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2 second stutter every few minutes

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None of my friends seem to see this problem and I havnt been able to figure out the cause yet. Every 30 seconds to 3 minutes the whole world will freeze, if I have the steam window open it will freeze as well, but the clock on my keyboard keeps ticking along. I've noticed that my GPU usage drops to zero during this small freeze but jumps straight back up to 95%-100%. The temp on the GPU has never gone about 65'C.

-Things Ive tried

Disabling v-sync

Update drivers

set to 4 cores

disable firewall incase of network error

multiple edits in the Nvidia settings -all reverted now



System Information


Time of this report: 6/18/2012, 20:18:39

Machine name: PRAETOR

Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.120503-2030)

Language: English (Regional Setting: English)

System Manufacturer: To Be Filled By O.E.M.

System Model: To Be Filled By O.E.M.

BIOS: Default System BIOS

Processor: AMD Phenom II X6 1090T Processor (6 CPUs), ~3.2GHz

Memory: 12288MB RAM

Available OS Memory: 12288MB RAM

Page File: 4588MB used, 19984MB available

Windows Dir: C:\Windows

DirectX Version: DirectX 11

DX Setup Parameters: Not found

User DPI Setting: Using System DPI

System DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)

DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled

DxDiag Version: 6.01.7601.17514 32bit Unicode


DxDiag Notes


Display Tab 1: No problems found.

Display Tab 2: No problems found.

Sound Tab 1: No problems found.

Sound Tab 2: No problems found.

Sound Tab 3: No problems found.

Sound Tab 4: No problems found.

Sound Tab 5: No problems found.

Input Tab: No problems found.


DirectX Debug Levels


Direct3D: 0/4 (retail)

DirectDraw: 0/4 (retail)

DirectInput: 0/5 (retail)

DirectMusic: 0/5 (retail)

DirectPlay: 0/9 (retail)

DirectSound: 0/5 (retail)

DirectShow: 0/6 (retail)


Display Devices


Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 SE

Manufacturer: NVIDIA

Chip type: GeForce GTX 460 SE

DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC

Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0E23&SUBSYS_13663842&REV_A1

Display Memory: 4050 MB

Dedicated Memory: 978 MB

Shared Memory: 3072 MB

Current Mode: 1920 x 1080 (32 bit) (60Hz)

Monitor Name: Generic PnP Monitor

Monitor Model: HF255

Monitor Id: HSP1A42

Native Mode: 1920 x 1080(p) (60.000Hz)

Output Type: DVI

Driver Name: nvd3dumx.dll,nvwgf2umx.dll,nvwgf2umx.dll,nvd3dum,nvwgf2um,nvwgf2um

Driver File Version: 8.17.0013.0142 (English)

Driver Version:

DDI Version: 11

Driver Model: WDDM 1.1

Driver Attributes: Final Retail

Driver Date/Size: 5/15/2012 05:48:00, 18044224 bytes

WHQL Logo'd: Yes

WHQL Date Stamp:

Device Identifier: {D7B71E3E-4D63-11CF-7C5B-6B331FC2C535}

Vendor ID: 0x10DE

Device ID: 0x0E23

SubSys ID: 0x13663842

Revision ID: 0x00A1

Driver Strong Name: oem35.inf:NVIDIA_SetA_Devices.NTamd64.6.1:Section015:\ven_10de&dev_0e23

Rank Of Driver: 00E62001

Video Accel: ModeMPEG2_A ModeMPEG2_C ModeVC1_C ModeWMV9_C

Deinterlace Caps: {6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(YUY2,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_PixelAdaptive

{F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(YUY2,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY

{5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(YUY2,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY

{335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(YUY2,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch

{6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(UYVY,UYVY) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_PixelAdaptive

{F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(UYVY,UYVY) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY

{5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(UYVY,UYVY) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY

{335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(UYVY,UYVY) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch

{6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(YV12,0x32315659) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_PixelAdaptive

{F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(YV12,0x32315659) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY

{5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(YV12,0x32315659) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY

{335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(YV12,0x32315659) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch

{6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(NV12,0x3231564e) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_PixelAdaptive

{F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(NV12,0x3231564e) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY

{5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(NV12,0x3231564e) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY

{335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(NV12,0x3231564e) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch

{6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC1,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC1,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC1,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC1,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC2,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC2,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC2,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC2,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC3,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC3,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC3,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC3,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC4,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC4,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC4,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC4,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(S340,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(S340,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(S340,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(S340,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(S342,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(S342,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(S342,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(S342,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

D3D9 Overlay: Supported

DXVA-HD: Supported

DDraw Status: Enabled

D3D Status: Enabled

AGP Status: Enabled

Card name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 SE

Manufacturer: NVIDIA

Chip type: GeForce GTX 460 SE

DAC type: Integrated RAMDAC

Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0E23&SUBSYS_13663842&REV_A1

Display Memory: 4050 MB

Dedicated Memory: 978 MB

Shared Memory: 3072 MB

Current Mode: 1440 x 900 (32 bit) (60Hz)

Monitor Name: Generic PnP Monitor

Monitor Model: Acer P191W

Monitor Id: ACR0005

Native Mode: 1440 x 900(p) (59.887Hz)

Output Type: HD15

Driver Name: nvd3dumx.dll,nvwgf2umx.dll,nvwgf2umx.dll,nvd3dum,nvwgf2um,nvwgf2um

Driver File Version: 8.17.0013.0142 (English)

Driver Version:

DDI Version: 11

Driver Model: WDDM 1.1

Driver Attributes: Final Retail

Driver Date/Size: 5/15/2012 05:48:00, 18044224 bytes

WHQL Logo'd: Yes

WHQL Date Stamp:

Device Identifier: {D7B71E3E-4D63-11CF-7C5B-6B331FC2C535}

Vendor ID: 0x10DE

Device ID: 0x0E23

SubSys ID: 0x13663842

Revision ID: 0x00A1

Driver Strong Name: oem35.inf:NVIDIA_SetA_Devices.NTamd64.6.1:Section015:\ven_10de&dev_0e23

Rank Of Driver: 00E62001

Video Accel: ModeMPEG2_A ModeMPEG2_C ModeVC1_C ModeWMV9_C

Deinterlace Caps: {6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(YUY2,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_PixelAdaptive

{F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(YUY2,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY

{5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(YUY2,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY

{335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(YUY2,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch

{6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(UYVY,UYVY) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_PixelAdaptive

{F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(UYVY,UYVY) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY

{5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(UYVY,UYVY) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY

{335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(UYVY,UYVY) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch

{6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(YV12,0x32315659) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_PixelAdaptive

{F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(YV12,0x32315659) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY

{5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(YV12,0x32315659) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY

{335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(YV12,0x32315659) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch

{6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(NV12,0x3231564e) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_PixelAdaptive

{F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(NV12,0x3231564e) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY

{5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(NV12,0x3231564e) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY

{335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(NV12,0x3231564e) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch

{6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC1,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC1,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC1,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC1,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC2,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC2,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC2,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC2,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC3,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC3,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC3,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC3,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC4,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC4,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC4,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC4,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(S340,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(S340,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(S340,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(S340,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{6CB69578-7617-4637-91E5-1C02DB810285}: Format(In/Out)=(S342,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{F9F19DA5-3B09-4B2F-9D89-C64753E3EAAB}: Format(In/Out)=(S342,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(S342,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

{335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(S342,UNKNOWN) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=

D3D9 Overlay: Supported

DXVA-HD: Supported

DDraw Status: Enabled

D3D Status: Enabled

AGP Status: Enabled


Sound Devices


Description: Speakers (Turtle Beach PX3 (PC))

Default Sound Playback: Yes

Default Voice Playback: Yes

Hardware ID: USB\VID_10F5&PID_0242&REV_0100&MI_00

Manufacturer ID: 65535

Product ID: 65535

Type: WDM

Driver Name: USBAUDIO.sys

Driver Version: 6.01.7601.17514 (English)

Driver Attributes: Final Retail

WHQL Logo'd: Yes

Date and Size: 11/20/2010 05:43:52, 109696 bytes

Other Files:

Driver Provider: Microsoft

HW Accel Level: Basic

Cap Flags: 0xF1F

Min/Max Sample Rate: 100, 200000

Static/Strm HW Mix Bufs: 1, 0

Static/Strm HW 3D Bufs: 0, 0

HW Memory: 0

Voice Management: No

EAX 2.0 Listen/Src: No, No

I3DL2 Listen/Src: No, No

Sensaura ZoomFX: No

Description: Speakers (VIA High Definition Audio)

Default Sound Playback: No

Default Voice Playback: No

Hardware ID: HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_1106&DEV_0397&SUBSYS_18490397&REV_1000

Manufacturer ID: 1

Product ID: 100

Type: WDM

Driver Name: viahduaa.sys

Driver Version: 6.00.0001.7500 (English)

Driver Attributes: Final Retail

WHQL Logo'd: Yes

Date and Size: 9/17/2009 06:04:18, 1250816 bytes

Other Files:

Driver Provider: VIA Technologies, Inc.

HW Accel Level: Basic

Cap Flags: 0xF1F

Min/Max Sample Rate: 100, 200000

Static/Strm HW Mix Bufs: 1, 0

Static/Strm HW 3D Bufs: 0, 0

HW Memory: 0

Voice Management: No

EAX 2.0 Listen/Src: No, No

I3DL2 Listen/Src: No, No

Sensaura ZoomFX: No

Description: HF255-3 (2- NVIDIA High Definition Audio)

Default Sound Playback: No

Default Voice Playback: No

Hardware ID: HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_10DE&DEV_0012&SUBSYS_10DE0101&REV_1001

Manufacturer ID: 1

Product ID: 100

Type: WDM

Driver Name: nvhda64v.sys

Driver Version: 1.03.0016.0000 (English)

Driver Attributes: Final Retail

WHQL Logo'd: Yes

Date and Size: 4/18/2012 12:08:03, 188736 bytes

Other Files:

Driver Provider: NVIDIA Corporation

HW Accel Level: Basic

Cap Flags: 0xF1F

Min/Max Sample Rate: 100, 200000

Static/Strm HW Mix Bufs: 1, 0

Static/Strm HW 3D Bufs: 0, 0

HW Memory: 0

Voice Management: No

EAX 2.0 Listen/Src: No, No

I3DL2 Listen/Src: No, No

Sensaura ZoomFX: No

Description: Speakers (Senstic PocketAudio)

Default Sound Playback: No

Default Voice Playback: No

Hardware ID: *PocketAudio

Manufacturer ID: 1

Product ID: 100

Type: WDM

Driver Name: senaudio64.sys

Driver Version: 6.01.7600.16385 (English)

Driver Attributes: Final Retail

WHQL Logo'd: n/a

Date and Size: 2/19/2012 21:30:16, 37192 bytes

Other Files:

Driver Provider: Senstic

HW Accel Level: Basic

Cap Flags: 0xF1F

Min/Max Sample Rate: 100, 200000

Static/Strm HW Mix Bufs: 1, 0

Static/Strm HW 3D Bufs: 0, 0

HW Memory: 0

Voice Management: No

EAX 2.0 Listen/Src: No, No

I3DL2 Listen/Src: No, No

Sensaura ZoomFX: No

Description: SPDIF Interface (TX0) (VIA High Definition Audio)

Default Sound Playback: No

Default Voice Playback: No

Hardware ID: HDAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_1106&DEV_0397&SUBSYS_18490397&REV_1000

Manufacturer ID: 1

Product ID: 100

Type: WDM

Driver Name: viahduaa.sys

Driver Version: 6.00.0001.7500 (English)

Driver Attributes: Final Retail

WHQL Logo'd: Yes

Date and Size: 9/17/2009 06:04:18, 1250816 bytes

Other Files:

Driver Provider: VIA Technologies, Inc.

HW Accel Level: Basic

Cap Flags: 0xF1F

Min/Max Sample Rate: 100, 200000

Static/Strm HW Mix Bufs: 1, 0

Static/Strm HW 3D Bufs: 0, 0

HW Memory: 0

Voice Management: No

EAX 2.0 Listen/Src: No, No

I3DL2 Listen/Src: No, No

Sensaura ZoomFX: No


Sound Capture Devices


Description: Microphone (Turtle Beach PX3 (PC))

Default Sound Capture: Yes

Default Voice Capture: Yes

Driver Name: USBAUDIO.sys

Driver Version: 6.01.7601.17514 (English)

Driver Attributes: Final Retail

Date and Size: 11/20/2010 05:43:52, 109696 bytes

Cap Flags: 0x1

Format Flags: 0xFFFFF

Description: CD Audio (VIA High Definition Audio)

Default Sound Capture: No

Default Voice Capture: No

Driver Name: viahduaa.sys

Driver Version: 6.00.0001.7500 (English)

Driver Attributes: Final Retail

Date and Size: 9/17/2009 06:04:18, 1250816 bytes

Cap Flags: 0x1

Format Flags: 0xFFFFF

Description: Stereo Mix (VIA High Definition Audio)

Default Sound Capture: No

Default Voice Capture: No

Driver Name: viahduaa.sys

Driver Version: 6.00.0001.7500 (English)

Driver Attributes: Final Retail

Date and Size: 9/17/2009 06:04:18, 1250816 bytes

Cap Flags: 0x1

Format Flags: 0xFFFFF

Description: Microphone (Senstic PocketAudio)

Default Sound Capture: No

Default Voice Capture: No

Driver Name: senaudio64.sys

Driver Version: 6.01.7600.16385 (English)

Driver Attributes: Final Retail

Date and Size: 2/19/2012 21:30:16, 37192 bytes

Cap Flags: 0x1

Format Flags: 0xFFFFF


DirectInput Devices


Device Name: Mouse

Attached: 1

Controller ID: n/a

Vendor/Product ID: n/a

FF Driver: n/a

Device Name: Keyboard

Attached: 1

Controller ID: n/a

Vendor/Product ID: n/a

FF Driver: n/a

Device Name: G15 Gaming Keyboard

Attached: 1

Controller ID: 0x0

Vendor/Product ID: 0x046D, 0xC226

FF Driver: n/a

Device Name: G15 Gaming Keyboard

Attached: 1

Controller ID: 0x0

Vendor/Product ID: 0x046D, 0xC226

FF Driver: n/a

Device Name: G15 GamePanel LCD

Attached: 1

Controller ID: 0x0

Vendor/Product ID: 0x046D, 0xC227

FF Driver: n/a

Device Name: USB Receiver

Attached: 1

Controller ID: 0x0

Vendor/Product ID: 0x046D, 0xC526

FF Driver: n/a

Device Name: USB Receiver

Attached: 1

Controller ID: 0x0

Vendor/Product ID: 0x046D, 0xC526

FF Driver: n/a

Device Name: USB Receiver

Attached: 1

Controller ID: 0x0

Vendor/Product ID: 0x046D, 0xC526

FF Driver: n/a

Device Name: HID Interface

Attached: 1

Controller ID: 0x0

Vendor/Product ID: 0x10F5, 0x0242

FF Driver: n/a

Poll w/ Interrupt: No


USB Devices


+ USB Root Hub

| Vendor/Product ID: 0x1002, 0x4397

| Matching Device ID: usb\root_hub

| Service: usbhub


Gameport Devices



PS/2 Devices


+ HID Keyboard Device

| Vendor/Product ID: 0x046D, 0xC226

| Matching Device ID: hid_device_system_keyboard

| Service: kbdhid


+ HID Keyboard Device

| Vendor/Product ID: 0x046D, 0xC227

| Matching Device ID: hid_device_system_keyboard

| Service: kbdhid


+ HID Keyboard Device

| Vendor/Product ID: 0x1532, 0x0015

| Matching Device ID: hid_device_system_keyboard

| Service: kbdhid


+ Terminal Server Keyboard Driver

| Matching Device ID: root\rdp_kbd

| Upper Filters: kbdclass

| Service: TermDD


+ HID-compliant mouse

| Vendor/Product ID: 0x046D, 0xC526

| Matching Device ID: hid_device_system_mouse

| Service: mouhid


+ HID-compliant mouse

| Vendor/Product ID: 0x1532, 0x0015

| Matching Device ID: hid_device_system_mouse

| Service: mouhid


+ Terminal Server Mouse Driver

| Matching Device ID: root\rdp_mou

| Upper Filters: mouclass

| Service: TermDD


Disk & DVD/CD-ROM Drives


Drive: C:

Free Space: 33.5 GB

Total Space: 476.8 GB

File System: NTFS

Model: WDC WD5000AADS-00S9B0 ATA Device

Drive: Q:

Model: n/a

Drive: D:

Model: HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GH22NS50 ATA Device

Driver: c:\windows\system32\drivers\cdrom.sys, 6.01.7601.17514 (English), , 0 bytes


System Devices


Name: PCI standard host CPU bridge

Device ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1201&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00\3&267A616A&0&C1

Driver: n/a

Name: Standard OpenHCD USB Host Controller

Device ID: PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_4398&SUBSYS_43981849&REV_00\3&267A616A&0&99

Driver: n/a

Name: ATI I/O Communications Processor PCI Bus Controller

Device ID: PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_4384&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00\3&267A616A&0&A4

Driver: n/a

Name: PCI standard host CPU bridge

Device ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1200&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00\3&267A616A&0&C0

Driver: n/a

Name: Standard OpenHCD USB Host Controller

Device ID: PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_4398&SUBSYS_43981849&REV_00\3&267A616A&0&91

Driver: n/a

Name: High Definition Audio Controller

Device ID: PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_4383&SUBSYS_03971849&REV_00\3&267A616A&0&A2

Driver: n/a

Name: Realtek PCIe GBE Family Controller

Device ID: PCI\VEN_10EC&DEV_8168&SUBSYS_81681849&REV_03\4&E057C7F&0&0050

Driver: n/a

Name: PCI standard PCI-to-PCI bridge

Device ID: PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_597F&SUBSYS_59571849&REV_00\3&267A616A&0&50

Driver: n/a

Name: Standard OpenHCD USB Host Controller

Device ID: PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_4397&SUBSYS_43971849&REV_00\3&267A616A&0&98

Driver: n/a

Name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 SE

Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0E23&SUBSYS_13663842&REV_A1\4&1C1F7BC1&0&0010

Driver: n/a

Name: PCI standard PCI-to-PCI bridge

Device ID: PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5978&SUBSYS_59571849&REV_00\3&267A616A&0&10

Driver: n/a

Name: Standard OpenHCD USB Host Controller

Device ID: PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_4397&SUBSYS_43971849&REV_00\3&267A616A&0&90

Driver: n/a

Name: High Definition Audio Controller

Device ID: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_0BEB&SUBSYS_13663842&REV_A1\4&1C1F7BC1&0&0110

Driver: n/a

Name: PCI standard host CPU bridge

Device ID: PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_5957&SUBSYS_59571849&REV_00\3&267A616A&0&00

Driver: n/a

Name: Standard Enhanced PCI to USB Host Controller

Device ID: PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_4396&SUBSYS_43961849&REV_00\3&267A616A&0&9A

Driver: n/a

Name: PCI standard host CPU bridge

Device ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1204&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00\3&267A616A&0&C4

Driver: n/a

Name: PCI standard ISA bridge

Device ID: PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_439D&SUBSYS_439D1849&REV_00\3&267A616A&0&A3

Driver: n/a

Name: Standard Enhanced PCI to USB Host Controller

Device ID: PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_4396&SUBSYS_43961849&REV_00\3&267A616A&0&92

Driver: n/a

Name: PCI standard host CPU bridge

Device ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1203&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00\3&267A616A&0&C3

Driver: n/a

Name: Standard Dual Channel PCI IDE Controller

Device ID: PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_439C&SUBSYS_439C1849&REV_00\3&267A616A&0&A1

Driver: n/a

Name: Standard Dual Channel PCI IDE Controller

Device ID: PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_4390&SUBSYS_43901849&REV_00\3&267A616A&0&88

Driver: n/a

Name: PCI standard host CPU bridge

Device ID: PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_1202&SUBSYS_00000000&REV_00\3&267A616A&0&C2

Driver: n/a

Name: Standard OpenHCD USB Host Controller

Device ID: PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_4399&SUBSYS_43991849&REV_00\3&267A616A&0&A5

Driver: n/a

Name: ATI I/O Communications Processor SMBus Controller

Device ID: PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_4385&SUBSYS_43851849&REV_3C\3&267A616A&0&A0

Driver: n/a


DirectShow Filters


DirectShow Filters:

QuickTime Audio Decoder Filter,0x00600800,1,1,gzHF330.ddc,1.01.0000.0017

WMAudio Decoder DMO,0x00800800,1,1,WMADMOD.DLL,6.01.7601.17514

WMAPro over S/PDIF DMO,0x00600800,1,1,WMADMOD.DLL,6.01.7601.17514

WMSpeech Decoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,WMSPDMOD.DLL,6.01.7601.17514

MP3 Decoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,mp3dmod.dll,6.01.7600.16385

Mpeg4s Decoder DMO,0x00800001,1,1,mp4sdecd.dll,6.01.7600.16385

WMV Screen decoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,wmvsdecd.dll,6.01.7601.17514

WMVideo Decoder DMO,0x00800001,1,1,wmvdecod.dll,6.01.7601.17514

QuickTime Video Decoder Filter,0x00600800,1,1,mtw178.ddc,1.01.0000.0017

Mpeg43 Decoder DMO,0x00800001,1,1,mp43decd.dll,6.01.7600.16385

Mpeg4 Decoder DMO,0x00800001,1,1,mpg4decd.dll,6.01.7600.16385

Gretech ASF Source Filter,0x00200000,0,1,GSFU.ax,

Gretech MPEG Source Filter,0x00200000,0,1,GSFU.ax,

DV Muxer,0x00400000,0,0,qdv.dll,6.06.7601.17514

MPC - Mpeg Source (Gabest),0x00400000,0,0,MpegSplitter.ax,1.04.2499.0000

Color Space Converter,0x00400001,1,1,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713

LogMeIn Video Encoder,0x00200000,1,1,racodec.ax,4.01.0000.1586

WM ASF Reader,0x00400000,0,0,qasf.dll,12.00.7601.17514

Screen Capture filter,0x00200000,0,1,wmpsrcwp.dll,12.00.7601.17514

AVI Splitter,0x00600000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713

VGA 16 Color Ditherer,0x00400000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713


Microsoft DTV-DVD Video Decoder,0x005fffff,2,4,msmpeg2vdec.dll,6.01.7140.0000

AC3 Parser Filter,0x00600000,1,1,mpg2splt.ax,6.06.7601.17528

DivX AAC Decoder,0x00800000,1,1,daac.ax,8.08.0000.41966


MJPEG Decompressor,0x00600000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713


MPEG-I Stream Splitter,0x00600000,1,2,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713

SAMI (CC) Parser,0x00400000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713

VBI Codec,0x00600000,1,4,VBICodec.ax,6.06.7601.17514

Mpeg2Dec Filter,0x00600000,1,1,Mpeg2DecFilter.ax,1.00.0000.0000

MPEG-2 Splitter,0x005fffff,1,0,mpg2splt.ax,6.06.7601.17528

Closed Captions Analysis Filter,0x00200000,2,5,cca.dll,6.06.7601.17514

MPEG Audio Decoder (MAD),0x00600000,1,1,MpaDecFilter.ax,1.00.0000.0000


Microsoft MPEG-2 Video Encoder,0x00200000,1,1,msmpeg2enc.dll,6.01.7601.17514

Gretech Video Filter,0x00200000,1,1,GVF.ax,

LogMeIn Video Decoder,0x00800000,1,1,racodec.ax,4.01.0000.1586

Internal Script Command Renderer,0x00800001,1,0,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713

MPEG Audio Decoder,0x03680001,1,1,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713

Gretech OGG Source Filter2,0x00200000,0,1,GSFU.ax,

Gretech FLV Source Filter,0x00200000,0,1,GSFU.ax,

Gretech MPEG Source Filter2,0x00200000,0,1,GSFU.ax,

Gretech Network(MP4) Filter,0x00200000,0,1,GNF.ax,

DV Splitter,0x00600000,1,2,qdv.dll,6.06.7601.17514

Video Mixing Renderer 9,0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713

Gretech AsfEx Source Filter,0x00200000,0,1,GSFU.ax,

Microsoft MPEG-2 Encoder,0x00200000,2,1,msmpeg2enc.dll,6.01.7601.17514



ACM Wrapper,0x00600000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713

Gretech AVI Source Filter,0x00200000,0,1,GSFU.ax,

Video Renderer,0x00800001,1,0,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713

Gretech Network(OGG) Filter,0x00200000,0,1,GNF.ax,

MPEG-2 Video Stream Analyzer,0x00200000,0,0,sbe.dll,6.06.7601.17528

Line 21 Decoder,0x00600000,1,1,qdvd.dll,6.06.7601.17713

Video Port Manager,0x00600000,2,1,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713

DivX H.264 Decoder,0x00800000,1,1,h264dec.ax,8.02.0000.0026

FinePix Color Filter,0x00200000,1,1,FxColorFt.ax,1.00.0000.0000

Video Renderer,0x00400000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713

DivX Demux Filter,0x00800002,0,1,DirectShowDemuxFilter.dll,1.00.0003.0111

DivX Decoder Filter,0x00800000,1,1,DivXDec.ax,7.03.0000.0048

VPS Decoder,0x00200000,0,0,WSTPager.ax,6.06.7601.17514

WM ASF Writer,0x00400000,0,0,qasf.dll,12.00.7601.17514

Gretech Audio Filter,0x00200000,1,1,GAF.ax,

DivX Demux Filter (Unrestricted Edition),0x00600000,0,1,DirectShowDemuxFilter.dll,1.00.0003.0111

VBI Surface Allocator,0x00600000,1,1,vbisurf.ax,6.01.7601.17514

File writer,0x00200000,1,0,qcap.dll,6.06.7601.17514

iTV Data Sink,0x00600000,1,0,itvdata.dll,6.06.7601.17514

Gretech Network(FLV) Filter,0x00200000,0,1,GNF.ax,

iTV Data Capture filter,0x00600000,1,1,itvdata.dll,6.06.7601.17514

Gretech OGG Source Filter,0x00200000,0,1,GSFU.ax,

Gretech Network(AVI) Filter,0x00200000,0,1,GNF.ax,

Gretech MKV Source Filter,0x00200000,0,1,GSFU.ax,

WAV Dest,0x00000000,0,0,,

DVD Navigator,0x00200000,0,3,qdvd.dll,6.06.7601.17713

Overlay Mixer2,0x00200000,1,1,qdvd.dll,6.06.7601.17713



AVI Draw,0x00600064,9,1,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713

RDP DShow Redirection Filter,0xffffffff,1,0,DShowRdpFilter.dll,

Microsoft MPEG-2 Audio Encoder,0x00200000,1,1,msmpeg2enc.dll,6.01.7601.17514


WST Pager,0x00200000,1,1,WSTPager.ax,6.06.7601.17514

MPEG-2 Demultiplexer,0x00600000,1,1,mpg2splt.ax,6.06.7601.17528


DV Video Decoder,0x00800000,1,1,qdv.dll,6.06.7601.17514

Gretech Network(SHOUTcast) Filter,0x00200000,0,1,GNF.ax,


Gretech Network(GOM) Filter,0x00200000,0,1,GNF.ax,

Gretech AAC Source Filter,0x00200000,0,1,GSFU.ax,


Null Renderer,0x00200000,1,0,qedit.dll,6.06.7601.17514

MPEG-2 Sections and Tables,0x005fffff,1,0,Mpeg2Data.ax,6.06.7601.17514

Microsoft AC3 Encoder,0x00200000,1,1,msac3enc.dll,6.01.7601.17514

Gretech MP3 Source Filter,0x00200000,0,1,GSFU.ax,


Smart Tee,0x00200000,1,2,qcap.dll,6.06.7601.17514

Fujifilm Setup Filter,0x00200000,1,1,FujifilmSetupFilter.ax,0.04.0000.0005

Overlay Mixer,0x00200000,0,0,qdvd.dll,6.06.7601.17713

AVI Decompressor,0x00600000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713

GomTV Streamer Network Filter,0x00200000,0,1,GomTVStreamerNF.ax,1.00.0000.0009

Gretech MP4 Source Filter,0x00200000,0,1,GSFU.ax,



AVI/WAV File Source,0x00400000,0,2,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713

Wave Parser,0x00400000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713

MIDI Parser,0x00400000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713

Multi-file Parser,0x00400000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713

File stream renderer,0x00400000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713

MPC - Mpeg Splitter (Gabest),0x00600001,1,1,MpegSplitter.ax,1.04.2499.0000


Microsoft DTV-DVD Audio Decoder,0x005fffff,1,1,msmpeg2adec.dll,6.01.7140.0000


AVI Mux,0x00200000,1,0,qcap.dll,6.06.7601.17514

Line 21 Decoder 2,0x00600002,1,1,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713

File Source (Async.),0x00400000,0,1,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713

File Source (URL),0x00400000,0,1,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713

FinePix Rotate Filter,0x00200000,1,1,FxRotateFt.ax,1.00.0000.0000

Infinite Pin Tee Filter,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.06.7601.17514

Enhanced Video Renderer,0x00200000,1,0,evr.dll,6.01.7601.17514

BDA MPEG2 Transport Information Filter,0x00200000,2,0,psisrndr.ax,6.06.7601.17669

MPEG Video Decoder,0x40000001,1,1,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713

WDM Streaming Tee/Splitter Devices:

Tee/Sink-to-Sink Converter,0x00200000,1,1,ksproxy.ax,6.01.7601.17514

Video Compressors:

WMVideo8 Encoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,wmvxencd.dll,6.01.7600.16385

WMVideo9 Encoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,wmvencod.dll,6.01.7600.16385

MSScreen 9 encoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,wmvsencd.dll,6.01.7600.16385

DV Video Encoder,0x00200000,0,0,qdv.dll,6.06.7601.17514

LogMeIn Video Encoder,0x00200000,1,1,racodec.ax,4.01.0000.1586

MJPEG Compressor,0x00200000,0,0,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713

Cinepak Codec by Radius,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.06.7601.17514

DivX 6.9.2 Codec (6 Logical CPUs),0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.06.7601.17514

Fraps Video Decompressor,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.06.7601.17514

Intel IYUV codec,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.06.7601.17514

Intel IYUV codec,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.06.7601.17514

Microsoft RLE,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.06.7601.17514

Microsoft Video 1,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.06.7601.17514

RivaTuner Video Codec,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.06.7601.17514

Xfire Video Codec,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.06.7601.17514

DivX 6.9.2 YV12 Decoder,0x00200000,1,1,qcap.dll,6.06.7601.17514

Audio Compressors:

WM Speech Encoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,WMSPDMOE.DLL,6.01.7600.16385

WMAudio Encoder DMO,0x00600800,1,1,WMADMOE.DLL,6.01.7600.16385

IMA ADPCM,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713


Microsoft ADPCM,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713

GSM 6.10,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713

Messenger Audio Codec,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713

CCITT A-Law,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713

CCITT u-Law,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713

MPEG Layer-3,0x00200000,1,1,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713

Audio Capture Sources:

Microphone (Turtle Beach PX3 (P,0x00200000,0,0,qcap.dll,6.06.7601.17514


CD Audio (VIA High Definition A,0x00200000,0,0,qcap.dll,6.06.7601.17514

Microphone (Senstic PocketAudio,0x00200000,0,0,qcap.dll,6.06.7601.17514

Stereo Mix (VIA High Definition,0x00200000,0,0,qcap.dll,6.06.7601.17514

PBDA CP Filters:

PBDA DTFilter,0x00600000,1,1,CPFilters.dll,6.06.7601.17528

PBDA ETFilter,0x00200000,0,0,CPFilters.dll,6.06.7601.17528

PBDA PTFilter,0x00200000,0,0,CPFilters.dll,6.06.7601.17528

Midi Renderers:

Default MidiOut Device,0x00800000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713

Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth,0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713

WDM Streaming Capture Devices:


HD Audio front mic,0x00200000,1,1,ksproxy.ax,6.01.7601.17514

HD Audio rear input,0x00200000,1,1,ksproxy.ax,6.01.7601.17514

Senstic PocketCam,0x00200000,0,1,ksproxy.ax,6.01.7601.17514

PocketAudio Wave,0x00200000,2,2,ksproxy.ax,6.01.7601.17514

Turtle Beach PX3 (PC),0x00200000,2,2,ksproxy.ax,6.01.7601.17514

WDM Streaming Rendering Devices:

NVIDIA High Definition Audio,0x00200000,1,1,ksproxy.ax,6.01.7601.17514

HD Audio digital out,0x00200000,1,1,ksproxy.ax,6.01.7601.17514

HD Audio rear output,0x00200000,1,1,ksproxy.ax,6.01.7601.17514

PocketAudio Wave,0x00200000,2,2,ksproxy.ax,6.01.7601.17514

Turtle Beach PX3 (PC),0x00200000,2,2,ksproxy.ax,6.01.7601.17514

BDA Network Providers:

Microsoft ATSC Network Provider,0x00200000,0,1,MSDvbNP.ax,6.06.7601.17514

Microsoft DVBC Network Provider,0x00200000,0,1,MSDvbNP.ax,6.06.7601.17514

Microsoft DVBS Network Provider,0x00200000,0,1,MSDvbNP.ax,6.06.7601.17514

Microsoft DVBT Network Provider,0x00200000,0,1,MSDvbNP.ax,6.06.7601.17514

Microsoft Network Provider,0x00200000,0,1,MSNP.ax,6.06.7601.17514

Video Capture Sources:

Senstic PocketCam,0x00200000,0,1,ksproxy.ax,6.01.7601.17514


Multi-Instance Capable VBI Codecs:

VBI Codec,0x00600000,1,4,VBICodec.ax,6.06.7601.17514

BDA Transport Information Renderers:

BDA MPEG2 Transport Information Filter,0x00600000,2,0,psisrndr.ax,6.06.7601.17669

MPEG-2 Sections and Tables,0x00600000,1,0,Mpeg2Data.ax,6.06.7601.17514

BDA CP/CA Filters:




XDS Codec,0x00200000,0,0,EncDec.dll,6.06.7601.17708

WDM Streaming Communication Transforms:

Tee/Sink-to-Sink Converter,0x00200000,1,1,ksproxy.ax,6.01.7601.17514

Audio Renderers:

Speakers (Turtle Beach PX3 (PC),0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713

Default DirectSound Device,0x00800000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713

Default WaveOut Device,0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713

DirectSound: HF255-3 (2- NVIDIA High Definition Audio),0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713

DirectSound: SPDIF Interface (TX0) (VIA High Definition Audio),0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713

DirectSound: Speakers (Senstic PocketAudio),0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713

DirectSound: Speakers (Turtle Beach PX3 (PC)),0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713

DirectSound: Speakers (VIA High Definition Audio),0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713

HF255-3 (2- NVIDIA High Definit,0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713

SPDIF Interface (TX0) (VIA High,0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713

Speakers (Senstic PocketAudio),0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713

Speakers (VIA High Definition A,0x00200000,1,0,quartz.dll,6.06.7601.17713


EVR Power Information


Current Setting: {5C67A112-A4C9-483F-B4A7-1D473BECAFDC} (Quality)

Quality Flags: 2576


Force throttling

Allow half deinterlace

Allow scaling

Decode Power Usage: 100

Balanced Flags: 1424


Force throttling

Allow batching

Force half deinterlace

Force scaling

Decode Power Usage: 50

PowerFlags: 1424


Force throttling

Allow batching

Force half deinterlace

Force scaling

Decode Power Usage: 0

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Share on other sites update, completely unplayable now, FPS goes from 40 to 0 to 40 to 0 every few seconds. Coupled with freezes for 10-15 seconds at a time. Was at least playable before. Playing scenarios runs fine, just cant do anything online it seems

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I have the Same Problem. Before 1.7.1 i hot no Problems but now, the Game freezes periodic for a few Seconds. I Cant Tell if it is the Beta Patch or the dayz hotfixes.

How can i Post the informations of my System how u did it? Maybe wie have Something common.

I think i fixed it. What have i done?

I changed to the Arma:op direction and launched the beta patch. i never did it before. there is a exe called launch beta patch or something like that. Ingame, i switched to the dayz expansion and viola it worked. So i think it was a problem that the beta patch "wasn't applied" or something like that. I hope it will fix your problem as well.

Sorry for my bad englisch :)

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Yeah I already have the beta installed, up to 98325, currently running Defraggler, looks like all my steam files are fragmented. Gonna let that run overnight and see if there are any answers in the morning.

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but have u launched arma beta patch? I installed it and got the Lags. But after I launched arma 2 beta patch (c:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Launch Arma2 OA Beta Patch) and switched in the arma menu to dayz mod, it worked.

Just installing the patch an not launching it one time causes the lags

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I get this untill I close down six launcher in the background. then it seems to go away.

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Sadly still having issues, just did a full reinstall of everything. I use Steam and manual install everything so no Six launcher to cause it. Someone posted about disabling cpu parking so that is my next text.

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Do you use wireless internet at all Boatman? Some other things you might try if not already is disabling your sound and the HD Audio, reducing the audio samples from 32 to 16 in the Audio Settings in game and run a DPC latency test and compare with others motherboards of the same model or type.


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No wireless, I'm hardwired in. I thought the audio sample had fixed it but alas roughly 6 minutes in it started back up. The latency test had no high marks so I'm still dumbfounded as to whats going on. If troubleshooting in the past has taught me anything, its probably something stupidly simple.

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can you do me a favour and take a screen shot of your video settings with the advanced option?

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Boatman are you using a Gigabyte motherboard by any chance? Or a Razer mouse? Have you made sure to configure your Power Options? How long have you owned this PC and does this issue only happen with Arma 2, how many other games do you play regularly? Noticed your hard drive is close to being full, you may want to try CCLeaner http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner if you don't already use it and take some time to remove any unwanted or unused programs to free up space on the HD, also give this program a shot http://diskmax.en.softonic.com/.

You may want to research in to some newer BIOS for your motherboard, check out the boards site and read what people say about the different revisions before flashing. This is a last resort though, and i'm only mentioning it because I had to deal with this before with a Gigabyte board (switched from using ASUS for almost 10 years) who sent out a batch of faulty boards (knowingly) and flashing alleviated the problem but ended up RMA the board and sticking with ASUS.

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Motherboard - ASRock M3A770DE AM3 AMD 770 ATX AMD

Mouse - Razer Naga

Power options - no I havnt looked into that

Built it in early 2011 so little over a year.

Yeah this only happens with this game, I actually played Arma 2 last year with my brother just doing Capture the Island on a LAN and dont remember any problems like this. Ill clean out the hard drive some today.

edit- I play tons of games, and have no issues.

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Mouse - Razer Naga

Uninstall the razer software and try that, hook up a different mouse without the razer software. Do some research on them and game stuttering, could be on of those little stupidly simple things you were talking about.

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I read on another thread here, I can't seem to find it though. That if you match up both of your video resolutions and close the six launcher after you connect to your server than it seems to be much more stable. I used to have a problem like you're describing and mine was solved as such. The only down side is you have to reopen your six launcher every time you connect to a new server.

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I used to have an issue similar to this. The game would just lag for 5-15 seconds, every minute or so. This was fixed in an other game by changing the refresh rate from 60 -> 59hz or something similar, but that can't be done in ArmA can it?

But anyway, the fix to the problem (for me atleast) was to use appropriate settings (like snapalapags said, match res & 3d res, use approppriate video memory, http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?84863-Video-memory-very-high-or-default) and dump sixlauncher altogether. I think it was the sixlauncher causing my issue mostly, and I was invisible to other people/others were invisible to me.

Also, if you get a graphic glitch that starts lagging and FPS goes to 5-10, textures and everything start looking like on "very low settings" and eventually crashes - alt tab quickly, I think it reloads the game screen and fixes it that way.

I hope this helps.

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