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New Zombie Aggro (again) -_- sorry

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In all seriousness, some things i noticed that irked me a little bit, and im just mentioning them to see if others have had similar issues?

Dont want moaning about how they spot too easy for the most part it seems ok... still think they could be a TINY bit slower but anyway.

Ive had a couple of weird issue with new patch.. one im running through the woods after aggroing a lone zombie, get him miles from anything and drop him, carry on running, 2-3 mins later after some woodland strolling i hear screeching and grunting and turn round to see another zombie coming. First thoughts are god i must have been near a deer stand or something so i run some more and drop him making sure theres nothing anywhere this time, this then preceded to happen 5 or 6 times and then stopped.

2nd issue, walking through crouching about through kamenka with the docks to my back i approach the little industrial sheds, as i get maybe 1/2 way from the dock edge to the building i hear what sounds like an angry zombie, i peek round to the gap in the stone wall type structure and sure enough there's a zombie coming towards me. not sure why i had no LOS on him but to my amazement behind him is a a full blown posse streaming from the far end of the town at me. luckily im near the dock and im done for the night anyway, but i try to test the LOS losing and it doesn't work so i sat on the dock logged off and came here before I go get some kip.

aside form people moaning its too hard anyone noticing this? maybe some of the moaners have a point and theres some issue i dunno? but no need to have a go at them if people dont share their experiences improvements cant be made and issue may go unnoticed.

Night chaps!

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