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Fps drops below 10 randomly every 30 seconds

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I have been playing dayz for a long time with no problems. Now all of the sudden my fps keeps dropping below 10 every 30 seconds with a yellow chain and it last for about 10 seconds or so. Its basically unplayable. I've check just about everything on the forum and can't find anything that helps. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I didn't change or download anything, it just started randomly happening yesterday.

Edited by jamaljenkins

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Same problem here.

I've noticed it only happens when I enter places that spawn zombies.. so maybe zombie spawning is the cause.

Anyway, I've yet to find a fix, and I doubt there is one. Unfortunately zombie/loot spawning isn't very CPU-friendly.

I'm sure this will be fixed or better optimized in the standalone. Only time will tell.

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@OP - Did you start playing on a different server by any chance?

@Cowboy - In the standalone all zombies and possibly loot will be spawned in on server restart.

Edited by mZLY

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Seems to be doing it on all servers. I've been trying to fix it all day. I was playing yesterday with no problems at all so I'm not sure what it could be.

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Connection problem maybe?

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Don't think so. I can play all of my other games with no problem and my internet isnt lagging at all.

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ARMA eats up a fair bit of bandwidth compared to other games so connection problems or inconsistancies are more noticeable. Have you tried rebooting your router?

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it could be the temperature, i had a similar problem a while ago on my laptop and found that it was getting extremely hot while playing dayZ. there are programs to download that tell you your pc/laptops temperatures etc. that may tell you the source of your problem. you if it's not that, then there's a huge variety of things it could be.

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