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The Twilight Hours, your first gun, and sustainability- Noob sharing experiences

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Yes! You can see everything, sadly, everything can see you. Yes! You can usually find more survivors to group up with, you can also find more bandits to shoot your face off. Yes! It's easier to travel by daylight.... or is it?


You can't see a foot in front of your face and your flashlight illuminates about 3 feet in a very large range. That's nice. But it's like pointing a telescope at the sky. Sure you can see some of it, but OH GOD WHAT'S EATING MY FACE. Fortunately, the Zombies can't see you as easily. It makes sneaking through houses much easier and navigation pretty straight forward if you know where the moon is placed in conjunction to "North".


It's not quite day yet, you can still use the flashlight, but it's light enough that you can more or less see without it. Zombie vision is still toggled to "Night" and it's the prime time for travel. Stars are still out for the Moon-Reference, and even crouched running on a street offers 2 Visibility and 1 Sound. It is the easiest method of travel that I've found.

>You find a gun

>It has ammo

>You're not sure on how it works just yet

>Test fire


All too common occurrence if you've never played the ARMA2 single-player. Running through town escaping a hoard of zeds because you decided to fire off a bullet to test the waters is a quick way to get dead. Trees are your friends. The map is quite covered in them and it's easy to lose a zombie in it, even 5. Furthermore, zombies tend to not spawn in the woods (at least I haven't seen any). A trick I commonly employ is the "Telephone Lines" run. Follow the lines north from the coast, very straight forward and easy to get to the Northern farms. DO NOT FOLLOW THE COASTLINE, that is a quick way to end up in Cherno, where if you're not prepared, you will be shot and or eaten. {Against what anyone would think, you can't kill a zombie with a hatchet or hunting knife}

So many guns, cans and bottles... no food or water?

That's about right! It's not a commodity. Food and Water are literally the things that should get you into a town. Occasionally, you'll find a loose can of beans, but largely, you're BONED until you can get to a real city. It may be tempting to run into a small town, smashing your face (and your "Use" key) in a futile attempt to get in a house. There's a special rule you must follow...

The game hates you. You know it hates you. It's a Hate-Hate relationship. You're only in it because the sex is good and wholesome when you get to it. Otherwise it's like trying to wrestle down a bear... you're going to lose.

-Final note to new players: DO NOT GET DISCOURAGED AT THE "DIFFICULTY", I CAN ALMOST GUARANTEE YOU'VE NEVER PLAYED A GAME LIKE THIS BEFORE. It is very difficult, yes. But the feeling of success after surviving your first night is second to none.

Also... stay away from Cherno, there's usually some guy in there with a rifle on the factory waiting to shoot you in the legs.

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Last fact I can't confirm. Electro and Cherno are both peaceful and quiet. No snipers and no players altogether.

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You seem to have gotten lucky. Every time I go in, my screen flashes abruptly, goes blurry and I collapse because my leg's been broken...

Maybe I'm just unlucky.

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Perhaps, but all the Seattle servers are more like:

"Hey, you friendly?"


*Bullet to the back of the head*

All close up and personal. :|

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As far west as I'll play is Chicago. but being in Atlanta myself, I can get away with getting 12ms on an eastern server.

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Last fact I can't confirm. Electro and Cherno are both peaceful and quiet. No snipers and no players altogether.


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