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improved hunger and thirst SA

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so this has being through thousand times already i know but I make thread anyway.

So current games/mods hunger and thirst system is no where realistic I know character runs like 24/7 but that is not the point. even though human runs many many miles he won't die starvation or thirst in 60 minutes because body uses sugar as fuel but when body runs out sugar it uses fat.

I suggest complex hunger and thirst system. It includes things like calories fat suggar etc. Kinda like mod for skyrim imps more complex needs. When body runs out of sugar to "burn" it starts using fat. But it shouldn't effect on appierence. This gives player ability survive longer. thirst is just straight forward you don't need worry about complexities in there but some food makes more thirsty some has opposite effect. well what happens when player is hungry well they run little slower, weight capacity is lower, the vision gets blurred, melee is less effective. when player is thirsty they have dry throat so they clear the throat and it makes little sound so it attracts infected there. this is simplified version what i had in mind.

Edited by Tumoa

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i dont think anyone wants to discuss this.


i think so too

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I have trouble with your wording.

How about restating your post in clear, paragraph form, and including these in your arguments:

-what they're doing now

-how what you suggest is different

-the problems or otherwise inferiority of the other system based on:

-how your suggestion is better

-mechanics and basic suggestions

Not necessarily in that order. Anyway, we (atleast I) don't want this whole complex system of equations and computations in DayZ. You can incorporate the same stuff you are talking about, but in simpler terms.

Basically, it would involve each food type having an energy value. Player energy would then be an equation. The equation would be a simulated version of how much energy (glucose) can be used from that type of food(s) that has been eaten, involving multiple variables, some being how much water has been taken in (as you use water for digestion), and the energy levels of other foods, coming out to equal the total amount of energy the player has, in which case negative energy can occur.

At that point you just set a value at which when the equation reaches (it would be negative) they player dies, due to starvation.

You can then set the energy value to affect other things, such as running speed, ect ect.

Now I've never made a game so there's a lot more going on than just this, but for what it's worth energy would not be to hard to code in, IN ITSELF. When you put everything else DayZ is into the game, it can get difficult, especially if the energy values of food change after certain conditions, or even the fact that the food would have to be able to support the value, and the game would have to be able to run it correctly, all taking extra coding.

But that's how I imagine it will work. Simple computation of values affecting others.

Edited by McCullins

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Too complicated, if you ask me.

Sure, dropping dead immediately after 60 minutes without food or water is ridiculous

But on the other hand, running through the woods for hours without some nourishment should be punished in some way, maybe reduced strength with melee weapons, reduced movement speed or shaking while aiming.

So, the issue of not eating or drinking enough can be addressed in a somewhat easy and half-realistic way without the need of a complicated nutrition system.

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