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ZerteC the script kiddie

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It all began at 11:25 AM Eastern Time. I was driving my Military Offroad on a server that a friend had started on, when I come across a guy running across the street, I pick him up (like the nice guy I am,) He didn't sound that old, so I blew it off thinking it was just another kid. I drove around a bit more till I stopped to look at a bus. As soon as I got out of the Offroad, I noticed something very weird, whenever I looked at him I got a sort of "aimbot" that made me aim at his head whenever I got even close to aiming at him. I confronted him about it and he mumbled about it (I later found out that it was him telling me that HE was the hacker). I messaged everyone in side chat asking if anyone was having the same issue, and soon after I got a message that popped up in the center of my screen saying "shut up n***** " . He asked me if I got it, I said 'no' to be sure that he was the hacker. He then announced (again) that he was the hacker. After I heard this I shot him multiple times with the CZ that I had acquired on my short journey, but it had no effect on him. I jumped into my Offroad and tried to drive off, but was soon bombarded by minigun fire around ground level from his direction. After my death, I announced to the server that he was a hacker and listed off those reasons, and I got a quick reply from ZerteC saying that if I didn't shut up that he would "shut my key"

I have no video, nor pictures of this happening


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Even if you can't stop this script kiddie. I still think it's a funny story to go in the books.

Edited by Grim 981
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I didn't choose the server, my friend did, but you are absolutely right... But even with that being true, it's still not cool of anyone to do stuff like that even if they find it hilarious (like I did).

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I hate hacking im not buying arma 2 ill buy dayz sa though.

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How to combat script kiddies? With scripts of course! Counter hacking is a usefull strategy. Sometimes its the only way.

lol that makes you just as bad...

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