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Pandaa - Adam Longsocks

DayZ Group - Recruiting - Australian/NZ

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I recently got DayZ and I am Look for some Friends to Play with :)

It would be good if you had Skype and Teamspeak :D

Also if you are 13 or older :D



Do you have Skype/Teamspeak?:


Skill Level 1-10:

How often are you on?:

Are you okay with playing at Night? (server night):

Where are you from?:

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Come play on Balota Buddies servers, heaps of players to befriend there. Or shoot in the back..


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Name: Bas Mols

Do you have Skype/Teamspeak?: I have skype (name is Basmols3

Age: 14

Skill Level 1-10: 3 (cause i have no one to play with)

How often are you on?: a lot

Are you okay with playing at Night? (server night): yes

Where are you from?: Netherlands (I speak english)

please reply i have been searching for a group a long time

Edited by bashie123

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Name: Ign (littlebro66) ill tell my real name in skype

Do you have Skype/Teamspeak?: Skype


Skill Level 1-10: 5 or 7 (if i have a sniper rifle)

How often are you on?: probably every other day

Are you okay with playing at Night? (server night): yeah

Where are you from?: Canada (Ontario)

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Name: My IGN is Skyrax and add me on skype for my real name

Do you have Skype/Teamspeak?: I have skype, my name on skype is laneshilo

Age: 16

Skill Level 1-10: I'd say about 7-8

How often are you on?: I play a lot, more than an hour a day on average.. probably about 3 hours a day

Are you okay with playing at Night? (server night): I actually love night time on servers, enjoy the challenge and being able to put NV goggles up to their name

Where are you from?: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

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Name: Zero Gravity

Do you have Skype/Teamspeak?: I have Skype (username: zero.gravity92)


Skill Level 1-10: 6

How often are you on?: 4-5 hours a day, more on weekends

Are you okay with playing at Night? (server night): yes

Where are you from?: New Zealand

anyone that see's this feel free to add me on Skype. :beans: :P :thumbsup:

Edited by Zero Gravity

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Name: kiwigamer

Do you have Skype/Teamspeak?: Steam


Skill Level 1-10: 5

How often are you on?: 1-2 hours a day (more on weekends)

Are you okay with playing at Night? (server night): yes

Where are you from?: New Zealand

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Name: theproanaltoad (steam name) i will tell you my real name on skype

Do you have Skype/Teamspeak?: i have skype, my skypename is: stian.karlsen.

Age: 14

Skill Level 1-10: 5

How often are you on?: about 1-2 hours a day but on weekends im on allot more

Are you okay with playing at Night? (server night): yes

Where are you from?: norway (i speak english)

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