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Long Term Health what we are supposed to get in the SA eventually

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Dean has talked a bit here and there about a system where the better you take care of your character, the better his blood will be in the future of his life (until he dies)

Well this means that eating poorly, getting shot up and ripped apart by zombies and giving your Toon the "quick-fix" isn't the best way to go about things, on top of that infections that are not treated properly and diseases could potentially cause a lot more of an impact with a system like this

-what this all boils down to is one thing and that's a blood cap, meaning over long periods of playing if your character is in poor condition he will have a capped blood, say he isn't eating right possibly his blood will be capped at 8k

So, My suggestion is that this should be implemented

-why? It could potentially stop some KOSing (LOL ik that's a bit of a far shot, but people are a lot more likely to band up in game with a feature like that in the game, however it wont necessarily hurt lone wolfs either) both ways I see it, it will make the game at least 60% more immersive. (no idea where im getting 60% from but ill go with it.)

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so your saying if your character eats/drinks bad food/water or gets infected and doesn't treat it or gets seriously injured and doesn't repair it fast he will have a lower max health?

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Why a general health pool? There could be much more immersive and interesting ways for more or less unrelated body functions to impact eachother. I have mentioned this before but a examples are: blood transfusion should NOT compensate for dehydration etc. Protein is not a great source of energy but without protein the body can not function properly to extract energy from other substances, therefore it is essential.

IMO having these different 'needs' boil down into affecting the 'BLOOD LEVEL' is primitive and we can do better.

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In the latest dev blog Dean said that the health system is going to consist of three components:

1. Blood

2. Level of Consciousness

3. Better damage model (limb-specific hit detection)

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As some comments above prove valid points Basic implementation is simply a lower blood cap due to poor eating and sustained injury.

Who knows what they will come up with.

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