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So i lost my hero skin, here is the event

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So this is how i lost my hero skin just 10 min ago:

I was running into the old fields, seems nobody in da house, then a little bird comes, i hide from it because i know they were going to shoot at me, i was hesitating if i take the shot or not with my DMR when m24 shots are fired.

I was not alone.

I decide to scout the treeline, and after 5 min of doing that, we passed like 5 meters of eachother, i fastly tell him, 'FRIENDLY, not gonna shoot you' he said ok, but seems like he had other plans.

we advance 50 meters, and he starts to shoot at me with a m16 ACOG, then i quickly follow to fire him with my dmr (warning shots to scare him out), he does, and says, are you gonna be friendly still?

I say yes, i am a hero, i do not shoot people, he says ok, and he seems to leave into the darkness, he didnt.

I went to a pine tree, to see him, aiming to me with a m24, and i fastly get my scope up and we fire at the same time, i hit, he misses. I wanted to bandage and morphine him up at fast as possible, but he dies like 5 secs after me hitting him, because zombies.

And my hero skin was gone.

I go from 5770, to 3770.

Im not raging, im just telling a little story you may or not find interesting, he was definitely a bandit, and wanted to shoot me at fast as he saw me.

Edited by Henryllex~

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That was one shitty bandit. Sounds like he didn't know what the hell he was doing.

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That was one shitty bandit. Sounds like he didn't know what the hell he was doing.

He obviously didnt knew what he was doing, he missed like 25 meters away that m24 shot, it was really awful

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This is why i hate how easily it is to lose the Hero skin and how easily it is to get the bandit skin. I'm a good person IRL and sadly i tend to take that into video games unless the video game says

"Hey...its okay to be a douche. That's what this game is about." -> Dark Souls.

So i try really hard to not kill anyone but it backfires so much these days...

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