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Constant "You were kicked out of the server"

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Hello everyone.

I've been playing DayZ a lot since it was released and still enjoy playing it now on different maps like Namalsk or Taviana. I've recently come across one problem:

I'm constantly being kicked out of the Namalsk servers. First, I thought that It could be a problem with ArmA 2, ArmA 2: OA, DayZ mode or Namalsk itself. I reinstalled all of it and still was being kicked out. Then I came to a conclusion, that I was simply added to some sort of a global Namalsk banlist. I tried to find my GUID, serfing through the internet and found it in google. According to google it is in some sort of hack stream or banlist on https://wiki.fankser..../arma?export=1 .My GUID is ef6f8ee3898458ed8c2fbe48a261d289 .

I downloaded the file and found my GUID and nickname there. The file of the banlist( a bit shortend ,because it was too large, is attached to this topic).

In that txt file there are three lines saying this:


-1 17.02.2013 16:37:51:

lxF0ST3Rxl on 300+ Veh Server

I have never ever cheated in any game so far and especially in DayZ (Untill this moment I was even afraid to pick up cheater-spawned weapons, in order not to get banned).

This Banlist doesn't say the reason, like wallhack, god-mode or anything alike. I have a youtube channel (http://www.youtube.com/user/TheFrostUA) with few DayZ videos among the others and as You can see there, that i am not a cheater.

Is there any way I can get off that list?

I wouldn't have bothered all of You, who reads this and would have contacted Battle Eye or Bohemia Interactive, but it is not a global ban, but just a ban for most(not all) Namalsk servers.

I write it all here, because I don't really know what to do and hope that someone could help me.

Any help or piece of advice would be invaluable.


Edited by lxF0ST3Rxl
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