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[HR] Hellrazors recruitment

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The hellrazors are recruiting again, we are always recruiting for our civilian ranks, but we are also looking

to recruit for our militia at the moment, we are looking for mature serious players, who can take an order and carry it

out, You must be at least 16 years old (sorry but we've had too many issues with immature gamers) and bring a good

attitude. We like to have fun and are open to new Ideas, we also have meetings on teamspeak once a month to give all the members a chance to be part of monthly planning for events/changes and things of that nature. We have an excellent staff running the website and clan that devote quite a bit of time to ensure you get the best quality out of the clan as possible. If you are interested in joining a decent sized community and want to play tactically, come to our website and have a look, come join us @ dayzhellrazors.tk

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