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Daylight (time) out of sync with other players

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Date/Time: 6/17/12 9pm-11pm

What happened: Daylight (time) was out of sync with another player.

Where you were: Prigorodky

What you were doing: Exploring with a random friendly

*Current installed version: (93825)

*Server(s) you were on: US Hardcore 2

*Your system specs: Intel i5-2500k (@3.3GHz), 16GB DDR5, Windows 7 64, Radeon 5800 series.

*Timeline of events before/after error: Spawned into Prigorodky and met a random friendly. Explored/chatted for a while. Soon realized he couldn't see because it was dark out, while I could see fine because there was still daylight. I didn't have a watch so I couldn't compare exact times between the two of us. But I'd say (based off the descriptions he was giving me) we about 30-45 minutes off from each other. It was dusk so this made quite a big difference in visual ability.

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Server time is out of sync all the time on all servers.

If I start playing on a server at 4am server time, the sun will come up in a while. If I leave and come back it's night again. Happens every time.

Servers I've been on: EU39 and EU4

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Just to confirm every server I've tried today that says they are GMT -4 to -9 are all NIGHT time for me, when it's actually almost 3PM here and it should be daylight on the servers. Makes it pretty unplayable right now due to it always being night no matter what server I try with a low ping in the US where it's suppose to be daytime. I've tried roughly 7-8 servers all with varying times according to the watch in game and always night time. One was in my timezone with the correct time both in game and real life, but it was night time instead of daytime.

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When being on a server, i recognized while playing with 5 other people, the players time is faster than the real server time speed, for example:

I head out to a town with my buddies, its getting dark and we can barely see anything anymore

I die in this town, respawn, and its as bright as when we started going to town

For my buddies (TS3) it was allready Pitch Black though (great movie btw)

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Is happening to me and 2 other friends. It is constantly night time for us no matter what server we join. At one point I died and it was daytime for me, but still night time for my friends.

Seeing as we lack NVGs the game is basically unplayable for us right now.

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Yep, has been night time on the last dozen US servers I have joined in the middle of the day today 6/25. Even one's that say GMT -6 in server title for example.

I also had the issue described earlier where it would slowly change to night time but my buddy would still be in broad daylight. I would back out to the 1st server screen (not all the way out of server) and join again and it would be daylight. Then in next 30 minutes his screen would turn to night, then rinse and repeat. This was on Seattle 93 last Friday 6/22.

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This kind of thing has happened to me before too.

I could be playing in a server for a couple hours, have a friend join me, and it turns dark for me.. but they still have daylight for several more hours. Yes, we had watches, and it would be up to 6 hours apart from each other.

I forgot to report it back when it happened. But it was just before the 1.7 patch.

I thought that was incredibly terrible that I was heavily handicapped from nighttime, while everyone around me potentially had perfect vision.

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What happened: Time was out of sync with myself (explanation is below).

Where you were: Zelenogorsk

What you were doing: Exploring

*Current installed version: (beta 94364)

*Server(s) you were on: RU22

*Your system specs: i7-3960X (@3.3GHz), 32GB, Windows 7 64, GTX 580

*Timeline of events before/after error: I connected to server at 22.30 (server time). There was night but moon was shining so it wasn't too dark. Moon was down at 0.30 server time and after that - almost complete darkness. At 1.00 I went to server lobby just for one minute (I didn't disconnect from server). When I connected again (I'm sure of that it was same server ) - but what is it? - moon is shining in the sky again. I looked at my watch - 22. 25.

This is really nasty bug: when you can't see shit - some other players can see you because their time is different from yours.

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