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Remove the link between Weapons and Ammo

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Please remove the link between weapons and ammo for use in the inventory system.

Last night I picked up and M16A2 with 5 magazines. I found an M4 CCO and swapped rifles and I in process dumped my ammo to the ground while moving gear.

Also I would like to keep primary weapon ammo available in the primary 12 slots and not have to worry about it or moving it around when placing my primary in the pack so I can use my Axe.

It just becomes cumbersome to deal with just in order to do what I think is a reasonable task like getting an axe out.

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I dunno. There have been times I've had to get to a weapon and ammo on the ground in a pinch and it was super helpful.

Yea i think the link is more useful than irritating. Its' been beneficial to me more times than it's been a pain in the arse to me at least. Maybe there could be a preference option for it though?

Edited by Box

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It appears you're only focusing on the cons. Imagine you're in a place where you have to switch weapons fast while in a fight, and you have to specially select ammo and the gun? I like the way it works, and if you are a bit lazy to pick the ammo back up again, well. It's a nice suggestion, but isn't that in the game, and not in the mod?

I have a feeling this is the same problem as when people complain on the DayZ forums about being banned by BE.

I myself am not familiar with Arma scripting(I am with Pawno) but I doubt its possible. Its a minor issue, it depends if what type of person you are. Ex: If you are a pessimist you will see the bad in that(Like you having to drop the ammo), if you're an optimist you will realise it can be very helpful in certain situations like the ones mentioned above. Realists however see the positive and negative(Correct me if I'm wrong.)

I don't agree. :)

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Yea i think the link is more useful than irritating. Its' been beneficial to me more times than it's been a pain in the arse to me at least. Maybe there could be a preference option for it though?

but how will i not lose any more nato rounds for my AS50? :C

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I agree with OP.

On the most basic level. If we're going for authenticity, the ammo/weapon link shouldn't be a feature.

It may be useful, but DayZ should be about absolute control over what goes on. Even if it takes slightly longer to pick stuff up, or a little fuckup means you have no ammo.

EDIT: I mean if you make a mistake, it's YOUR mistake. The game shouldn't correct you or do things for you. /EDIT.

In SA I hope there's some requirement for identifying rounds and using the correct ammo for your mags and guns.

Any "useful" or "convenient" functions (eg. "Rearm at tent") don't really feel like they fit with a survival game IMO.

We'll have to wait and see, but hopefully the drag and drop interface, and the need to pack gear properly and sensibly will mean auto-grabbing ammo will be a thing of the past.

Edited by Chabowski
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Use scroll and select gear. Then take the stuff.... you wont have these issues!

This only occurs if you swap from the scroll menu.

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Use scroll and select gear. Then take the stuff.... you wont have these issues!

This only occurs if you swap from the scroll menu.

that is not the case if you are trying to swap between weapons in your bag and in your hand. as stated earlier i have lost AS50 nato rounds that way.

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And onw it seems if you have a rifle with a gernade laucher it will lose a gernade if you had it loaded and there wasnt space for it in the bag. Unloading weapons going into the bag seems silly.

Please for the love of the game remove the ammo to weapon link in the storage system for SA.

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