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Different Spawn Skins+Gear

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Okay, please forgive me if this has been placed on this site before by anyone else. I'm not really stealing this from this game or another known user, but partially building from a similar (albeit different) style of gameplay. (See: Dead Frontier- Players pick thier class and which has their base stats and bonus, but this is different).

So, when a player spawns they get the option of MALE or FEMALE. My suggestion is to expand upon this and add in the more skins (which are mostly ingame already). So instead of spawning and see:

MALE FEMALE [Capitalized words are buttons]

You would spawn and see something like:



Those selections could be changed, sure, but here comes the second half of the idea. The selection you made not only selects your general skin (additional female skins would need to be added in, but the military and police male are ingame as zombies, you can rework them for players), but also sets your gear.

*Civilians would start with the Civilian skin (black cap, shirt, vest, etc, as it is now) and would spawn with a flashlight, 2x beans, 2x cola, and 2x bandages. Includes Pack

*Police would start with a Police skin (See ingame police zombie for details, some can be found in the North-Western regions of the map) and would pawn with 1 Makarov PM with 1 Magazine (FULL), a bandage and morphine. Includes Pack.

*Military would start with a Military Skin (smiliar to Camo Skin, but more like the Military Grunt Zombies, excluding the helmet) and spawn with 1 Makarov PM with 2 Magazines (FULL), a bandage and an empty Water Canteen. Includes Pack.

Now I understand completely that the Civilians are left at a disadvantage, having no weapon to speak of, and possibly if melee weapons are added they could be given one (say an axe?), but as it stands they would have food, water and the ability to survive if they escaped an attacker.

The other two, on the other hand, are almost forced into zombie-filled areas to provide themselves with food and water (military gets an upperhand with canteen, but it's empty).

Also, all skins already ingame such as Camo, Ghillie, are not changed and will override your skin in place (like they do now). Presumably, this could allow Civilians to wear Police skins, but whatever.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not asking for stats, or better gear or whatever, just an option on what to spawn with and more skins.

Just a suggestions, this is not class based (in the class-sense) and does not really add much to the game. Balance can be worked out by the devs if they like this idea, or they can dump it entirely.

If you don't like it, just say so (please be constructive), and if this isn't added, and recieves intense hatred I really won't mind. Mod is great AS-IS (barring the bugs).

*Also: Thanks for the Great DayZ Mod!*

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They actually just added 2 melee weapons to the game in, the Hatchet and the Crowbar. Apparently they're really underpowered but I haven't gotten the chance to use any yet since not many servers have updated to the new patch yet since it literally just came out.

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This is my default reply to threads on class systems :P :

I agree a class system does make sense in terms of story (you dont wake up not knowing who you are and you would have certain skills based along those lines) but its is ALSO a archaine mechanic that needs to be left behind.

For me the soulution is simple - compile a list of start items that the players can choose from. He/she can then select the items that will best reflect the play syle they like.

Or for random character creation just spawn with a random set of items that are geared towards one play style or another - but people are going to gravite towards their own play style anyway.

A label is not required to give a player "character" - they can use their own imagination :)

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I still like finding different clothes and i like the the new starting gear.

Since the last update, there is no need to shoot spawning players at the coast and this is a very good way.

If Rocket starts to make a list to choose your starting gear, the coast camping will be back again.

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