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US 3533 Cheater Report / Ban List

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Date: 5/12/2013

Server: US 3533

Cheaters Detected

Freskie (cc560ad05506c3c2a32c8455cbecf6d6 )

MasterLooser (0f68bbaf4df763924b879032e7bb148d)

Dunky (b2176636cd7d0a356d2165602f121375)

ToMatO (2ae42a54960a200086f3d3bdb812ff8d)

kriss (4f07dda8bef0dbee8e842976ca1d2392)

Dielan (8f4046112e05ebc8622884f4a11f0a6c)

Script Restrictions

12.05.2013 09:27:34: kriss (IP Removed) 4f07dda8bef0dbee8e842976ca1d2392 - #21 "", ""];

Variable Restrictions

12.05.2013 09:01:33: Dielan (IP Removed) 8f4046112e05ebc8622884f4a11f0a6c - #88 "BIS_fnc_getFactions" = {_whorespect = [secretMonkyString];[0,0]}

Remote Execute

12.05.2013 14:07:48: Dunky (IP Removed) b2176636cd7d0a356d2165602f121375 - #0 736:500 unit 766:5 SurvivorW2_DZ

12.05.2013 14:45:30: ToMatO (IP Removed) 2ae42a54960a200086f3d3bdb812ff8d - #0 736:500 unit 756:309 Survivor1_DZ

Attach To Restrictions

12.05.2013 15:42:48: Freskie (IP Removed) cc560ad05506c3c2a32c8455cbecf6d6 - #18 2:35 UAZ_CDF 861:5 Bandit1_DZ -1 [3,5,2]

12.05.2013 12:37:25: MasterLooser (IP Removed) 0f68bbaf4df763924b879032e7bb148d - #11 2:70 PBX 643:5 Survivor2_DZ -1 [3,5,2]

Item/Crate Spawn Restrictions

12.05.2013 14:10:39: Dunky (IP Removed) b2176636cd7d0a356d2165602f121375 - Count Restriction "ItemFlashlight" 0:0

12.05.2013 12:52:05: Dunky (IP Removed) b2176636cd7d0a356d2165602f121375 - #0 "F_40mm_Red" 658:78 0:0 [884,1916,606] [0,0,0]

12.05.2013 12:52:05: Dunky (IP Removed) b2176636cd7d0a356d2165602f121375 - #46 "F_40mm_Red" 658:78 0:0 [884,1916,606] [0,0,0]

12.05.2013 12:52:05: Dunky IP Removed) b2176636cd7d0a356d2165602f121375 - #0 "F_40mm_White" 658:79 0:0 [948,1980,606] [0,0,0]

+ 30 more lines of the same thing

Chat Evidence

(Direct) Freskie: since im a nice cheater you live.

(Direct) Freskie: now you suffer a broken leg in the wilderness.

(Direct) Freskie: or you take the guns.

(Direct) Freskie: how dare you not take my guns.

(Direct) Freskie: i can try spawn a car

(Direct) Freskie: but I may get a kick

(Direct) Freskie: worth a try

Edited by Splinter_2K

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Date: 5/13/2013

Server: US 3533

Cheaters Detected

Aaron (aa6739c15fa05464d29f0e39e249f931)

Dunky (b2176636cd7d0a356d2165602f121375)

Walkerz (884e1b54d707550b0dc4a00bb5264d06)

keiru (b34f9987bc5cea7a1ed6f0b63f30396d) AKA (PLAYER 1)

Geeknasty (2bed57fed47dfe8ff9db50dc018edc9a)

Jsnowx (88899c67265ce9eb896afefb5d959f18)

Script Restrictions

13.05.2013 19:40:50: keiru (IP Removed) b34f9987bc5cea7a1ed6f0b63f30396d - #254 "["M1A1"] call inf_iST_AR_sveh;;"

Variable Restrictions

13.05.2013 00:00:57: Jsnowx (IP Removed) 88899c67265ce9eb896afefb5d959f18 - Value Restriction #232 "usecBleed" = [{preProcessFileLineNumbers=str usecEpi;runInitScript;}]

Remote Execution

13.05.2013 09:24:08: Aaron (IP Removed) aa6739c15fa05464d29f0e39e249f931 - #108 "Killed" 267:34 Sheep - "{aaabbb = teamName _x} count teams;"

13.05.2013 09:28:07: Aaron (IP Removed) aa6739c15fa05464d29f0e39e249f931 - #108 "Killed" 269:22 Sheep - "{aaabbb = teamName _x} count teams;"

13.05.2013 09:30:04: Aaron IP Removed) aa6739c15fa05464d29f0e39e249f931 - #108 "Killed" 272:25 Sheep - "{aaabbb = teamName _x} count teams;"

13.05.2013 09:33:34: Aaron (IP Removed) aa6739c15fa05464d29f0e39e249f931 - #108 "Killed" 275:41 Sheep - "{aaabbb = teamName _x} count teams;"

Attach To Restrictions

13.05.2013 14:56:50: Geeknasty (IP Removed) 2bed57fed47dfe8ff9db50dc018edc9a - #3 2:31 car_hatchback 538:5 Sniper1_DZ -1 [3,5,1]

Item/Crate Spawn Restrictions

12.05.2013 14:10:39: Dunky (IP Removed) b2176636cd7d0a356d2165602f121375 - Count Restriction "ItemFlashlight" 0:0

13.05.2013 11:45:37: Walkerz (IP Removed) 884e1b54d707550b0dc4a00bb5264d06 - Count Restriction "ItemCompass" 0:0

Create Vehicle Restrictions

13.05.2013 20:39:51: keiru (IP Removed) b34f9987bc5cea7a1ed6f0b63f30396d - #17 "M_CRV7_AT" 646:40 2:1562 [7288,2301,149] [-14,8,5]

Waypoint Restrictions

13.05.2013 14:52:19: Geeknasty (IP Removed) 2bed57fed47dfe8ff9db50dc018edc9a - Condition Restriction #1 ["true", "if (isServer) then {_c0de = toString ([59,108,111,99,97,108,95,112,117,98,108,105,115,104,79,98,106,32,61,32,123,13,10,9,95,99,104,97,114,73,68,32,61,9,9,95,116,104,105,115,32,115,101,108,101,99,116,32,48,59,13,10,9,111,98,106,101,99,116,32,61,32,9,9,95,11"] [536:29 group, 1]

13.05.2013 14:52:19: Geeknasty (IP Removed) 2bed57fed47dfe8ff9db50dc018edc9a - Condition Restriction #2 ["true", "if (isServer) then {_c0de = toString ([59,108,111,99,97,108,95,112,117,98,108,105,115,104,79,98,106,32,61,32,123,13,10,9,95,99,104,97,114,73,68,32,61,9,9,95,116,104,105,115,32,115,101,108,101,99,116,32,48,59,13,10,9,111,98,106,101,99,116,32,61,32,9,9,95,11"] [536:29 group, 1]

Edited by Splinter_2K

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Freskie joined your server too eh? He really did some damage on mine, wish I had caught him before he stole our chopper. XD

Nice job catching him.

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Freskie joined your server too eh? He really did some damage on mine, wish I had caught him before he stole our chopper. XD

Nice job catching him.

Yeah, he was spreading his love big time! :)

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hi i play now dayz origins... and i accidantly crashed a heli and now everytime i want to throw a chem light or shoot against anything i got kicked by batteleye script restricten #95 i watched everywhere on the internet but i couldn´t find anything :( can pls someone help me ???

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Greetings jojo,

I believe you posted this in the wrong place. This thread is for server US 3533, which runs the "Standard" Dayz Mod. DayZ Origins is a different Mod altogether. I would suggest that you do one of the following:

  1. Try to locate a website, forums or support email address for the DayZ Origins server that you play on. Send them a message regarding your problem.
  2. If you cannot locate a website or forum for the DayZ Origins server that you play on, create a post in the "Server General" forum of this site. Make sure you include the name of the server in your post title. That way hopefully you will catch the eye of the owner or one of the admins.

Hope this helps.



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Date: 5/16/2013

Server: US 3533

Cheaters Detected

MasterLooser (a7d9698e7369101da13031d7b2d5f1a3)

cam (70158c94ab2150e16b740c86b8bc3313)

Variable Restrictions

16.05.2013 08:45:41: MasterLooser (IP Removed) a7d9698e7369101da13031d7b2d5f1a3 - #88 "BIS_fnc_getFactions" = {_whorespect = [secretMonkyString];[0,0]}

17.05.2013 11:20:05: cam (IP Removed) 70158c94ab2150e16b740c86b8bc3313 - #1 "BIS_fnc_getFactions" = {_whorespect = [secretMonkyString];[0,0]}

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Date: 5/19/2013

Server: US 3533

Cheaters Detected

Kon (21208b9e7ccd2a4aa0d781dbd8c956a8)

whatrulookinat (4d47ecd0838801591507f5fe97795c5b)

Izaya Orihara (2ccc29f608a1737616341115b00be86e)

Hope You Have Friends (5b2ea3dc5bc0a2bdf21e0cb735c11322)

E.M.E Colonel (f405e3a3e7caa32321fc4bf62cda7c4d)

Jimo (abed180affe6c65757c9ccd41adecaad)

Rusty Shackleford (d69efe8ef7027967c6a59b4051e63a5a)

Gurdz (1a382129a7b5e5322636b57184e2807a)

Variable Restrictions

19.05.2013 13:04:56: Izaya Orihara (IP Removed) fc63d390af0eb0e5142c1dde6ac6128c - #28 "boost_e" = 1 2:82 car_hatchback

Item/Crate Spawn

19.05.2013 09:42:54: Kon (IP Removed) 21208b9e7ccd2a4aa0d781dbd8c956a8 - Count Restriction "ItemCompass" 0:0

19.05.2013 16:01:57: whatrulookinat (IP Removed) 4d47ecd0838801591507f5fe97795c5b - Count Restriction "ItemFlashlight" 0:0

Remote Execute

19.05.2013 10:57:15: E.M.E Colonel (IP Removed) f405e3a3e7caa32321fc4bf62cda7c4d - #196 "if (isDedicated) then {{if (true) then _x;} count usecBleed;};

19.05.2013 14:09:21: Jimo (IP Removed) abed180affe6c65757c9ccd41adecaad - #0 "isnil( (norrnRACarUp select 0) ); isnil( {rpcCodeVarName = {_this}; } ); _this = [dayzJizz, ""]; isnil(registerBroadcastRpc);"

19.05.2013 16:15:42: whatrulookinat (IP Removed) 4d47ecd0838801591507f5fe97795c5b - #196 "if (isDedicated) then {{if (true) then _x;} count usecBleed;};"

Set Damage Restrictions

19.05.2013 12:19:33: Izaya Orihara (IP Removed) 2ccc29f608a1737616341115b00be86e - #20 1.100000 32:5 Sniper1_DZ

19.05.2013 17:29:32: Hope You Have Friends (IP Removed) 5b2ea3dc5bc0a2bdf21e0cb735c11322 - #20 1.100000 333:134 z_villager3


19.05.2013 16:53:09: Hope You Have Friends (IP Removed) 5b2ea3dc5bc0a2bdf21e0cb735c11322 - #2 2:85 Lada2 [10392,2577,7]

19.05.2013 16:35:43: Rusty Shackleford (IP Removed) d69efe8ef7027967c6a59b4051e63a5a - #2 2:85 Lada2 [5387,2381,25]

19.05.2013 15:25:47: Gurdz (IP Removed) 1a382129a7b5e5322636b57184e2807a - #2 2:37 Lada2 [10603,2773,74]

Edited by Splinter_2K

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Date: 5/20/2013

Server: US 3533

Cheaters Detected

AntiEvil (IP Removed) e112c97712089e3aecd0866ac4f11049

silent warrior (IP Removed) 2ca72d028a401e94295c7dbd3e51a10a

Ryan (IP Removed) dbe20f137311b559dfb9c13be012804a

spacebar (IP Removed) 83705c49134a1eb47dbc6ea3470a8147

Major (IP Removed) 454c880eb773d219f97a65d83ac0438e)

A Dirty Old Man..... (IP Removed) 911a06200717b72eaf9a1fa764a5a0a9 and 24e9e4917fd063be0885eec580a0d6bb

SpacilNats (IP Removed) 09ee3cb28e11b80a95714eaf7048d8c9

Variable Restrictions

19.05.2013 15:51:07: AntiEvil IP Removed) e112c97712089e3aecd0866ac4f11049 - #1 "BIS_fnc_getFactions" = {_whorespect = [secretniggerString];[0,0]}

20.05.2013 09:24:03: silent warrior (IP Removed) 2ca72d028a401e94295c7dbd3e51a10a - #1 "BIS_fnc_getFactions" = {_whorespect = [secretniggerString];[0,0]}

20.05.2013 09:37:11: Ryan (IP Removed) dbe20f137311b559dfb9c13be012804a - #1 "BIS_fnc_getFactions" = {_whorespect = [secretniggerString];[0,0]}

20.05.2013 13:17:49: AntiEvil IP Removed) b0420660de323f85d6df2f185568ff6a - #1 "BIS_fnc_getFactions" = {_whorespect = [secretniggerString];[0,0]}

Damage Restrictions

20.05.2013 13:56:02: Major (IP Removed) 454c880eb773d219f97a65d83ac0438e - #20 1.000000 5:172 Survivor2_DZ

20.05.2013 15:50:31: A Dirty Old Man..... (IP Removed) 911a06200717b72eaf9a1fa764a5a0a9 - #20 1.100000 110:35 z_soldier_heavy

Item/Crate Spawn Restrictions

21.05.2013 00:01:37: SpacilNats (IP Removed) 09ee3cb28e11b80a95714eaf7048d8c9 - Count Restriction "ItemCompass" 0:0

21.05.2013 00:03:03: SpacilNats (IP Removed) 09ee3cb28e11b80a95714eaf7048d8c9 - Count Restriction "ItemCompass" 0:0

21.05.2013 00:18:57: SpacilNats (IP Removed) 09ee3cb28e11b80a95714eaf7048d8c9 - Count Restriction "ItemCompass" 0:0

21.05.2013 00:21:04: SpacilNats (IP Removed) 09ee3cb28e11b80a95714eaf7048d8c9 - Count Restriction "ItemCompass" 0:0

Waypoint Restrictions

21.05.2013 02:12:03: spacebar (IP Removed) 83705c49134a1eb47dbc6ea3470a8147 - Statement RemoteExec Restriction #19 ["true", "if (isServer) then {_c0de = toString ([59,108,111,99,97,108,95,112,117,98,108,105,115,104,79,98,106,32,61,32,123,13,10,9,95,99,104,97,114,73,68,32,61,9,9,95,116,104,105,115,32,115,101,108,101,99,116,32,48,59,13,10,9,111,98,106,101,99,116,32,61,32,9,9,95,11"] [28:273 group, 1]

Edited by Splinter_2K

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Date: 5/21/2013

Server: US 3533

Cheaters Detected

Chandler (cf73b3163f475c2bc0d06593a7504872)

A Dirty Old Man..... (24e9e4917fd063be0885eec580a0d6bb)

Variable Restrictions

21.05.2013 10:38:30: Chandler (IP Removed) cf73b3163f475c2bc0d06593a7504872 - #28 "boost_shiftl" = 1 2:65 ATV_US_EP1

21.05.2013 10:40:36: Chandler (IP Removed) cf73b3163f475c2bc0d06593a7504872 - #28 "boost_shiftl" = 1 2:65 ATV_US_EP1

21.05.2013 11:14:17: Chandler (IP Removed) cf73b3163f475c2bc0d06593a7504872 - #28 "boost_shiftl" = 1 2:115 HMMWV_DZ

Remote Execute Restrictions

21.05.2013 10:42:23: Chandler (IP Removed) cf73b3163f475c2bc0d06593a7504872 - #196 "if (isDedicated) then {{if (true) then _x;} count usecBleed;};"

Waypoint Restrictions

21.05.2013 11:28:17: Chandler (IP Removed) cf73b3163f475c2bc0d06593a7504872 - Statement RemoteExec Restriction #19 ["true", "if (isServer) then {_c0de = toString ([59,108,111,99,97,108,95,112,117,98,108,105,115,104,79,98,106,32,61,32,123,13,10,9,95,99,104,97,114,73,68,32,61,9,9,95,116,104,105,115,32,115,101,108,101,99,116,32,48,59,13,10,9,111,98,106,101,99,116,32,61,32,9,9,95,11"] [126:15 group, 1]

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Date: 5/22/2013

Server: US 3533

Cheaters Detected

mr weed (4653510057a618d3f91128b5c79c4f75)

Item Spawn Restrictions

21.05.2013 16:14:44: mr weed (IP Removed) 4653510057a618d3f91128b5c79c4f75 - #0 "TrapBear" 0:0

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Date: 5/23/2013

Server: US 3533

Cheaters Detected

Chandler (3ea291231dad29247b63020711c5d100)

liggy (b1bfb5d0753f4620fb9f3ac95d1a21ae)

Item Spawn Restrictions

23.05.2013 11:24:41: Chandler (IP Removed) 3ea291231dad29247b63020711c5d100 - #67 "R_PG9_AT" 268:18 268:5 Soldier1_DZ [1240,8761,327] [-346,-258,-41]

23.05.2013 11:18:25: Chandler (IP Removed) 3ea291231dad29247b63020711c5d100 - Count Restriction "ItemCompass" 0:0

Remote Execute Restrictions

23.05.2013 11:29:26: liggy (IP Removed) b1bfb5d0753f4620fb9f3ac95d1a21ae - #196 "if (isDedicated) then {{if (true) then _x;} count usecBleed;};"


23.05.2013 11:26:33: Chandler (Removed) 3ea291231dad29247b63020711c5d100 - #2 179:516 Survivor2_DZ [1246,8768,325]

Chat log

11:05:12 : (Direct) Chandler: let me change scripts

11:05:15 : (Direct) Chandler: brb

11:24:31 : (Direct) Chandler: I HAVE TO CHANGE SCRIPTS

11:25:28 : (Direct) Chandler: sorry

11:25:45 : (Direct) Chandler: ILL GET HIM BACK

Edited by Splinter_2K

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Date: 5/25/2013

Server: US 3533

Cheaters Detected

brandon (7a37dc42ae298188966a919466cf9ed8)

zack (75bb8ddcb965612d7d1b53bb64c30831)

Variable Restrictions

25.05.2013 08:10:57: zack (IP Removed) 75bb8ddcb965612d7d1b53bb64c30831 - #27 "i44_state" = "con" 104:79 Survivor1_DZ

Remote Execute Restrictions

24.05.2013 10:50:08: brandon (IP Removed) 7a37dc42ae298188966a919466cf9ed8 - #196 "if (isDedicated) then {{if (true) then _x;} count usecBleed;};"

Attach To Restrictions

24.05.2013 10:48:24: brandon (IP Removed) 7a37dc42ae298188966a919466cf9ed8 - #69 2:107 HMMWV_DZ 200:7 Sniper1_DZ -1 [3,5,1]

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Date: 5/26/2013

Server: US 3533

Cheaters Detected

VexFusion (a3a1e113084e2483df309302da2cdf8f)

Ache (3867a9e4ccd28963b21c661335b1963e)

weefeemachine (7fc214a71c41c6f19d62e9990f8344f2)

Lemme swag you doe (f12c7193976d2421bc0726162253962d)

Mysterious Stranger (7e6ae287ee09c3a4c7b303747b349074)

Variable Restrictions

26.05.2013 12:31:44: Lemme swag you doe (IP Removed) f12c7193976d2421bc0726162253962d - #1 "BIS_fnc_getFactions" = {_whorespect = [secretMonkyString];[0,0]}

26.05.2013 17:17:20: Ache (IP Removed) 3867a9e4ccd28963b21c661335b1963e - #1 "hiveupdateresu" = 1

Remote Execute Restrictions

26.05.2013 12:13:19: Mysterious Stranger (IP Removed) 7e6ae287ee09c3a4c7b303747b349074 - #196 "if (isDedicated) then {{if (true) then _x;} count usecBleed;};"

Delete Vehicle Restrictions

VexFusion (IP Removed) a3a1e113084e2483df309302da2cdf8f - Count Restriction 2:22 ATV_CZ_EP1

Note: There were 30+ lines of deleted vehicles (4 of each type), all within a 1 second timeframe.

Set Damage Restrictions

26.05.2013 11:06:32: weefeemachine (IP Removed) 7fc214a71c41c6f19d62e9990f8344f2 - #20 1.000000 190:38 z_worker2

26.05.2013 11:09:34: weefeemachine (IP Removed) 7fc214a71c41c6f19d62e9990f8344f2 - #20 1.000000 190:17 z_villager1

26.05.2013 11:12:03: weefeemachine (IP Removed) 7fc214a71c41c6f19d62e9990f8344f2 - #20 1.000000 190:117 z_worker1

Edited by Splinter_2K

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Date: 5/29/2013

Server: US 3533

Cheaters Detected

Joey (ab53b04a0ec802ddfec59877bbf916ca)

player 1337 (66f9c82866b243e2787d3f528fa7a6be)

logan (a7100f20e72795859eef2ee3ae62fa1c)

bleustrong (99ccd67815d6d3e57301b41dd6eb7f02)

iRockStar (e69cccfba72f6263b6537ac6c1c0d300)

Pavel (36fcb8bb436d80d7018ec9e14324a231)

Tyrone (36fcb8bb436d80d7018ec9e14324a231)

YoloSwag (36fcb8bb436d80d7018ec9e14324a231)

Variable Restrictions

29.05.2013 08:37:51: Joey (IP Removed) ab53b04a0ec802ddfec59877bbf916ca - #35 "nitro" = 1 2:89 Ikarus

29.05.2013 08:35:50: Joey (IP Removed) ab53b04a0ec802ddfec59877bbf916ca - #27 "supgrade" = 1 2:89 Ikarus

29.05.2013 14:19:49: YoloSwag (IP Removed) 36fcb8bb436d80d7018ec9e14324a231 - #27 "supgrade" = 1 2:57 V3S_Civ

29.05.2013 09:59:25: player 1337 (IP Removed) 66f9c82866b243e2787d3f528fa7a6be - #35 "nitro" = 1 2:77 smallboat_2

29.05.2013 10:53:17: logan (IP Removed) a7100f20e72795859eef2ee3ae62fa1c - #1 "BIS_fnc_getFactions" = {_whorespect = [secretMonkyString];[0,0]}

29.05.2013 11:13:18: bleustrong (IP Removed) 99ccd67815d6d3e57301b41dd6eb7f02 - #1 "BIS_fnc_getFactions" = {_whorespect = [secretMonkyString];[0,0]}

29.05.2013 10:25:26: iRockStar (IP Removed) e69cccfba72f6263b6537ac6c1c0d300 - #28 "objectid" = 3741.57 0:0

Item Spawn Restrictions

13:55:11 : Player #3 Pavel (36fcb8bb436d80d7018ec9e14324a231) has been kicked by BattlEye: AddWeaponCargo Count Restriction

14:04:19 : Player #3 Tyrone (36fcb8bb436d80d7018ec9e14324a231) has been kicked by BattlEye: AddWeaponCargo Count Restriction

14:07:15 : Player #5 YoloSwag (36fcb8bb436d80d7018ec9e14324a231) has been kicked by BattlEye: AddWeaponCargo Count Restriction

Teleport Restrictions

29.05.2013 17:00:24: Lenymo (IP Removed) c8bfe3e3c63a8822dce4951fb4a366be - #2 2:38 PBX [9671,1493,19]

Edited by Splinter_2K

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Date: 6/02/2013

Server: US 3533

Cheaters Detected

Pvt.Atomix (ff691423d4c3a129124c858b47a802c5)

Gman (a994c4584989df0f1ef725e40859dd55)

Rider without insert (9f19266b89128fdec0b2c7f5ed3e00e7)

Delta (7dd3864444871cc01a10200526bc9724)

Ponster (637eefeb5e4af84262d2e1391326ae51)

Owen (5210eecdf24ec780c81332a49b738041)

Ruzzel (f462129f458f4ddb237db15abf494132)

Ding Dong (676120d3d139d36b70c299aca4a2df4d)

bladester (70a6ce7826a0953634b889813efc32ad)

CF.Emini.x.92 (6359d88faf690d089c782fb0bb648154)

Gman (a994c4584989df0f1ef725e40859dd55)

Jack (61ca899d4ff0e1b283d590701e906eaa)

kipjeNL (febb025909bc8f4de9011ba9ecc207f4)

Rick (8d2d4884dd4fa34fd13060f2bf48ae4c)

Nemesis (f1610bc9ef2ec6b31ccb640ab2d25df3)

Levi Ronaldo (a05376876a7801d01b16d02c0f2c47a1)

Remote Execute Restrictions

02.06.2013 18:04:46: Rider without insert (IP Removed) 9f19266b89128fdec0b2c7f5ed3e00e7 - #196 "if (isDedicated) then {{if (true) then _x;} count usecBleed;};"

02.06.2013 18:22:51: Pvt.Atomix (IP Removed) ff691423d4c3a129124c858b47a802c5 - #196 "if (isDedicated) then {{if (true) then _x;} count usecBleed;};"

01.06.2013 16:21:30: Delta (IP Removed) 7dd3864444871cc01a10200526bc9724 - #196 "if (isDedicated) then {{if (true) then _x;} count usecBleed;};"

30.05.2013 18:56:08: Ponster (IP Removed) 637eefeb5e4af84262d2e1391326ae51 - #196 "if (isDedicated) then {{if (true) then _x;} count usecBleed;};"

31.05.2013 04:20:32: Ponster (IP Removed) 637eefeb5e4af84262d2e1391326ae51 - #196 "if (isDedicated) then {{if (true) then _x;} count usecBleed;};"

30.05.2013 18:54:47: Ponster (IP Removed) 637eefeb5e4af84262d2e1391326ae51 - #196 "if (isDedicated) then {{if (true) then _x;} count usecBleed;};"

Variable Restrictions

30.05.2013 08:19:39: Owen (IP Removed) 5210eecdf24ec780c81332a49b738041 - #1 "BIS_fnc_getFactions" = {_whorespect = [secretMonkyString];[0,0]}

31.05.2013 09:22:03: Ruzzel (IP Removed) f462129f458f4ddb237db15abf494132 - #1 "BIS_fnc_getFactions" = {_whorespect = [secretMonkyString];[0,0]}

31.05.2013 09:28:22: Ruzzel (IP Removed) f462129f458f4ddb237db15abf494132 - #1 "BIS_fnc_getFactions" = {_whorespect = [secretMonkyString];[0,0]}

31.05.2013 11:25:02: Ding Dong (IP Removed) 676120d3d139d36b70c299aca4a2df4d - #1 "BIS_fnc_getFactions" = {_whorespect = [secretMonkyString];[0,0]}

31.05.2013 11:27:32: Ding Dong (IP Removed) 676120d3d139d36b70c299aca4a2df4d - #1 "BIS_fnc_getFactions" = {_whorespect = [secretMonkyString];[0,0]}

01.06.2013 13:12:29: bladester (IP Removed) 70a6ce7826a0953634b889813efc32ad - #1 "BIS_fnc_getFactions" = {_whorespect = [secretMonkyString];[0,0]}

01.06.2013 13:42:52: bladester (IP Removed) 70a6ce7826a0953634b889813efc32ad - #1 "BIS_fnc_getFactions" = {_whorespect = [secretMonkyString];[0,0]}

01.06.2013 16:46:28: CF.Emini.x.92 (IP Removed) 6359d88faf690d089c782fb0bb648154 - #1 "BIS_fnc_getFactions" = {_whorespect = [secretMonkyString];[0,0]}

01.06.2013 16:47:16: CF.Emini.x.92 (IP Removed) 6359d88faf690d089c782fb0bb648154 - #1 "BIS_fnc_getFactions" = {_whorespect = [secretMonkyString];[0,0]}

02.06.2013 15:56:39: Gman (IP Removed) a994c4584989df0f1ef725e40859dd55 - #1 "BIS_fnc_getFactions" = {_whorespect = [secretMonkyString];[0,0]}

02.06.2013 19:11:57: Jack (IP Removed) 61ca899d4ff0e1b283d590701e906eaa - #54 "drn_DynamicWeatherEventArgs" = [0.692918,0.144481,0,"",0,0,2.00661,-4.16237]

Item Spawn Restrictions

30.05.2013 06:44:55: kipjeNL (IP Removed) febb025909bc8f4de9011ba9ecc207f4 - Count Restriction "ItemCompass" 0:0

31.05.2013 04:49:56: Ponster (IP Removed) 637eefeb5e4af84262d2e1391326ae51 - Count Restriction "ItemCompass" 0:0

02.06.2013 16:47:58: Levi Ronaldo (IP Removed) a05376876a7801d01b16d02c0f2c47a1 - #0 "BearTrap_DZ" 260:99 [4840,9336,349]

02.06.2013 16:50:47: Levi Ronaldo (IP Removed) a05376876a7801d01b16d02c0f2c47a1 - #0 "BearTrap_DZ" 260:120 [4808,9520,340]

02.06.2013 16:14:34: Da Vinci (IP Removed) c1ebe275f5ac562a6736f187166d4a03 - #0 "TrapBear" 0:0

02.06.2013 16:14:34: Da Vinci (IP Removed) c1ebe275f5ac562a6736f187166d4a03 - #0 "TrapBear" 0:0

02.06.2013 16:14:34: Da Vinci (IP Removed) c1ebe275f5ac562a6736f187166d4a03 - #0 "TrapBear" 0:0

02.06.2013 16:14:34: Da Vinci (IP Removed) c1ebe275f5ac562a6736f187166d4a03 - #0 "TrapBear" 0:0

02.06.2013 16:14:34: Da Vinci (IP Removed) c1ebe275f5ac562a6736f187166d4a03 - #0 "TrapBear" 0:0

02.06.2013 16:14:34: Da Vinci (IP Removed) c1ebe275f5ac562a6736f187166d4a03 - #0 "TrapBear" 0:0

02.06.2013 16:14:34: Da Vinci (IP Removed) c1ebe275f5ac562a6736f187166d4a03 - #0 "TrapBear" 0:0

02.06.2013 16:14:34: Da Vinci (IP Removed) c1ebe275f5ac562a6736f187166d4a03 - #0 "TrapBear" 0:0

Attach To Restrictions

01.06.2013 17:35:21: Rick (IP Removed) 8d2d4884dd4fa34fd13060f2bf48ae4c - #102 2:37 Volha_2_TK_CIV_EP1 278:54 Survivor3_DZ -1 [3,5,2

Waypoint Restrictions

31.05.2013 08:28:06: Nemesis (IP Removed) f1610bc9ef2ec6b31ccb640ab2d25df3 - Statement RemoteExec Restriction #19 ["true", "if (isServer) then {_c0de = toString ([59,108,111,99,97,108,95,112,117,98,108,105,115,104,79,98,106,32,61,32,123,13,10,9,95,99,104,97,114,73,68,32,61,9,9,95,116,104,105,115,32,115,101,108,101,99,116,32,48,59,13,10,9,111,98,106,101,99,116,32,61,32,9,9,95,11"] [132:87 group, 1]

Edited by Splinter_2K

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Date: 6/05/2013

Server: US 3533

Cheaters Detected

Diabl0X (3d43ac8bf4cb9b06e245ff9670aa174c)

Dayton (5ed272d9241285e18717807a6b2b2cef)

dtap (95bfe0054ee05e962438d861bda41522)

Mr Charlie (ef8f439177951d01f8ed8a00736e7d33)

Ulysses (2868ba534c8f637bf42d2b928de3b58d)

Cameron (a6f891d225482cd3b921c67898558cb9)

Garrett (19db035af8f7363a6b5e3f6320617b5e)

poN (e7fb1552010719f97512da61e7a8ef42)

Nick (04f47962f938a89bc696a6b73848823d)

felix (07f7530fd6f9df92ffb79cdf1628fcf2)

Jocelin (3d43ac8bf4cb9b06e245ff9670aa174c)

Remote Execute Restrictions

04.06.2013 11:44:28: dtap (IP Removed) 95bfe0054ee05e962438d861bda41522 - #196 "if (isDedicated) then {{if (true) then _x;} count usecBleed;};"

05.06.2013 16:18:05: Mr Charlie (IP Removed) ef8f439177951d01f8ed8a00736e7d33 - #196 "if (isDedicated) then {{if (true) then _x;} count usecBleed;};"

05.06.2013 16:56:15: Dayton (IP Removed) 5ed272d9241285e18717807a6b2b2cef - #196 "if (isDedicated) then {{if (true) then _x;} count usecBleed;};"

Variable Restrictions

03.06.2013 09:35:53: Cameron (IP Removed) a6f891d225482cd3b921c67898558cb9 - #1 "BIS_fnc_getFactions" = {_whorespect = [secretMonkyString];[0,0]}

03.06.2013 16:04:33: Garrett (IP Removed) 19db035af8f7363a6b5e3f6320617b5e - #1 "BIS_fnc_getFactions" = {_whorespect = [secretMonkyString];[0,0]}

03.06.2013 17:46:08: poN ( e7fb1552010719f97512da61e7a8ef42 - #1 "allunits" = []

04.06.2013 12:58:41: felix (IP Removed) 07f7530fd6f9df92ffb79cdf1628fcf2 - #1 "BIS_fnc_getFactions" = {_whorespect = [secretMonkyString];[0,0]}

05.06.2013 12:29:26: Nick (IP Removed) 04f47962f938a89bc696a6b73848823d - #1 "BIS_fnc_getFactions" = {_whorespect = [secretMonkyString];[0,0]}

Item Spawn Restrictions

05.06.2013 13:39:46: Jocelin (IP Removed) 3d43ac8bf4cb9b06e245ff9670aa174c - Count Restriction "Binocular" 0:0

05.06.2013 16:08:45: Dayton (IP Removed) 5ed272d9241285e18717807a6b2b2cef - Count Restriction "ItemCompass" 0:0

04.06.2013 10:58:40: poN (IP Removed) 648a5b626c121e499e7c1b2dbf09446a - #67 "M_AT13_AT" 48:21 48:5 Survivor2_DZ [12544,3775,23] [36,-70,7]

Attach To Restrictions

05.06.2013 13:51:41: Diabl0X (IP Removed) 3d43ac8bf4cb9b06e245ff9670aa174c - #85 2:42 smallboat_2 128:5 Survivor2_DZ -1 [3,5,2]

Set Damage Restrictions

05.06.2013 13:18:22: Ulysses (IP Removed) 2868ba534c8f637bf42d2b928de3b58d - #20 1.000000 69:156 Survivor1_DZ

05.06.2013 16:11:57: Mr Charlie (IP Removed) ef8f439177951d01f8ed8a00736e7d33 - #20 1.100000 1:-1400585796

Edited by Splinter_2K

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Date: 6/08/2013

Server: US 3533

Cheaters Detected

ae (711024466b021dce5877b6ae83820862)

Kupnu4Hblu 3aBog (137d3a2d4b4945d6a8ef678b51a09bf9)

Cool Professional (7d3ebde9ae4bcb698c9e892164007ad4)

Remote Execute Restrictions

07.06.2013 14:10:57: ae (IP Removed) 711024466b021dce5877b6ae83820862 - #8 "{ if((getPlayerUID _x) == '9136132') then { _x hideObject true; }; } forEach playableUnits;"

Variable Restrictions

06.06.2013 18:34:10: Cool Professional (IP Removed) 7d3ebde9ae4bcb698c9e892164007ad4 - #1 "BIS_fnc_getFactions" = {_whorespect = [secretMonkyString];[0,0]}

Item Spawn Restrictions

07.06.2013 10:06:08: Kupnu4Hblu 3aBog (IP Removed) 137d3a2d4b4945d6a8ef678b51a09bf9 - #79 "R_SMAW_HEAA" 380:11 380:6 Bandit1_DZ [10509,2299,17] [-164,144,-15]

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Date: 6/10/2013

Server: US 3533

Cheaters Detected

US Palmer (7e6d61e172d0d8c8a92ff640d510db68)

Dart (ab2f16dc58988a11e2e4a7dffb4490c9)

OG KUSH (07ec8a262827e2d12cd29f2988a5c970)

poN (cd0ffeefdcc0b020179fcb18fb3fc47c)

[sMD] Mr Honey Bear (02014f70538facb43ac8f19f4615cf67)

Survivalist (0dca9dd3722c8307d1ecfc1a2f30359c)

paxom:D (d01daac0cc7b2c4740f73307aa30cc77)

Meeeee (18c2dc80a17f9dd758a2c939e4aa7d21)

nockcose (731e495d9f44a08e70b6ca17e6266177)

Bubble Gum (edad71a4af4c0c5a9041827351383daf)

ncomm (909b1153ef0d3d19b2c3f41ad3f6a080)

Remote Execute Restrictions

11.06.2013 05:18:55: paxom:D (IP Removed) d01daac0cc7b2c4740f73307aa30cc77 - #0 "allUnits = [];"

11.06.2013 05:18:55: paxom:D (IP Removed) d01daac0cc7b2c4740f73307aa30cc77 - #189 "allUnits = [];"

10.06.2013 12:14:49: [sMD] Mr Honey Bear (IP Removed) 02014f70538facb43ac8f19f4615cf67 - #196 "if (isDedicated) then {{if (true) then _x;} count usecBleed;};"

10.06.2013 14:53:08: Survivalist (IP Removed) 0dca9dd3722c8307d1ecfc1a2f30359c - #38 "[this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction"

10.06.2013 14:53:08: Survivalist (IP Removed) 0dca9dd3722c8307d1ecfc1a2f30359c - #54 "[this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction"

10.06.2013 14:53:09: Survivalist (IP Removed) 0dca9dd3722c8307d1ecfc1a2f30359c - #38 "[this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction"

10.06.2013 14:53:09: Survivalist (IP Removed) 0dca9dd3722c8307d1ecfc1a2f30359c - #54 "[this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction"

10.06.2013 14:53:10: Survivalist (IP Removed) 0dca9dd3722c8307d1ecfc1a2f30359c - #38 "[this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction"

10.06.2013 14:53:10: Survivalist (IP Removed) 0dca9dd3722c8307d1ecfc1a2f30359c - #54 "[this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction"

10.06.2013 14:53:11: Survivalist (IP Removed) 0dca9dd3722c8307d1ecfc1a2f30359c - #38 "[this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction"

10.06.2013 14:53:11: Survivalist (IP Removed) 0dca9dd3722c8307d1ecfc1a2f30359c - #54 "[this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction"

10.06.2013 14:53:11: Survivalist (IP Removed) 0dca9dd3722c8307d1ecfc1a2f30359c - #38 "[this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction"

10.06.2013 14:53:11: Survivalist (IP Removed) 0dca9dd3722c8307d1ecfc1a2f30359c - #54 "[this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction"

+ 20 more consecutive identical lines within 4 seconds

Variable Restrictions

08.06.2013 22:00:12: Meeeee (IP Removed) 18c2dc80a17f9dd758a2c939e4aa7d21 - #1 "BIS_fnc_getFactions" = {_whorespect = [secretMonkyString];[0,0]}

09.06.2013 08:20:26: poN (IP Removed) cd0ffeefdcc0b020179fcb18fb3fc47c - #1 "BIS_fnc_getFactions" = {_whorespect = [secretMonkyString];[0,0]}

09.06.2013 08:39:46: poN ( cd0ffeefdcc0b020179fcb18fb3fc47c - #1 "BIS_fnc_getFactions" = {_whorespect = [secretMonkyString];[0,0]}

09.06.2013 10:21:58: Dart (IP Removed) ab2f16dc58988a11e2e4a7dffb4490c9 - #1 "BIS_fnc_getFactions" = {_whorespect = [secretMonkyString];[0,0]}

09.06.2013 10:44:34: OG KUSH (IP Removed) 07ec8a262827e2d12cd29f2988a5c970 - #1 "BIS_fnc_getFactions" = {_whorespect = [secretMonkyString];[0,0]}

09.06.2013 10:47:06: OG KUSH (IP Removed) 07ec8a262827e2d12cd29f2988a5c970 - #1 "BIS_fnc_getFactions" = {_whorespect = [secretMonkyString];[0,0]}

09.06.2013 11:28:16: Dart (IP Removed) ab2f16dc58988a11e2e4a7dffb4490c9 - #1 "BIS_fnc_getFactions" = {_whorespect = [secretMonkyString];[0,0]}

10.06.2013 09:43:56: Cool Guy (IP Removed) f3a283f43afe8e2f1ac0a620eec51850 - #1 "usecEpl" = <NULL - team member>

10.06.2013 09:49:44: Cool Guy (IP Removed) f3a283f43afe8e2f1ac0a620eec51850 - #1 "usecEpl" = <NULL - team member>

10.06.2013 10:13:11: nockcose (IP Removed) 731e495d9f44a08e70b6ca17e6266177 - #1 "usecEpl" = <NULL - team member>

11.06.2013 06:10:12: Bubble Gum (IP Removed) edad71a4af4c0c5a9041827351383daf - #1 "usecEpl" = <NULL - team member>

11.06.2013 07:10:30: ncomm (IP Removed) 909b1153ef0d3d19b2c3f41ad3f6a080 - #1 "PVDZ_plr_Login1" = ["1782273",<NULL-object>]

11.06.2013 07:24:20: Bubble Gum (IP Removed) edad71a4af4c0c5a9041827351383daf - #1 "usecEpl" = <NULL - team member>

11.06.2013 07:30:07: Bubble Gum (IP Removed) edad71a4af4c0c5a9041827351383daf - #1 "usecEpl" = <NULL - team member>

6/10/2013 7:39:49 PM : Player #8 US Palmer (7e6d61e172d0d8c8a92ff640d510db68) has been kicked by BattlEye: PublicVariable Restriction #1

Set Damage Restrictions

10.06.2013 15:14:28: Survivalist (IP Removed) 0dca9dd3722c8307d1ecfc1a2f30359c - #20 1.100000 1:-1987383212

Waypoint Restrictions

10.06.2013 14:55:08: Survivalist (IP Removed) 0dca9dd3722c8307d1ecfc1a2f30359c - Statement RemoteExec Restriction #19 ["true", "if (isServer) then {_c0de = toString ([59,108,111,99,97,108,95,112,117,98,108,105,115,104,79,98,106,32,61,32,123,13,10,9,95,99,104,97,114,73,68,32,61,9,9,95,116,104,105,115,32,115,101,108,101,99,116,32,48,59,13,10,9,111,98,106,101,99,116,32,61,32,9,9,95,11"] [588:40 group, 1]

10.06.2013 14:56:45: Survivalist (IP Removed) 0dca9dd3722c8307d1ecfc1a2f30359c - Statement RemoteExec Restriction #19 ["true", "if (isServer) then {_c0de = toString ([59,108,111,99,97,108,95,112,117,98,108,105,115,104,79,98,106,32,61,32,123,13,10,9,95,99,104,97,114,73,68,32,61,9,9,95,116,104,105,115,32,115,101,108,101,99,116,32,48,59,13,10,9,111,98,106,101,99,116,32,61,32,9,9,95,11"] [590:22 group

Edited by Splinter_2K

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Date: 6/16/2013

Server: US 3533

Cheaters Detected

AnEmoPanda (b2730728cedf28212e5313bc239d7cfc)

Yeyesucker (6f2afc4fa1e8d7d842c3cec864a9dbc3)

The Real Wizard (7bafa42891e6e2aeff6c518deeb271e9)

Kameron (5d8c397522071776094e3984e0c094ff)

Roar (e8bd59a2ae5cdb20e124423f718b55e2)

Woogi_Dontshoot (979cb4556c5bafdc15b56bfdba57d6f5)

Riptide (4e9ca250fd34bcd2cc858c1a5457eb77)

Im BatMan (e243cc947d385ca810e28f9f9475d188)

Loganater (3f64f2de1600fe37fd742e5d173846b9)

trollasaurous (4cdcf30544bb9ab2f2515f86940410f5)

The Real Wizard (7bafa42891e6e2aeff6c518deeb271e9)

Attach To Restrictions

16.06.2013 12:22:04: Woogi_Dontshoot (IP Removed) 979cb4556c5bafdc15b56bfdba57d6f5 - #19 2:44 Ikarus 10:5 Bandit1_DZ -1 [3,5,2]

Item Spawn Restrictions

16.06.2013 09:26:39: Riptide (IP Removed) 4e9ca250fd34bcd2cc858c1a5457eb77 - #62 "US_UAV_Pack_EP1" 123:254 [0,0,0]

15.06.2013 16:05:12: AnEmoPanda (IP Removed) b2730728cedf28212e5313bc239d7cfc - #0 "Binocular" 0:0

15.06.2013 16:05:12: AnEmoPanda (IP Removed) b2730728cedf28212e5313bc239d7cfc - #0 "Binocular" 0:0

15.06.2013 16:05:12: AnEmoPanda (IP Removed) b2730728cedf28212e5313bc239d7cfc - #0 "Binocular" 0:0

15.06.2013 16:05:12: AnEmoPanda (IP Removed) b2730728cedf28212e5313bc239d7cfc - #0 "Binocular" 0:0

15.06.2013 16:05:12: AnEmoPanda (IP Removed) b2730728cedf28212e5313bc239d7cfc - #0 "Binocular" 0:0

15.06.2013 16:05:12: AnEmoPanda (IP Removed) b2730728cedf28212e5313bc239d7cfc - #0 "Binocular" 0:0

15.06.2013 16:05:12: AnEmoPanda (IP Removed) b2730728cedf28212e5313bc239d7cfc - #0 "Binocular" 0:0

15.06.2013 16:05:12: AnEmoPanda (IP Removed) b2730728cedf28212e5313bc239d7cfc - #0 "Binocular" 0:0

15.06.2013 16:05:12: AnEmoPanda (IP Removed) b2730728cedf28212e5313bc239d7cfc - #0 "Binocular" 0:0

15.06.2013 16:05:12: AnEmoPanda (IP Removed) b2730728cedf28212e5313bc239d7cfc - #0 "Binocular" 0:0

15.06.2013 16:05:12: AnEmoPanda (IP Removed) b2730728cedf28212e5313bc239d7cfc - #0 "Binocular_Vector" 0:0

15.06.2013 16:05:12: AnEmoPanda (IP Removed) b2730728cedf28212e5313bc239d7cfc - #0 "Binocular_Vector" 0:0

15.06.2013 16:05:12: AnEmoPanda (IP Removed) b2730728cedf28212e5313bc239d7cfc - #0 "Binocular_Vector" 0:0

15.06.2013 16:05:12: AnEmoPanda (IP Removed) b2730728cedf28212e5313bc239d7cfc - #0 "Binocular_Vector" 0:0

15.06.2013 16:05:12: AnEmoPanda (IP Removed) b2730728cedf28212e5313bc239d7cfc - #0 "Binocular_Vector" 0:0

15.06.2013 16:05:12: AnEmoPanda (IP Removed) b2730728cedf28212e5313bc239d7cfc - #0 "Binocular_Vector" 0:0

15.06.2013 16:05:12: AnEmoPanda (IP Removed) b2730728cedf28212e5313bc239d7cfc - #0 "Binocular_Vector" 0:0

15.06.2013 16:05:12: AnEmoPanda (IP Removed) b2730728cedf28212e5313bc239d7cfc - #0 "Binocular_Vector" 0:0

15.06.2013 16:05:12: AnEmoPanda (IP Removed) b2730728cedf28212e5313bc239d7cfc - #0 "Binocular_Vector" 0:0

15.06.2013 16:05:12: AnEmoPanda (IP Removed) b2730728cedf28212e5313bc239d7cfc - #0 "Binocular_Vector" 0:0

15.06.2013 16:05:12: AnEmoPanda (IP Removed) b2730728cedf28212e5313bc239d7cfc - #0 "ItemCompass" 0:0

15.06.2013 16:05:12: AnEmoPanda (IP Removed) b2730728cedf28212e5313bc239d7cfc - #0 "ItemCompass" 0:0

15.06.2013 16:05:12: AnEmoPanda (IP Removed) b2730728cedf28212e5313bc239d7cfc - #0 "ItemCompass" 0:0

15.06.2013 16:05:12: AnEmoPanda (IP Removed) b2730728cedf28212e5313bc239d7cfc - #0 "ItemCompass" 0:0

15.06.2013 16:05:12: AnEmoPanda (IP Removed) b2730728cedf28212e5313bc239d7cfc - #0 "ItemCompass" 0:0

15.06.2013 16:05:12: AnEmoPanda (IP Removed) b2730728cedf28212e5313bc239d7cfc - Count Restriction "ItemCompass" 0:0

16.06.2013 08:33:28: Riptide (IP Removed) 4e9ca250fd34bcd2cc858c1a5457eb77 - #0 "Binocular" 0:0

16.06.2013 08:33:28: Riptide (IP Removed) 4e9ca250fd34bcd2cc858c1a5457eb77 - #0 "Binocular" 0:0

16.06.2013 08:33:28: Riptide (IP Removed) 4e9ca250fd34bcd2cc858c1a5457eb77 - #0 "Binocular" 0:0

16.06.2013 08:33:28: Riptide (IP Removed) 4e9ca250fd34bcd2cc858c1a5457eb77 - #0 "Binocular" 0:0

16.06.2013 08:33:28: Riptide (IP Removed) 4e9ca250fd34bcd2cc858c1a5457eb77 - #0 "Binocular" 0:0

16.06.2013 08:33:28: Riptide (IP Removed) 4e9ca250fd34bcd2cc858c1a5457eb77 - #0 "Binocular" 0:0

16.06.2013 08:33:28: Riptide (IP Removed) 4e9ca250fd34bcd2cc858c1a5457eb77 - #0 "Binocular" 0:0

16.06.2013 08:33:28: Riptide (IP Removed) 4e9ca250fd34bcd2cc858c1a5457eb77 - #0 “Binocular" 0:0

16.06.2013 08:33:28: Riptide (IP Removed) 4e9ca250fd34bcd2cc858c1a5457eb77 - #0 "Binocular" 0:0

16.06.2013 08:33:28: Riptide (IP Removed) 4e9ca250fd34bcd2cc858c1a5457eb77 - #0 "Binocular" 0:0

16.06.2013 08:33:28: Riptide (IP Removed) 4e9ca250fd34bcd2cc858c1a5457eb77 - #0 "Binocular_Vector" 0:0

16.06.2013 08:33:28: Riptide (IP Removed) 4e9ca250fd34bcd2cc858c1a5457eb77 - #0 "Binocular_Vector" 0:0

16.06.2013 08:33:28: Riptide (IP Removed) 4e9ca250fd34bcd2cc858c1a5457eb77 - #0 "Binocular_Vector" 0:0

16.06.2013 08:33:28: Riptide (IP Removed) 4e9ca250fd34bcd2cc858c1a5457eb77 - #0 "Binocular_Vector" 0:0

16.06.2013 08:33:28: Riptide (IP Removed) 4e9ca250fd34bcd2cc858c1a5457eb77 - #0 "Binocular_Vector" 0:0

16.06.2013 08:33:28: Riptide (IP Removed) 4e9ca250fd34bcd2cc858c1a5457eb77 - #0 "Binocular_Vector" 0:0

16.06.2013 08:33:28: Riptide (IP Removed) 4e9ca250fd34bcd2cc858c1a5457eb77 - #0 "Binocular_Vector" 0:0

16.06.2013 08:33:28: Riptide (IP Removed) 4e9ca250fd34bcd2cc858c1a5457eb77 - #0 "Binocular_Vector" 0:0

16.06.2013 08:33:28: Riptide (IP Removed) 4e9ca250fd34bcd2cc858c1a5457eb77 - #0 "Binocular_Vector" 0:0

16.06.2013 08:33:28: Riptide (IP Removed) 4e9ca250fd34bcd2cc858c1a5457eb77 - #0 "Binocular_Vector" 0:0

16.06.2013 08:33:28: Riptide (IP Removed) 4e9ca250fd34bcd2cc858c1a5457eb77 - #0 "ItemCompass" 0:0

16.06.2013 08:33:28: Riptide (IP Removed) 4e9ca250fd34bcd2cc858c1a5457eb77 - #0 "ItemCompass" 0:0

16.06.2013 08:33:28: Riptide (IP Removed) 4e9ca250fd34bcd2cc858c1a5457eb77 - #0 "ItemCompass" 0:0

16.06.2013 08:33:28: Riptide (IP Removed) 4e9ca250fd34bcd2cc858c1a5457eb77 - #0 "ItemCompass" 0:0

16.06.2013 08:33:28: Riptide (IP Removed) 4e9ca250fd34bcd2cc858c1a5457eb77 - #0 "ItemCompass" 0:0

16.06.2013 08:33:28: Riptide (IP Removed) 4e9ca250fd34bcd2cc858c1a5457eb77 - Count Restriction "ItemCompass" 0:0

Remote Execute Restrictions

15.06.2013 15:56:42: AnEmoPanda (IP Removed) b2730728cedf28212e5313bc239d7cfc - #108 "Killed" 199:24 Sheep - "{aaabbb = teamName _x} count teams;"

16.06.2013 08:29:35: Riptide (IP Removed) 4e9ca250fd34bcd2cc858c1a5457eb77 - #0 53:190 unit 110:280 Camo1_DZ

16.06.2013 12:24:37: Woogi_Dontshoot (IP Removed) 979cb4556c5bafdc15b56bfdba57d6f5 - #0 "_spawnAIS = this;"

16.06.2013 12:24:37: Woogi_Dontshoot (IP Removed) 979cb4556c5bafdc15b56bfdba57d6f5 - #35 "_spawnAIS = this;"

16.06.2013 12:24:37: Woogi_Dontshoot (IP Removed) 979cb4556c5bafdc15b56bfdba57d6f5 - #37 "_spawnAIS = this;"

16.06.2013 12:45:53: Woogi_Dontshoot (IP Removed) 979cb4556c5bafdc15b56bfdba57d6f5 - #0 "_spawnAIS = this;"

16.06.2013 12:45:53: Woogi_Dontshoot (IP Removed) 979cb4556c5bafdc15b56bfdba57d6f5 - #35 "_spawnAIS = this;"

16.06.2013 12:45:53: Woogi_Dontshoot (IP Removed) 979cb4556c5bafdc15b56bfdba57d6f5 - #37 "_spawnAIS = this;"

16.06.2013 12:45:54: Woogi_Dontshoot (IP Removed) 979cb4556c5bafdc15b56bfdba57d6f5 - #0 "_spawnAIS = this;"

16.06.2013 12:45:54: Woogi_Dontshoot (IP Removed) 979cb4556c5bafdc15b56bfdba57d6f5 - #35 "_spawnAIS = this;"

16.06.2013 12:45:54: Woogi_Dontshoot (IP Removed) 979cb4556c5bafdc15b56bfdba57d6f5 - #37 "_spawnAIS = this;"

16.06.2013 12:45:54: Woogi_Dontshoot (IP Removed) 979cb4556c5bafdc15b56bfdba57d6f5 - #0 "_spawnAIS = this;"

16.06.2013 12:45:54: Woogi_Dontshoot (IP Removed) 979cb4556c5bafdc15b56bfdba57d6f5 - #35 "_spawnAIS = this;"

16.06.2013 12:45:54: Woogi_Dontshoot (IP Removed) 979cb4556c5bafdc15b56bfdba57d6f5 - #37 "_spawnAIS = this;"

16.06.2013 12:45:55: Woogi_Dontshoot (IP Removed) 979cb4556c5bafdc15b56bfdba57d6f5 - #0 "_spawnAIS = this;"

16.06.2013 12:45:55: Woogi_Dontshoot (IP Removed) 979cb4556c5bafdc15b56bfdba57d6f5 - #35 "_spawnAIS = this;"

16.06.2013 12:45:55: Woogi_Dontshoot (IP Removed) 979cb4556c5bafdc15b56bfdba57d6f5 - #37 "_spawnAIS = this;"

16.06.2013 12:45:55: Woogi_Dontshoot (IP Removed) 979cb4556c5bafdc15b56bfdba57d6f5 - #0 "_spawnAIS = this;"

16.06.2013 12:45:55: Woogi_Dontshoot (IP Removed) 979cb4556c5bafdc15b56bfdba57d6f5 - #35 "_spawnAIS = this;"

16.06.2013 12:45:55: Woogi_Dontshoot (IP Removed) 979cb4556c5bafdc15b56bfdba57d6f5 - #37 "_spawnAIS = this;"

16.06.2013 12:45:56: Woogi_Dontshoot (IP Removed) 979cb4556c5bafdc15b56bfdba57d6f5 - #0 "_spawnAIS = this;"

16.06.2013 12:45:56: Woogi_Dontshoot (IP Removed) 979cb4556c5bafdc15b56bfdba57d6f5 - #35 "_spawnAIS = this;"

16.06.2013 12:45:56: Woogi_Dontshoot (IP Removed) 979cb4556c5bafdc15b56bfdba57d6f5 - #37 "_spawnAIS = this;"

16.06.2013 12:45:57: Woogi_Dontshoot (IP Removed) 979cb4556c5bafdc15b56bfdba57d6f5 - #0 "_spawnAIS = this;"

16.06.2013 12:45:57: Woogi_Dontshoot (IP Removed) 979cb4556c5bafdc15b56bfdba57d6f5 - #35 "_spawnAIS = this;"

16.06.2013 12:45:57: Woogi_Dontshoot (IP Removed) 979cb4556c5bafdc15b56bfdba57d6f5 - #37 "_spawnAIS = this;"

6.06.2013 12:45:58: Woogi_Dontshoot (IP Removed) 979cb4556c5bafdc15b56bfdba57d6f5 - #0 "_spawnAIS = this;"

16.06.2013 12:45:58: Woogi_Dontshoot (IP Removed) 979cb4556c5bafdc15b56bfdba57d6f5 - #35 "_spawnAIS = this;"

16.06.2013 12:45:58: Woogi_Dontshoot (IP Removed) 979cb4556c5bafdc15b56bfdba57d6f5 - #37 "_spawnAIS = this;"

16.06.2013 12:45:58: Woogi_Dontshoot (IP Removed) 979cb4556c5bafdc15b56bfdba57d6f5 - #0 "_spawnAIS = this;"

16.06.2013 12:45:58: Woogi_Dontshoot (IP Removed) 979cb4556c5bafdc15b56bfdba57d6f5 - #35 "_spawnAIS = this;"

16.06.2013 12:45:58: Woogi_Dontshoot (IP Removed) 979cb4556c5bafdc15b56bfdba57d6f5 - #37 "_spawnAIS = this;"

16.06.2013 12:45:58: Woogi_Dontshoot (IP Removed) 979cb4556c5bafdc15b56bfdba57d6f5 - #0 "_spawnAIS = this;"

16.06.2013 12:45:58: Woogi_Dontshoot (IP Removed) 979cb4556c5bafdc15b56bfdba57d6f5 - #35 "_spawnAIS = this;"

16.06.2013 12:45:58: Woogi_Dontshoot (IP Removed) 979cb4556c5bafdc15b56bfdba57d6f5 - #37 "_spawnAIS = this;"

Variable Restrictions

15.06.2013 17:26:40: Yeyesucker (IP Removed) 6f2afc4fa1e8d7d842c3cec864a9dbc3 - #0 "BIS_fnc_getFactions" = {_whorespect = [secretMonkyString];[0,0]}

13.06.2013 17:12:40: The Real Wizard (IP Removed) 7bafa42891e6e2aeff6c518deeb271e9 - #0 "usecEpl" = <NULL - team member>

13.06.2013 12:56:16: Kameron ( 5d8c397522071776094e3984e0c094ff - #0 "usecEpl" = <NULL - team member>

13.06.2013 11:50:11: Roar (IP Removed) e8bd59a2ae5cdb20e124423f718b55e2 - #0 "usecEpl" = <NULL - team member>

16.06.2013 12:44:21: Loganater (IP Removed) 3f64f2de1600fe37fd742e5d173846b9 - #0 "usecEpl" = <NULL - team member>

16.06.2013 14:16:06: Im BatMan (IP Removed) e243cc947d385ca810e28f9f9475d188 - #0 "usecEpi" = <NULL - team member>

Server Rule Violations

Promoting Hack Tools in Chat:

6/15/2013 8:53:32 PM : (Direct) trollasaurous: go to youtube and tipe in the search bar "Name Removed" bypass/scriptmenu

Edited by Splinter_2K

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Yes it did...same time last night there were two guys cheating and teleporting in killing everyone. I logged in with my friend and not even 20 seconds being logged in two guys teleported right in next to us with flares and killed me. Then they teleported next to me at my fresh spawn with a vehicle and ran me over. Awesome...

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Thank you for the report guys. The offenders have been properly dealt with.



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