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New server - Yeooo gaming clan. PvP welcome.

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Server name: Yeooo's Private Hive


Loc=London, UK, Diff=Regular, Map=Chernarus, Slots=50, TZ=off, 3DP=on, CH=on, NP=on, DM=off, SC=on, PW=no, WL=no

Contact: [email protected]

Bunch of mid 30s admin and gaming clan Yeooo. All welcome, gift Urals to bribe new groups who join.

Admins are active. We dont mind rolling back server if a hacker connects and bins everything.

Starter loadout - Silenced M9 with lots of ammo.

Hope to see some new players soon.

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Roll the server back like a dirty Mattress.

I`m hoping this will be read by somebody who cares, If not, you might like to watch the behaviour of a certain admin more closely. He`s abusing the power you gave him. And thats not good for business.

He banned me for life because I spotted his little hideaway island and landed there with the intention of keeping my chopper safe and logging off for a while. I`ve only been playing Dayz for a week or so and resent being banned from a server for life and branded as a hacker because one of your admins can do whatever he pleases.


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your server would be ok but jonny/pen1s/wankdog is the biggest cunt faced retard in history and thinks he's troll, and he's an admin and i suspect he cheats to so join this server at your own peril

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Roll the server back like a dirty Mattress.

I`m hoping this will be read by somebody who cares, If not, you might like to watch the behaviour of a certain admin more closely. He`s abusing the power you gave him. And thats not good for business.

He banned me for life because I spotted his little hideaway island and landed there with the intention of keeping my chopper safe and logging off for a while. I`ve only been playing Dayz for a week or so and resent being banned from a server for life and branded as a hacker because one of your admins can do whatever he pleases.


Meusli, we have video evidence of you clearly hacking in items. Your arguement is invalid.

I banned you.


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your server would be ok but jonny/pen1s/wankdog is the biggest cunt faced retard in history and thinks he's troll, and he's an admin and i suspect he cheats to so join this server at your own peril

What happened Grundy? What is your ingame name?

Email me on [email protected] if you want to discuss it in private. But your comments clearly dont help everyone who plays on our server.. if you beef is with Jonny dont encourage others to stay away.

Also, "cunt face retard" isnt really helpful... What did he do? Have you screenshots?


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