point is for ppl to voice their oppinions and find bugs. The devs can determine what to listen to. People complaining about the patches are giving feedback' date=' how else do you suppose the devs are going to figure out what is good and bad about their game?


Once again you're missing people's points. Reporting an issue or providing constructive feedback is one thing. Just complaining is not helpful. You can read the OP thread and clearly see his issue is with his own personal gameplay.. he doesn't give two fucks about others or the games development.

He even proved that by saying he's going to revert to an earlier version. If he cares at all about "sharing his opinions" for the improvment of the game, why would he waste time playing an earlier version? Oh now I remember, because he only cares about his own gameplay.

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ratchetsmurf is a fuckin dumbass!

i think U only care about getting ur tight lil cornholeo stuffed up by ur buddies behind ur daddys garage!

why don't you make some CONSTRUCTIVE criticism? LOL HOSER

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ratchetsmurf is a fuckin dumbass!

i think U only care about getting ur tight lil cornholeo stuffed up by ur buddies behind ur daddys garage!

why don't you make some CONSTRUCTIVE criticism? LOL HOSER

Right, uhhh, not sure that's how you write English. While you're looking up Alpha, might want to grab an English book as well. You live in America? Hmmm, our education system must really suck.

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