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wyldethang now Battle eye error 16 kicked from servers

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pretty much title says it all

Using the six launcher it decided to update me some more and now now Battle eye error 16 kicked from servers

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Did it just update Battle eye for you? If so, shut down the game completely and try again.

I have noticed that if i log in and battle eye updates, when you die after that you need to restart the client or i get a #16 error anywhere untill i restart Arma 2.

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ok ill try that thanks!!

Did it just update Battle eye for you? If so' date=' shut down the game completely and try again.

I have noticed that if i log in and battle eye updates, when you die after that you need to restart the client or i get a #16 error anywhere untill i restart Arma 2.


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If that doesnt work, then someone else is gonna have to chirp in and help, lol.

But ive had it happen twice to me with that error and the battle eye update, and i know there was one today for me and i last played last night.

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Same thing just happened to me, despite the fact that I had BE updated before I launched the game. It only happened on one server so far.

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