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My opinion of the game in its current state

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This is an amazing game, I love it. I just started playing it only a few days ago, but it is the sort of thing I've been looking for, for a very, very long time.

And I was enjoying it, really. Until this recent update.... Here are my problems, you spawn us with no gun. Sure, thats fine not everyone in the world has a gun in their house, so this is a realistic addition. But give us SOME sort of weapon, being defenseless is just more annoying than it is challenging.

Secondly, you spawn us with only 1 bandage, this is reasonable, BUT it is way, WAY too easy for your character to start bleeding like he has a gash in his jugular. I mean, does it make much sense that a zombie touches you for a split second and your character starts losing 100 blood a second? I can use my ONE bandage on it, sure. But after that what am I supposed to do?

Thirdly, no food. This just doesn't make any sense whatsoever. What kind of idiot goes out in a zombie apocalypse without taking some food?

Fourthly, water/drinks. Same thing as my third point, what kind of idiot leaves home without some sort of beverage to quench his thirst?

Fifthly, ZOMBIES. Zombies as they stand right now are WAY too fast and maneuverable. Every time I have one running towards me its damn near impossible to land a shot because they strafe left to right when they run towards you. And then once they are finally in your sights, by now you've already been it... and now you're bleeding to your death because of one small scratch.... Use the bandage you say? Okay, I used my bandage. Now the sound of my gunshot has alerted more zombies, so I have 1-2 more running at me, doing the same strafing and I eventually get hit... again. Do you see where I'm going with this?

Those are my thoughts on its current state, now let me leave some suggestions.

1: Slow the zombies down a little - I can understand making them fast, sure, but having them run JUST as fast as me is a little ridiculous. I try to run out of town and turn to shoot the zombie, but since he runs just as fast as me, the second I turn around I get hit and now I'm bleeding to death..... >.>

2: Spawn us with SOMETHING - Being defenseless is understandable to an extent. It's a lot, a LOT of fun sneaking through town trying desperately to find a weapon. And I love the feeling of relief you get when you do find something. But with the way zombies are now, if you even get seen once, its over... UNLESS you spawned us with some sort of defense, like a melee weapon.

2: Make ''bleeding'' less likely to occur when taking a hit.

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agree with all of them, especially them zombies, trying to hit them from range when a mate draws them out is even harder aswell & yes we should spawn with a weapon, BUT only with 1 clip so we dont waste it an only use it as a last resort. oh and the bleeding, i dont wanna have to carry 4+ bandages on me when i need mags

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I have to disagree with those suggestions.

The game may seem a bit brutal at first, especially for inexperienced players... but that's how it should be.

Firstly - starting without a weapon makes the game less about PvP deathmatch encounters and more about surviving zombies and finding items. Players who encounter each other near the shoreline are much more likely to work together now than kill each other on sight.

Secondly - starting with next to nothing makes dying that little bit more frustrating. The upside of that is, you actually WANT to stay alive more when you have good loot so you don't have to go through the rough start again.

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I agree with points 1 and 3, I haven't experienced this new respawn yet so I can't comment on that.

I wonder if zombies should be made more numerous but also a lot more docile, that is, less likely to detect you and a lot slower, so you have the option to turn and run but still have a chance to kill a few and not get swamped.

I also find it annoying how easily you start bleeding. Perhaps you should only bleed after the second or third hit from a zombie or if being attacked by multiple zombies.

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1. I like spawning with no weapons makes it more intense

2. You shouldn't need to use these much if your playing right so 1 is fine and they spawn everywhere

3+4 You've just arrived on the coast you've probably drank and eaten it all, and been living off your own piss for a few days

5. If the zombies are running at you then run away, there easy to loose. Use hills building water to loose them firing at them just attracts more

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Thirdly' date=' no food. This just doesn't make any sense whatsoever. What kind of idiot goes out in a zombie apocalypse without taking some food?


I don't know what the official story is, but I've just played under the assumption that your initial spawn is when you've regained consciousness, or similar.

Maybe you left your safehouse due to running out of supplies like food, and passed out on the way. Or maybe someone stole your food after you passed out.

Or possibly you passed out before the apocalypse reached crisis state, and had no need to carry supplies.

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