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Inventory Issues

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Hi guys, lately I noticed I have some troubles organizing the stuffs in my backpack : when I've a main weapon, and I pick up another one I find by the way, it's like the weapon I've found replaces the one I still have, but the one I had disappears ( I don't even see it on the ground anymore ) and it doesn't get into the backpack, where I wanted it to be.

Have you ever had a problem like this? At this point I wonder if it's possible to pick up more than 1 weapon and put it in the backpack. Perhaps it is a bug?

Thanks ;)

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I always drop my gun and rearrange, lost many a gun doing what you said.

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Its a known issue. Mouse wheel to GEAR then when the window opens drag the one weapon to your weapon slot. This will drop your old weapon on the ground. You can also click on your backpack, then open bag and drag the new weapon into the backpack if you have ten free slots.

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