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Murder rate is dropping i.e. 1.7.1 isn't the Bandit Apocalypse you all feared

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Murder rate is probably down since buffed zombies, no food for a day, and quite a few servers aren't updated properly.

I have however noticed there are a ton of people purposely going out to kill unarmed players. On 3 separate servers, I've seen people killed within 5 minutes of spawning, then calling someone a mother fucker for killing them while unarmed. I've even had a guy waste 5 M9SD mags on me while I ran from him while being completely unarmed.

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So I failed to start keeping track of numbers right after the patch was released' date=' but over the last 8-12 or so hours there has been a .3% (EDIT: botched my numbers) decrease in murders per survival attempt, and by all indications it is still rising.

I mentioned the following points in another thread yesterday, a thread that claimed newbies would be slaughtered mercilessly on the coast:

"I've seen considerably LESS murders since the change. Newbies don't start with any items worth killing them over. And newbies that would feel inclined to go on wanton killing rampages no longer have the means. I was in Elektro last night, and saw 5+ deaths from zombies, and absolutely none from PKing.


This patch will significantly lower the murder rate if anything. You're so wrong it hurts."

If someone knows of a way to get the full numbers over the last few days that would be awesome. I'll be keeping this thread updated.

EDIT: Adding in the numbers I have

8:27 AM Mountain Daylight Time 6/18

4187712 survival attempts

758288 murders

17.8% of survivors die by murder

6:15 PM Mountain Daylight Time 6/18





I got shot three time on the coast while unarmed and with no relevant items on my body. All that on an interval of 30 min on three different servers. So I disagree with you and those statistics should not be considered valid.

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Agreed' date=' teaming up with strangers seems way safer now. Somehow, nobody seems to be shooting on sight anymore. Have gotten some insane large groups of strangers going. Starting without a weapon kinda humanizes the player.

I got shot three time on the coast while unarmed and with no relevant items on my body.

GET THE FUCK AWAY FORM THE COAST THE MOMENT YOU SPAWN. It was rule number one before the starting weapon got removed and still is the most important rule.

Fuck that shit, i hit respawn until im in cherno.

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Fuck that shit, i hit respawn until im in cherno.

Meh dude

Liked this thread very much. All that was missing was more math and a discussion on significance

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Maybe we all should collect the names of players who are killing unarmed players and place them on a bounty board.

With a list of these names then players can shoot the scum on site.

Shooting unarmed players tells you so much about the actual player's mind.

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