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Horrid Performance Issues, Poor Optimization?

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This is directed towards Rocket or anyone else on the development team that cares :heart: ? 99% GPU usage before patch, 20-30% GPU usage after patch making for very low frame rates even at the lowest of the low settings and before you ask, no reinstalling doesn't fix anything, playing at lowest settings doesn't help (it help's slightly but still not enough.) This is making it unplayable and kinda killed my fun with the game. I know that I am not the only one experiencing these issues and we would all like for something to be done? People, myself included, have higher end gaming computers that struggle to play this 4 or so year old game when I can go over to BF3 and play it at max settings with a constant 60+ FPS. I understand this is Alpha but still, please revert back to the previous optimization even if it is demanding on hardware. :@

AMD Athlon II X4 645 Processor 3.10GHz

8.00GB 1333mhz DDR3 (RAM)

Nvidia GTX 460 1GB DDR5 Factory Super Clocked

Windows 7 Professional 64-bit

Note: I'm open to suggestions on increasing frame rate? Tried it all as far as I know.

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