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Adding the bandit system back

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When I first started playing the DayZ mod for ARMA 2 a little over a month ago a bandit system, that most of you remember, was in place. If you killed a survivor as a survivor you would turn into a 'bandit' and would be assigned the appropriate skin. If you were a bandit then survivors would most likely want to kill you. This would deter survivors from killing their fellow survivors, because being a bandit makes you a bigger target to other players in the DayZ world. I was only shot once by another survivor in my hours of playthrough of that version (1.58 I think it was) and had teamed up with plenty of random survivors that did not shoot me on sight. Now everyone shoots me on sight, and I have been forced to do the same out of fear of losing my progress.

I believe the bandit system was one of the better systems. This new heartbeat system (which I haven't tested, only saw in patchnotes) will not help in my opinion. I assume you will have to get close to players to find out their humanity through this system. There is no better opportunity for a player to kill another player than getting close to them, and we're talking about at most 50M or closer in this case.

What the bandit system encourages:

-Gang Warfare PvP. Groups of players and or clan members fighting in bandit versus survivor PvP in the world.

-PvP with a purpose. it's not just some random dickhead killing you, it's a dickhead bandit! This provides better context and better role

-Killing other players will ultimately result in your own death sooner or later based on your bandit skin.

What the current system and non bandit system encourages:

-Distrust of other players.

-Player Killing with no consequence.

-Staying far away from players

I've heard the story dozens of times about some player giving another survivor a chance only to get killed and now that player becomes a player who kills anyone on sight. It's a terrible domino effect that I'm afraid can't be fixed unless this current system is implemented or a totally different system.

What I suggest:

Bringing back the Bandit system and improving it. Reward players who slay bandits in some way, and give a few other minor consequences to players who slay their fellow survivors. No consequences that involve zombies though; I've seen that suggestion before and I think it's too much. I'm thinking something having to do with hunger and thirst, or something having to do with a new roleplay gameplay mechanic that has yet to be added.

Some of you, including the developers, deem this system as unrealistic. My response to this is that random player killing in a time of a zombie apocalypse is unrealistic. Bandits killing people are realistic, yes, but not everyone being afraid of everyone and everyone shooting others on sight.

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I think this misses the purpose of the game. It isn't supposed to be a deathmatch, survivor vs. bandit or otherwise. The system won't encourage that and it shouldn't try to since that isn't really the point. If people are deathmatching then something should be done to stop it, not encourage it further.

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I think this misses the purpose of the game. It isn't supposed to be a deathmatch' date=' survivor vs. bandit or otherwise. The system won't encourage that and it shouldn't try to since that isn't really the point. If people are deathmatching then something should be done to stop it, not encourage it further.


Agreed. :cool:

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tbh i agree, i didnt play it with the bandit skin ad only started to play a few days ago, but everyone shoots me on sight and i cant even get a chance to live for more than a few hours after getting decent gear (unless i log off) i want to know who is an enemy or not without aiming at them because that just makes them want to shoot you.

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I think this misses the purpose of the game. It isn't supposed to be a deathmatch' date=' survivor vs. bandit or otherwise. The system won't encourage that and it shouldn't try to since that isn't really the point. If people are deathmatching then something should be done to stop it, not encourage it further.


The problem is that it will not stop unless you turn friendly fire off.

Deathmatching WILL NOT STOP unless you turn friendly fire OFF.

The only way to combat random deathmatching is to shift the player's attention elsewhere, and get him to focus on something else. If the focus of PvP is bandit on survivor then survivors should be able to band together so they have a better chance of out surviving lone bandits and bandit groups.

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stop trying to ruin the game carebear. NOT EVERYONE SHOOTS ON SIGHT. NOT EVERYONES A BANDIT.

so tired of seeing people say oh "90% of people shoot on sight". No they dont. Tons of times i have not been shot on sight.

honestly if i had to guess i would say its 50/50 as it should be.

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stop trying to ruin the game carebear. NOT EVERYONE SHOOTS ON SIGHT. NOT EVERYONES A BANDIT.

so tired of seeing people say oh "90% of people shoot on sight". No they dont. Tons of times i have not been shot on sight.

honestly if i had to guess i would say its 50/50 as it should be.

Yea, not everyone shot on sight prior to Bandit removal. I even pointed my m4 cco SD at some guy at stary sobor prior to bandit removal and he didn't kill me.

Now 90% of players kill on sight due to bitterness and community corruption. When I say community corruption I mean too many of us have been shot on sight, so now we shoot on sight out of fear and bitterness. This is what I have experienced. I have not run into one friendly player since 1.5.8 and this is not a generalization or exaggeration.

You are also not responding professionally. Starting off your post with an insult just makes you look stupid and ignorant.

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stop trying to ruin the game carebear. NOT EVERYONE SHOOTS ON SIGHT. NOT EVERYONES A BANDIT.

so tired of seeing people say oh "90% of people shoot on sight". No they dont. Tons of times i have not been shot on sight.

honestly if i had to guess i would say its 50/50 as it should be.

Yea' date=' not everyone shot on sight prior to Bandit removal. I even pointed my m4 cco SD at some guy at stary sobor prior to bandit removal and he didn't kill me.

Now 90% of players kill on sight due to bitterness and community corruption. When I say community corruption I mean too many of us have been shot on sight, so now we shoot on sight out of fear and bitterness.


yeah must be 90%. considering that the past 10 people i've ran into 9/10 of them have not shot me on sight. because people are using Direct Comm and people not carrying weapons at the start.

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yeah must be 90%. considering that the past 10 people i've ran into 9/10 of them have not shot me on sight. because people are using Direct Comm and people not carrying weapons at the start.

I do hope you read what I added at the end of my previous post.

Well this is what you have experienced, and what I have experienced is different from others. I have read many posts that are similar to my experiences however.

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maybe people should start using direct comms when they're next to a hotspot loot area in electro/cherno.

You know, instead of HERP DERPING through the entrance and startling whoever might be inside.

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maybe people should start using direct comms when they're next to a hotspot loot area in electro/cherno.

You know' date=' instead of HERP DERPING through the entrance and startling whoever might be inside.


So now you're alerting a potential bandit of your location. Not the wisest thing to do. And what if you don't have a mic? What are you supposed to do?

Before bandits were removed I shared loot with lots of survivors in supermarkets, now you get shot inside one no matter what. Why? Because you can differentiate friend from foe. Now everyone is an enemy

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+1 from me and a 5 star rating, I m tired of only being friends with people in my gaming clan on this game, in fact we even got our own 10 man private/locked server just so we don't have to deal with a random "pubbers" coming in and killing us for fun. This is whats killing the game for me right now, I have been playing this mod for 1 week now, I have died 8 times total, 6 of them have been to other players, 2 times were to zombies.

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If you choose to shoot on sight that's a decision for you or your opponent to make, not for the game to enforce.

Become scared of people for a while, change your tactics to minimise conflict.

Seriously, I've played the game for a week or more without encountering another player in that time. This is on full servers

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+1 from me and a 5 star rating' date=' I m tired of only being friends with people in my gaming clan on this game, in fact we even got our own 10 man private/locked server just so we don't have to deal with a random "pubbers" coming in and killing us for fun. This is whats killing the game for me right now, I have been playing this mod for 1 week now, I have died 8 times total, 6 of them have been to other players, 2 times were to zombies.


I also believe that it's because of the influx in new players who expect this game to just be a shoot 'em up video game. Nothing the devs can do to stop this of course :(

If you choose to shoot on sight that's a decision for you or your opponent to make' date=' not for the game to enforce.

Become scared of people for a while, change your tactics to minimise conflict.

Seriously, I've played the game for a week or more without encountering another player in that time. This is on full servers


That's not very fun. I've played the lone wolf a lot and camped up north, it is very dull. This is supposed to be a multiplayer mod where people do stuff whether it's forming alliances or killing a certain group of players they dislike. The shoot on sight mindset is what's killing this game for a lot of players, and it should be semi-enforced by the bandit system in my opinion.

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