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kumiiyo is...LESS GOOD THAN BEFORE !

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I seriously think this update 'MADE LESS ENGAGING' the game. I shall stop playing if this is what this game becomes.

too dark.

no gun.

million years to find flares.

zombies jump easy

run into cherno, see flares

get shot.

what this does is empower trolls. thank god i saved the 1.7 files!

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Log in when it's daytime.

Deal with it.

Deal with it.

Deal with it.

Stay away.

Deal with it.

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i could say cool story bro but im not some little bitch kid so ill let the next 30 people say it :D

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Why not go play ArmA II while you wait for your tears to dry. It has lots of guns, and it doesn't even have those annoying zombies!

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So, you're saying that is causing all of that? False.

All of those things were already in place. None of them are glitches, you just can't handle it. Play on a daytime server, be happy.

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I mean, I can understand people like you can be upset over this, but it's in ALPHA. Not beta, not anything else. Be patient. Don't like it? Go to Russia! :D

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Back of the mob Promagnum! :P

but seriously OP ...harden up

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Some things in the most recent updates haven't turned out as well as they should have, but overall the game seems to be heading in the right direction - i.e. more hardcore, tougher to survive, and more emphasis on surviving zombies than running around playing open-world deathmatch.

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no shit its an alpha, that's why im giving my OPINION, man!

playing at night is fun if it's balanced and awesome, and how are the devs gonna know what the public likes if we don't tell them?

all of you 15 yr old jackasses can go back to sucking yourselves off thinking ur "sewper l337 gamerz," but for those of us who are adults who have jobs, wasting hours runnign around like a bitch in the dark is not a good allocation of time.

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too dark.




-set HDR to very high

no gun.

-guns laying around all over the island, just go pick 1 up

million years to find flares.

-exaggeration is something all complainers have in common

zombies jump easy

-no they don't

run into cherno, see flares

-do a 180 and continue running

get shot.

-duck and cover next time

There I solved all your problems for you

Gl Hf DD

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no shit its an alpha' date=' that's why im giving my OPINION, man!

playing at night is fun if it's balanced and awesome, and how are the devs gonna know what the public likes if we don't tell them?

all of you 15 yr old jackasses can go back to sucking yourselves off thinking ur "sewper l337 gamerz," but for those of us who are adults who have jobs, wasting hours runnign around like a bitch in the dark is not a good allocation of time.


Giving your opinion??

"I'm not gonnaz play anymore!!" that's not constructive critisism from someone who recognizes it's an Alpha. That's someone bitching about their personal gameplay. Don't pretend like you understand it's Alpha because you clearly don't. If you did, you'd be posting bugs with much detail in the bugs forum instead of making whiny threads that only have negative feedback with no solutions. Opinion's are one thing, but yours is completely unconstructive.

Tell me something.. how is your opinions going to help future gameplay if you're playing on a reverted version of the game? Clearly you only care about your own gameplay. That's why you don't understand Alpha.

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I have a full time job, trying to start a business, have hobbies OUTSIDE of gaming, wife, and kid, and yet I somehow managed to find time to run around the night servers hacking and slashing with my hatchet.

Good allocation of time? You are playing a video game. 'Nuff said.

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The hotfix is decent. You might want to buy some cheese before you whine so much. At least we would have a snack. are both pretty bad imo

The hotfix ( has made as many, if not more bugs than fixes. We need a hotfix to the hotfix, most of the 1.2 servers that haven't rolled back already are in a state of perpetual crashing.

Also, 1.1 made the game harder in all the wrong areas, and easier in all the wrong areas.

-Should have limited starting equipment, not removed it imo. makes the game too hard to retain new players.

-Line of sight is pretty broken as well, making it ridiculously easy to get away from zombies. It seems that the rectangle surrounding a structure is what is being used to detect LOS and not the walls/windows. I can literally aggro all the zed's in a city, walk into a doorway and they just freak out. I can just sit there shooting them all day as they just stand in the doorway.

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