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ZooYorkGaming Server up and running.

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ZooYorkGaming Clan has opened up a new server with Active admins, More Vehicles and brought back the debug panel plugin within the new update. We are looking for anyone in the active community to come play with or against us. ZyG does not tolerate hackers, admin abuse, purposeful exploits such as "duping", or racism. We love PvP, and provide equal opportunity for a fair fight even if you are new to the server. Bandits are welcome. We have custom loadouts so you can defend yourself from a fresh start. ZyG is currently recruiting at www.zooyorkgaming.com and run a teamspeak server for more games than just DayZ. Write our admins and we will send you more information upon request. We are open for ideas and opinions to help make gameplay more enjoyable for the gaming community. Our main DayZ server is in Chernarus. Other Gaming Clans are welcome.

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