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Hacker: De 383 16:05pm and I got banned?

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I signed up to this forum because about 5mins ago I was kicked and banned with an error message stating I was a hacker noob and shame on me.

The thing is though, I am innocent. Everybody on the server randomly was given a DMS (I may have this gun wrong, I just started playing and forget the right name) and also given a lot of high class stuff. Everyone on the server was given this equipment and guns etc. Some guy called "Flash" admited he done it. I was shocked, never seen anything like that before, I am new to the game; just bought it the other day.

Anyway, 3 mins later, I was kicked and banned from that server (DE 383) for apparently being the person that hacked the server.

Please can this ban be lifted and please can someone explain why I was targeted?

Thank you,



(Thats my ingame username).



Edited by Ciaran85

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Your ban is only related to that server. Just find another server to play on.

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Moved to Ban Appeals. Hopefully an admin from the server will see you're topic and you can talk to them about it. Good luck.

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Yeah I managed to get onto other servers no problem. Thanks.

Hopefully, yeah. Thank you for both of your help. :)

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You were probably 'targeted' cause you (and probably alot of others too) came up as gear spawners in their server logs. Misunderstanding of the log files can cause wrongfull bans sometimes unfortunately :(

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