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Horny goldfish (DayZ)

The osprey adventures

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Today I was playing on a server and had died. I was looting balota when I came to the second hangar witch had the osprey in it. I excitedly jumped in and everything worked. By then my friend had come on so we announced that we would be doing trips in between the 3 airstrips. Most of the server was given a ride, even the admins loved it. By the third round we had a full plane with all types of survivors. This is when our plan came into affect, we decided to jump out and the plane crashed a couple of hundred meters away. There was a few survivors which I popped with my akm.

Funniest moment of my dayz experience with everyone raging in side chat and us being fully geared up and being the most wanted on the server

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A bit of a dick move, but it was just a private server I suppose. I know one of my DayZ buddies had told me that one time he hijacked a helicopter in Kamyshovo as a fresh spawn, and it had 3 guys in it. He took it out far into the water and went afk for a couple hours. Comes back asks if they're doing ok back there, and they just rage like no other, then he goes afk again.

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That's why you never get into a plane with a person you don't know, haha. Still, a bit of a dick move... Well, I could have done the same.

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First osprey i ever seen was a pain in the rear end on sight. Was just looting a couple crash sites when i hear the engines going, i take next to no notice, until i see the thing hit the deck around 700 meters off me, i look round shocked to see an osprey dropped by the sites. Within around 10 seconds on it being on the floor 2 guys open up with rifle fire, i immedietly hit the deck behind a crash. Next thing i know im swarmed by zombies and sprinting away, as i look over my shoulder to see whats going on, i notice an "irregular" bush, and think to my self "thats not right". Next thing i know that "bush" opens up with 7 rounds of what seemed like M4 shots.

Next time i see an irregular bush, im shooting it -.-.

Good thing he killed me, i was going to make a round trip and jump into their osprey :P

And that is my story of an osprey.

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use w and s alot while in autohover. other than that. they are awesome to fly!

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