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Could anyone answer these questions?

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Hi, I have a few questions regarding server(s), for those that run them.

How's the multicore support for Arma 2/DayZ servers, and how many cores are your server(s) using?

What's the current CPU load for each server?

What's the average RAM being used by each server?

What is your average daily inbound and outbound bandwidth usage per 50 slots(server)?


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Multicore support in Arma 2 is, frankly, horrid. IIRC it never uses more then 2 cores and even then it pushes the majority of the load onto 1 core. RAM use for Arma 2 servers is relatively low and you can certainly get away with 2gb of RAM per server (Possibly less for small servers), not counting any RAM used by the host OS.

From what I understand of the other threads around here, a good Xeon server with CPUs running around 3ghz can expect to run 2 50 man servers if it has the bandwidth. The figures I've seen quoted tend to be around 2tb.

See also the thread in this forum explaining the requirements for a Dayz server. It answers most of your questions already.

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Multicore support in Arma 2 is' date=' frankly, horrid. IIRC it never uses more then 2 cores and even then it pushes the majority of the load onto 1 core. RAM use for Arma 2 servers is relatively low and you can certainly get away with 2gb of RAM per server (Possibly less for small servers), not counting any RAM used by the host OS.

From what I understand of the other threads around here, a good Xeon server with CPUs running around 3ghz can expect to run 2 50 man servers if it has the bandwidth. The figures I've seen quoted tend to be around 2tb.

See also the thread in this forum explaining the requirements for a Dayz server. It answers most of your questions already.


Bah, was hoping that multicore answer would be different :(

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tell me about it.

Im running a dual xeon 5670 with 12 cores and my 40 man server uses only 1 core!


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